123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745 |
- import async from "async";
- import config from "config";
- import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose";
- import hash from "object-hash";
- import { createClient, RedisClientType } from "redis";
- import JobContext from "src/JobContext";
- import BaseModule from "../BaseModule";
- import ModuleManager from "../ModuleManager";
- import { UniqueMethods } from "../types/Modules";
- import { Collections } from "../types/Collections";
- export default class DataModule extends BaseModule {
- collections?: Collections;
- redis?: RedisClientType;
- /**
- * Data Module
- *
- * @param moduleManager - Module manager class
- */
- public constructor(moduleManager: ModuleManager) {
- super(moduleManager, "data");
- }
- /**
- * startup - Startup data module
- */
- public override startup(): Promise<void> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- async.waterfall(
- [
- async () => super.startup(),
- async () => {
- const mongoUrl = config.get<string>("mongo.url");
- return mongoose.connect(mongoUrl);
- },
- async () => this.loadCollections(),
- async () => {
- if (this.collections) {
- await async.each(
- Object.values(this.collections),
- async collection =>
- collection.model.syncIndexes()
- );
- } else
- throw new Error("Collections have not been loaded");
- },
- async () => {
- const { url, password } = config.get<{
- url: string;
- password: string;
- }>("redis");
- this.redis = createClient({
- url,
- password
- });
- return this.redis.connect();
- },
- async () => {
- if (!this.redis)
- throw new Error("Redis connection not established");
- return this.redis.sendCommand([
- "GET",
- "notify-keyspace-events"
- ]);
- },
- async (redisConfigResponse: string[]) => {
- if (
- !(
- Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) &&
- redisConfigResponse[1] === "xE"
- )
- )
- throw new Error(
- `notify-keyspace-events is NOT configured correctly! It is set to: ${
- (Array.isArray(redisConfigResponse) &&
- redisConfigResponse[1]) ||
- "unknown"
- }`
- );
- },
- async () => super.started()
- ],
- err => {
- if (err) reject(err);
- else resolve();
- }
- );
- });
- }
- /**
- * shutdown - Shutdown data module
- */
- public override shutdown(): Promise<void> {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- super
- .shutdown()
- .then(async () => {
- // TODO: Ensure the following shutdown correctly
- if (this.redis) await this.redis.quit();
- await mongoose.connection.close(false);
- })
- .finally(() => resolve());
- });
- }
- /**
- * loadColllection - Import and load collection schema
- *
- * @param collectionName - Name of the collection
- * @returns Collection
- */
- private loadCollection<T extends keyof Collections>(
- collectionName: T
- ): Promise<Collections[T]> {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- import(`../collections/${collectionName.toString()}`).then(
- ({ schema }: { schema: Collections[T]["schema"] }) => {
- const mongoSchema = new Schema<
- Collections[T]["schema"]["document"]
- >(schema.document, {
- timestamps: schema.timestamps
- });
- const model = mongoose.model(
- collectionName.toString(),
- mongoSchema
- );
- // @ts-ignore
- resolve({
- // @ts-ignore
- schema,
- // @ts-ignore
- model
- });
- }
- );
- });
- }
- /**
- * loadCollections - Load and initialize all collections
- *
- * @returns Promise
- */
- private loadCollections(): Promise<void> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const fetchCollections = async () => ({
- abc: await this.loadCollection("abc")
- });
- fetchCollections()
- .then(collections => {
- this.collections = collections;
- resolve();
- })
- .catch(err => {
- reject(new Error(err));
- });
- });
- }
- /**
- * Returns the projection array/object that is one level deeper based on the property key
- *
- * @param projection The projection object/array
- * @param key The property key
- * @returns Array or Object
- */
- private getDeeperProjection(projection: any, key: string) {
- let deeperProjection;
- if (Array.isArray(projection))
- deeperProjection = projection
- .filter(property => property.startsWith(`${key}.`))
- .map(property => property.substr(`${key}.`.length));
- else if (typeof projection === "object")
- deeperProjection =
- projection[key] ??
