import { reactive, ref, readonly } from "vue"; import { defineStore } from "pinia"; import { generateUuid } from "@common/utils/generateUuid"; import { forEachIn } from "@common/utils/forEachIn"; import { useWebsocketStore } from "./websocket"; import Model from "@/Model"; import { ModelFetcher } from "@/ModelFetcher"; /** * Pinia store for managing models */ export const useModelStore = defineStore("model", () => { const { runJob, subscribe, subscribeMany, unsubscribe, unsubscribeMany } = useWebsocketStore(); const models = reactive({}); const permissions = reactive({}); const createdSubcription = ref(null); const subscriptions = reactive({ created: {}, updated: {}, deleted: {} }); /** * Returns generic model permissions for the current user for a specific model type */ const getUserModelPermissions = async (modelName: string) => { if (permissions[modelName]) return permissions[modelName]; const data = await runJob("data.users.getModelPermissions", { modelName }); permissions[modelName] = data; return permissions[modelName]; }; /** * Checks if we have a specific generic permission for a specific model type */ const hasPermission = async (modelName: string, permission: string) => { const data = await getUserModelPermissions(modelName); return !!data[permission]; }; /** * This functions gets called when the backend notifies us that a model was created * We then notify every subscription in the frontend about it */ const onCreatedCallback = async (modelName: string, data) => { if (!subscriptions.created[modelName]) return; await forEachIn( Object.values(subscriptions.created[modelName]), async subscription => subscription(data) // TODO: Error handling ); }; /** * This functions gets called when the backend notifies us that a model was updated * We then notify every subscription in the frontend about it */ const onUpdatedCallback = async (modelName: string, { doc }) => { const model = models[modelName] && models[modelName][doc._id]; if (model) model.updateData(doc); if (!subscriptions.updated[modelName]) return; await forEachIn( Object.values(subscriptions.updated[modelName]), async subscription => subscription(data) // TODO: Error handling ); }; /** * This functions gets called when the backend notifies us that a model was deleted * We then notify every subscription in the frontend about it */ const onDeletedCallback = async (modelName: string, data) => { const { oldDoc } = data; if (subscriptions.deleted[modelName]) await forEachIn( Object.values(subscriptions.deleted[modelName]), async subscription => subscription(data) // TODO: Error handling ); const model = models[modelName] && models[modelName][oldDoc._id]; // TODO how does this work with addUse? if (model) await unregisterModels(modelName, oldDoc._id); // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define }; /** * Subscribes the provided callback to model creation events * The provided callback will be called when the backend notifies us that a model of the provided type is created */ const onCreated = async ( modelName: string, callback: (data?: any) => any ) => { if (!createdSubcription.value) createdSubcription.value = await subscribe( `model.${modelName}.created`, data => onCreatedCallback(modelName, data) ); const uuid = generateUuid(); subscriptions.created[modelName] ??= {}; subscriptions.created[modelName][uuid] = callback; return uuid; }; /** * Subscribes the provided callback to model update events * The provided callback will be called when the backend notifies us that a model of the provided type is updated */ const onUpdated = async ( modelName: string, callback: (data?: any) => any ) => { const uuid = generateUuid(); subscriptions.updated[modelName] ??= {}; subscriptions.updated[modelName][uuid] = callback; return uuid; }; /** * Subscribes the provided callback to model deletion events * The provided callback will be called when the backend notifies us that a model of the provided type is deleted */ const onDeleted = async ( modelName: string, callback: (data?: any) => any ) => { const uuid = generateUuid(); subscriptions.deleted[modelName] ??= {}; subscriptions.deleted[modelName][uuid] = callback; return uuid; }; /** * Allows removing a specific subscription, so the callback of that subscription is no longer called when the backend notifies us * For type created, we also unsubscribe to events from the backend * For type updated/deleted, we are subscribed to specific model id updated/deleted events, those are not unsubscribed when * there's no subscriptions in the frontend actually using them */ const removeCallback = async ( modelName: string, type: "created" | "updated" | "deleted", uuid: string ) => { if ( !subscriptions[type][modelName] || !subscriptions[type][modelName][uuid] ) return; delete subscriptions[type][modelName][uuid]; if ( type === "created" && Object.keys(subscriptions.created[modelName]).length === 0 ) { await unsubscribe( `model.${modelName}.created`, createdSubcription.value ); createdSubcription.value = null; } }; /** * Returns the model for the provided name and id * First tries to get the model from the already loaded models * If it's not already loaded, it fetches it from the backend * * Does not register the model that was fetched * * // TODO return value? */ const findById = async (modelName: string, modelId: string) => { const existingModel = models[modelName] && models[modelName][modelId]; if (existingModel) return existingModel; const [model] = (await ModelFetcher.fetchModelsByIds(modelName, [ modelId ])) as unknown[]; return model; }; /** * Returns a list of models based on the provided model name and ids * First tries to get all models from the already loaded models * If after that we miss any models, we fetch those from the backend, and return everything we found * * Does not register the models that were fetched */ const findManyById = async (modelName: string, modelIds: string[]) => { const