'use strict'; process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR = `${__dirname}/config`; const async = require('async'); const fs = require('fs'); //const Discord = require("discord.js"); //const client = new Discord.Client(); const db = require('./logic/db'); const app = require('./logic/app'); const mail = require('./logic/mail'); const api = require('./logic/api'); const io = require('./logic/io'); const stations = require('./logic/stations'); const songs = require('./logic/songs'); const playlists = require('./logic/playlists'); const cache = require('./logic/cache'); const discord = require('./logic/discord'); const notifications = require('./logic/notifications'); const punishments = require('./logic/punishments'); const logger = require('./logic/logger'); const tasks = require('./logic/tasks'); const config = require('config'); let currentComponent; let initializedComponents = []; let lockdownB = false; process.on('uncaughtException', err => { if (lockdownB || err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED' || err.code === 'UNCERTAIN_STATE') return; console.log(`UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION: ${err.stack}`); }); const getError = (err) => { let error = 'An error occurred.'; if (typeof err === "string") error = err; else if (err.message) { if (err.message !== 'Validation failed') error = err.message; else error = err.errors[Object.keys(err.errors)].message; } return error; }; function lockdown() { if (lockdownB) return; lockdownB = true; initializedComponents.forEach((component) => { component._lockdown(); }); console.log("Backend locked down."); } function errorCb(message, err, component) { err = getError(err); lockdown(); discord.sendAdminAlertMessage(message, "#FF0000", message, true, [{name: "Error:", value: err, inline: false}, {name: "Component:", value: component, inline: true}]); //TODO Maybe due to lockdown this won't work, and what if the Discord module was the one that failed? } function moduleStartFunction() { logger.info("MODULE_START", `Starting to initialize component '${currentComponent}'`); } async.waterfall([ // setup our Discord module (next) => { currentComponent = 'Discord'; moduleStartFunction(); discord.init(config.get('apis.discord').token, config.get('apis.discord').loggingChannel, errorCb, () => { next(); }); }, // setup our Redis cache (next) => { currentComponent = 'Cache'; moduleStartFunction(); cache.init(config.get('redis').url, config.get('redis').password, errorCb, () => { next(); }); }, // setup our MongoDB database (next) => { initializedComponents.push(cache); currentComponent = 'DB'; moduleStartFunction(); db.init(config.get("mongo").url, errorCb, next); }, // setup the express server (next) => { initializedComponents.push(db); currentComponent = 'App'; moduleStartFunction(); app.init(next); }, // setup the mail (next) => { initializedComponents.push(app); currentComponent = 'Mail'; moduleStartFunction(); mail.init(next); }, // setup the socket.io server (all client / server communication is done over this) (next) => { initializedComponents.push(mail); currentComponent = 'IO'; moduleStartFunction(); io.init(next); }, // setup the punishment system (next) => { initializedComponents.push(io); currentComponent = 'Punishments'; moduleStartFunction(); punishments.init(next); }, // setup the notifications (next) => { initializedComponents.push(punishments); currentComponent = 'Notifications'; moduleStartFunction(); notifications.init(config.get('redis').url, config.get('redis').password, errorCb, next); }, // setup the stations (next) => { initializedComponents.push(notifications); currentComponent = 'Stations'; moduleStartFunction(); stations.init(next) }, // setup the songs (next) => { initializedComponents.push(stations); currentComponent = 'Songs'; moduleStartFunction(); songs.init(next) }, // setup the playlists (next) => { initializedComponents.push(songs); currentComponent = 'Playlists'; moduleStartFunction(); playlists.init(next) }, // setup the API (next) => { initializedComponents.push(playlists); currentComponent = 'API'; moduleStartFunction(); api.init(next) }, // setup the logger (next) => { initializedComponents.push(api); currentComponent = 'Logger'; moduleStartFunction(); logger.init(next) }, // setup the tasks system (next) => { initializedComponents.push(logger); currentComponent = 'Tasks'; moduleStartFunction(); tasks.init(next) }, // setup the frontend for local setups (next) => { initializedComponents.push(tasks); currentComponent = 'Windows'; moduleStartFunction(); if (!config.get("isDocker") && !(config.get("mode") === "development" || config.get("mode") === "dev")) { const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.listen(config.get("frontendPort")); const rootDir = __dirname.substr(0, __dirname.lastIndexOf("backend")) + "frontend/dist/build"; app.use(express.static(rootDir, { setHeaders: function(res, path) { if (path.indexOf('.html') !== -1) res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=0'); else res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=2628000'); } })); app.get("/*", (req, res) => { res.sendFile(`${rootDir}/index.html`); }); } if (lockdownB) return; next(); } ], (err) => { if (err && err !== true) { lockdown(); discord.sendAdminAlertMessage("An error occurred while initializing the backend server.", "#FF0000", "Startup error", true, [{name: "Error:", value: err, inline: false}, {name: "Component:", value: currentComponent, inline: true}]); console.error('An error occurred while initializing the backend server'); } else { discord.sendAdminAlertMessage("The backend server started successfully.", "#00AA00", "Startup", false, []); console.info('Backend server has been successfully started'); } });