- Object.keys(projection).reduce(
- (wipProjection, property) =>
- property.startsWith(`${key}.`)
- ? {
- ...wipProjection,
- [property.substr(`${key}.`.length)]:
- projection[property]
- }
- : wipProjection,
- {}
- );
- return deeperProjection;
- }
- /**
- * Whether a property is allowed in a projection array/object
- *
- * @param projection
- * @param property
- * @returns
- */
- private allowedByProjection(projection: any, property: string) {
- if (Array.isArray(projection))
- return projection.indexOf(property) !== -1;
- if (typeof projection === "object") return !!projection[property];
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Strip a document object from any unneeded properties, or of any restricted properties
- * If a projection is given
- *
- * @param document The document object
- * @param schema The schema object
- * @param projection The projection, which can be null
- * @returns
- */
- private async stripDocument(document: any, schema: any, projection: any) {
- // TODO add better comments
- // TODO add support for nested objects in arrays
- // TODO handle projection excluding properties, rather than assume it's only including properties
- const unfilteredEntries = Object.entries(document);
- const filteredEntries = await async.reduce(
- unfilteredEntries,
- [],
- async (memo, [key, value]) => {
- // If the property does not exist in the schema, return the memo
- if (!schema[key]) return memo;
- // Handle nested object
- if (schema[key].type === undefined) {
- // If value is null, it can't be an object, so just return its value
- if (!value) return [...memo, [key, value]];
- // Get the projection for the next layer
- const deeperProjection = this.getDeeperProjection(
- projection,
- key
- );
- // Generate a stripped document/object for the current key/value
- const strippedDocument = await this.stripDocument(
- value,
- schema[key],
- deeperProjection
- );
- // If the returned stripped document/object has keys, add the current key with that document/object to the memeo
- if (Object.keys(strippedDocument).length > 0)
- return [...memo, [key, strippedDocument]];
- // The current key has no values that should be returned, so just return the memo
- return memo;
- }
- // If we have a projection, check if the current key is allowed by it. If it is, add the key/value to the memo, otherwise just return the memo
- if (projection)
- return this.allowedByProjection(projection, key)
- ? [...memo, [key, value]]
- : memo;
- // If the property is restricted, return memo
- if (schema[key].restricted) return memo;
- // The property exists in the schema, is not explicitly allowed, is not restricted, so add it to memo
- return [...memo, [key, value]];
- }
- );
- return Object.fromEntries(filteredEntries);
- }
- /**
- * Parse a projection based on the schema and any given projection
- * If no projection is given, it will exclude any restricted properties
- * If a projection is given, it will exclude restricted properties that are not explicitly allowed in a projection
- * It will return a projection used in Mongo, and if any restricted property is explicitly allowed, return that we can't use the cache
- *
- * @param schema The schema object
- * @param projection The project, which can be null
- * @returns
- */
- private async parseFindProjection(projection: any, schema: any) {
- // The mongo projection object we're going to build
- const mongoProjection = {};
- // This will be false if we let Mongo return any restricted properties
- let canCache = true;
- // TODO add better comments
- // TODO add support for nested objects in arrays
- const unfilteredEntries = Object.entries(schema);
- await async.forEach(unfilteredEntries, async ([key, value]) => {
- // If we have a projection set:
- if (projection) {
- const allowed = this.allowedByProjection(projection, key);
- const { restricted } = value;
- // If the property is explicitly allowed in the projection, but also restricted, find can't use cache
- if (allowed && restricted) {
- canCache = false;
- }
- // If the property is restricted, but not explicitly allowed, make sure to have mongo exclude it. As it's excluded from Mongo, caching isn't an issue for this property
- else if (restricted) {
- mongoProjection[key] = false;
- }
- // If the current property is a nested object
- else if (value.type === undefined) {
- // Get the projection for the next layer
- const deeperProjection = this.getDeeperProjection(
- projection,
- key
- );
- // Parse projection for the current value, so one level deeper
- const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
- deeperProjection,
- value
- );
- // If the parsed projection mongo projection contains anything, update our own mongo projection
- if (
- Object.keys(parsedProjection.mongoProjection).length > 0