existingModels = modelIds .map(modelId => models[modelName] && models[modelName][modelId]) .filter(model => !!model); const existingModelIds = => model._id); const missingModelIds = modelIds.filter( _id => !existingModelIds.includes(_id) ); let fetchedModels = []; if (missingModelIds.length > 0) fetchedModels = (await ModelFetcher.fetchModelsByIds( modelName, missingModelIds )) as unknown[]; const allModels = existingModels.concat(fetchedModels); // Warning: returns models and direct results return Object.fromEntries( => [ modelId, allModels.find(model => model._id === modelId) ]) ); }; /** * Removes models locally if no one else is still using it * Also unsubscribes to any updated/deleted subscriptions */ const unregisterModels = async ( modelName: string, modelIdOrModelIds: string | string[] ) => { const modelIds = Array.isArray(modelIdOrModelIds) ? modelIdOrModelIds : [modelIdOrModelIds]; const removeModels = []; await forEachIn(modelIds, async modelId => { if (!models[modelName] || !models[modelName][modelId]) return; const model = models[modelName][modelId]; model.removeUse(); if (model.getUses() > 1) return; // TODO only do this after a grace period removeModels.push(model); }); if (removeModels.length === 0) return; await forEachIn(removeModels, async model => model.unregisterRelations() ); const subscriptions = Object.fromEntries( removeModels.flatMap(model => { const { updated, deleted } = model.getSubscriptions() ?? {}; return [ [ updated, `model.${model.getName()}.updated.${model.getId()}` ], [ deleted, `model.${model.getName()}.deleted.${model.getId()}` ] ]; }) ); await unsubscribeMany(subscriptions); await forEachIn(removeModels, async removeModel => { const { _id: modelIdToRemove } = removeModel; if (!models[modelName] || !models[modelName][modelIdToRemove]) return; delete models[modelName][modelIdToRemove]; }); }; /** * Registers models/documents * If any models/documents already exist, increments the use counter, and tries to load any potentially missing relations * For documents that don't already exist, registers them locally, adds subscriptions for updated/deleted events, * increments the use counter, and loads any potential relations */ const registerModels = async ( documentsOrModels: any[], relations?: Record ): Promise => {"Register models", documentsOrModels, relations); const existingModels = documentsOrModels .map(({ _name, _id }) => models[_name] ? models[_name][_id] ?? null : null ) .filter(model => !!model); await forEachIn(existingModels, async model => { model.addUse(); if (relations && relations[model._name]) await model.loadRelations(relations[model._name]); }); if (documentsOrModels.length === existingModels.length) return existingModels; const missingDocuments = documentsOrModels.filter( ({ _name, _id }) => !models[_name] || !models[_name][_id] ); const channels = Object.fromEntries( missingDocuments.flatMap(({ _name, _id }) => [ [ `model.${_name}.updated.${_id}`, data => onUpdatedCallback(_name, data) ], [ `model.${_name}.deleted.${_id}`, data => onDeletedCallback(_name, data) ] ]) ); const subscriptions = Object.entries(await subscribeMany(channels)); const newModels = await forEachIn(missingDocuments, async document => { const { _name, _id } = document; const modelSubscriptions = subscriptions.filter( ([, { channel }]) => channel.startsWith(`model.${_name}`) && channel.endsWith(`.${_id}`) ); const [updated] = modelSubscriptions.find(([, { channel }]) => channel.includes(".updated.") ); const [deleted] = modelSubscriptions.find(([, { channel }]) => channel.includes(".deleted.") ); if (!updated || !deleted) return null; const model = reactive(new Model(document)); model.setSubscriptions(updated, deleted); model.addUse(); // TODO what if relations are relevant for some registers, but not others? Unregister if no register relies on a relation if (relations && relations[_name]) await model.loadRelations(relations[_name]); if (!models[_name]) { models[_name] = {}; } models[_name][_id] = model; return model; }); return existingModels.concat(newModels); }; /** * Registers a model or document * Helper function to be able to register a single model/document, simply calls registerModels */ const registerModel = async ( documentOrModel: any, relations?: Record ): Promise => { const [model] = await registerModels([documentOrModel], relations); return model; }; /** * Loads one or more models for a provided model name and a provided model id or model ids, optionally including any relations * First fetches models from the already loaded models * Tries to fetch any missing models from the backend */ const loadModels = async ( modelName: string, modelIdsOrModelId: string | string[], relations?: Record ): Promise> => { const modelIds = Array.isArray(modelIdsOrModelId) ? modelIdsOrModelId : [modelIdsOrModelId]; const existingModels = modelIds .map(_id => models[modelName] && models[modelName][_id]) .filter(model => !!model); const existingModelIds = => model._id); const missingModelIds = modelIds.filter( _id => !existingModelIds.includes(_id) ); "Load models", structuredClone(modelIds), structuredClone(existingModels), structuredClone(missingModelIds) ); const fetchedModels = await findManyById(modelName, missingModelIds); const registeredModels = await registerModels( Object.values(fetchedModels) .filter(model => !!model) .concat(existingModels), relations ); const modelsNotFound = modelIds .filter( modelId => !registeredModels.find(model => model.getId() === modelId) ) .map(modelId => [modelId, null]); return Object.fromEntries( registeredModels .map(model => [model.getId(), model]) .concat(modelsNotFound) ); }; return { models: readonly(models), permissions: readonly(permissions), subscriptions: readonly(subscriptions), onCreated, onUpdated, onDeleted, removeCallback, registerModel, registerModels, unregisterModels, loadModels, findById, findManyById, hasPermission }; });