import * as readline from "node:readline"; import ModuleManager from "./ModuleManager"; import LogBook from "./LogBook"; import JobQueue from "./JobQueue"; import JobStatistics from "./JobStatistics"; const logBook = LogBook.getPrimaryInstance(); process.removeAllListeners("uncaughtException"); process.on("uncaughtException", err => { if ( === "ECONNREFUSED" || === "UNCERTAIN_STATE") return; logBook.log({ message: err.message, type: "error", category: "uncaught-exceptions", data: { error: err.message ? { cause: err.cause, name:, stack: err.stack } : err } }); }); const moduleManager = ModuleManager.getPrimaryInstance(); const jobQueue = JobQueue.getPrimaryInstance(); moduleManager.startup(); // TOOD remove, or put behind debug option // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore global.moduleManager = moduleManager; // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore global.jobQueue = jobQueue; // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore = () => { process.exit(); }; setTimeout(async () => { const Model = await jobQueue.runJob("data", "getModel", { name: "abc" }); console.log("Model", Model); const abcs = await Model.find({}); console.log("Abcs", abcs); Model.create({ name: "Test name", someNumbers: [1, 2, 3, 4], songs: [], aNumber: 941 }); }, 100); // setTimeout(async () => { // const start =; // const x = []; // while (x.length < 1) { // x.push(jobQueue.runJob("stations", "addC", {}).catch(() => {})); // } // const y = await Promise.all(x); // console.log(y); // // const a = await jobQueue.runJob("stations", "addC", {}).catch(() => {}); // // console.log(555, a); // const difference = - start; // console.log({ difference }); // }, 100); // setTimeout(() => { // clearTimeout(interval); // }, 3000); // setTimeout(async () => { // const _id = "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b2"; // logBook.log("Find with no projection"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // } // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find with no projection, and a more advanced filter"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // "autofill.enabled": true // } // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find with array projection"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // }, // projection: ["name"] // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find with object boolean projection"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // }, // projection: { name: true }, // limit: 1 // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find with object number projection"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // }, // projection: { name: 1 } // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find with object number projection"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // }, // projection: { "autofill.enabled": true } // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find for testing casting"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // // "songs._id": "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b0" // // "songs._id": "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b2" // // songs: { // // _id: "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b0" // // } // // songs: { // // randomProperty: "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b0" // // } // "songs.obj.test": "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b0" // }, // // projection: { // // // songs: true, // // // someNumbers: false // // }, // limit: 1 // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find for testing with $in"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // _id // }, // allowedRestricted: true, // // projection: { // // // songs: true, // // // someNumbers: false // // }, // limit: 1 // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find for testing with $in"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // "songs._id": "6371212daf4e9f8fb14444b0" // }, // allowedRestricted: true, // // projection: { // // // songs: true, // // // someNumbers: false // // }, // limit: 1 // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // logBook.log("Find for testing with $in with numbers"); // await moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { // someNumbers: { $in: [54, 84] } // }, // limit: 1, // useCache: false // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // moduleManager // .runJob("data", "find", { // collection: "abc", // filter: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) }, // limit: 1 // }) // .then(console.log) // .catch(console.error); // }, 0); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, completer: (command: string) => { const parts = command.split(" "); const commands = ["eval "]; if (parts.length === 1) { const hits = commands.filter(c => c.startsWith(parts[0])); return [hits.length ? hits : commands, command]; } return []; }, removeHistoryDuplicates: true }); const shutdown = async () => { if (rl) { rl.removeAllListeners(); rl.close(); } await moduleManager.shutdown().catch(() => process.exit(1)); process.exit(0); }; process.on("SIGINT", shutdown); process.on("SIGQUIT", shutdown); process.on("SIGTERM", shutdown); const runCommand = (line: string) => { const [command, ...args] = line.split(" "); switch (command) { case "help": { console.log("Commands:"); console.log("status - Show module manager and job queue status"); console.log("stats - Shows jobs stats"); console.log("queue - Shows a table of all jobs in the queue"); console.log("active - Shows a table of all jobs currently running"); console.log("jobinfo - Print all info about a job"); console.log("eval - Run a command"); console.log("debug"); console.log("log - Change LogBook settings"); break; } case "status": { console.log("Module Manager Status:"); console.table(moduleManager.getStatus()); console.log("Job Queue Status:"); console.table(jobQueue.getStatus()); break; } case "stats": { console.log("Job Queue Stats:"); console.table(JobStatistics.getPrimaryInstance().getStats()); break; } case "queue": { const queueStatus = jobQueue.getQueueStatus().queue; if (queueStatus.length === 0) console.log("There are no jobs in the queue."); else console.log( `There are ${queueStatus.length} jobs in the queue.` ); console.table(queueStatus); break; } case "active": { const activeStatus = jobQueue.getQueueStatus().active; if (activeStatus.length === 0) console.log("There are no active jobs."); else console.log(`There are ${activeStatus.length} active jobs.`); console.table(activeStatus); break; } case "jobinfo": { if (args.length === 0) console.log("Please specify a jobId"); else { const jobId = args[0]; const job = jobQueue.getJob(jobId); if (!job) console.log("Job not found"); else { console.table(job.toJSON()); } } break; } case "eval": { const evalCommand = args.join(" "); console.log(`Running eval command: ${evalCommand}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval const response = eval(evalCommand); console.log(`Eval response: `, response); break; } case "debug": { // eslint-disable-next-line no-debugger debugger; break; } case "log": { const [output, key, action, ...values] = args; if ( output === undefined || key === undefined || action === undefined ) { console.log( `Missing required parameters (log [values])` ); break; } let value: any[] | undefined; if (values !== undefined && values.length >= 1) { value = => JSON.parse(_filter)); if (value.length === 1) [value] = value; } logBook // eslint-disable-next-line // @ts-ignore .updateOutput(output, key, action, value) .then(() => console.log("Successfully updated outputs")) .catch((err: Error) => console.log(`Error updating outputs "${err.message}"`) ); break; } default: { if (!/^\s*$/.test(command)) console.log(`Command "${command}" not found`); } } }; rl.on("line", runCommand);