- )
- mongoProjection[key] = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
- // If the parsed projection says we can't use the cache, make sure we can't use cache either
- canCache = canCache && parsedProjection.canCache;
- }
- }
- // If we have no projection set, and the current property is restricted, exclude the property from mongo, but don't say we can't use the cache
- else if (value.restricted) mongoProjection[key] = false;
- // If we have no projection set, and the current property is not restricted, and the current property is a nested object
- else if (value.type === undefined) {
- // Pass the nested schema object recursively into the parseFindProjection function
- const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
- null,
- value
- );
- // If the returned mongo projection includes anything special, include it in the mongo projection we're returning
- if (Object.keys(parsedProjection.mongoProjection).length > 0)
- mongoProjection[key] = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
- // Since we're not passing a projection into parseFindProjection, there's no chance that we can't cache
- }
- });
- return {
- canCache,
- mongoProjection
- };
- }
- /**
- * parseFindFilter - Ensure validity of filter and return a mongo filter ---, or the document itself re-constructed
- *
- * @param filter - Filter
- * @param schema - Schema of collection document
- * @param options - Parser options
- * @returns Promise returning object with query values cast to schema types
- * and whether query includes restricted attributes
- */
- private async parseFindFilter(
- filter: any,
- schema: any,
- options?: {
- operators?: boolean;
- }
- ): Promise<{
- mongoFilter: any;
- containsRestrictedProperties: boolean;
- canCache: boolean;
- }> {
- if (!filter || typeof filter !== "object")
- throw new Error(
- "Invalid filter provided. Filter must be an object."
- );
- const keys = Object.keys(filter);
- if (keys.length === 0)
- throw new Error(
- "Invalid filter provided. Filter must contain keys."
- );
- // Whether to parse operators or not
- const operators = !(options && options.operators === false);
- // The MongoDB filter we're building
- const mongoFilter: any = {};
- // If the filter references any properties that are restricted, this will be true, so that find knows not to cache the query object
- let containsRestrictedProperties = false;
- // Whether this filter is cachable or not
- let canCache = true;
- // Operators at the key level that we support right now
- const allowedKeyOperators = ["$or", "$and"];
- // Operators at the value level that we support right now
- const allowedValueOperators = ["$in"];
- // Loop through all key/value properties
- await async.each(Object.entries(filter), async ([key, value]) => {
- // Key must be 1 character and exist
- if (!key || key.length === 0)
- throw new Error(
- `Invalid filter provided. Key must be at least 1 character.`
- );
- // Handle key operators, which always start with a $
- if (operators && key[0] === "$") {
- // Operator isn't found, so throw an error
- if (allowedKeyOperators.indexOf(key) === -1)
- throw new Error(
- `Invalid filter provided. Operator "${key}" is not allowed.`
- );
- // We currently only support $or and $and, but here we can have different logic for different operators
- if (key === "$or" || key === "$and") {
- // $or and $and should always be an array, so check if it is
- if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length === 0)
- throw new Error(
- `Key "${key}" must contain array of queries.`
- );
- // Add the operator to the mongo filter object as an empty array
- mongoFilter[key] = [];
- // Run parseFindQuery again for child objects and add them to the mongo query operator array
- await async.each(value, async _value => {
- const {
- mongoFilter: _mongoFilter,
- containsRestrictedProperties:
- _containsRestrictedProperties
- } = await this.parseFindFilter(_value, schema, options);
- // Actually add the returned filter object to the mongo query we're building
- mongoFilter[key].push(_mongoFilter);
- if (_containsRestrictedProperties)
- containsRestrictedProperties = true;
- });
- } else
- throw new Error(
- `Unhandled operator "${key}", this should never happen!`
- );
- } else {
- // Here we handle any normal keys in the query object
- // If the key doesn't exist in the schema, throw an error
- if (!Object.hasOwn(schema, key))
- throw new Error(
- `Key "${key} does not exist in the schema."`
- );
- // If the key in the schema is marked as restricted, containsRestrictedProperties will be true
- if (schema[key].restricted) containsRestrictedProperties = true;
- // Type will be undefined if it's a nested object
- if (schema[key].type === undefined) {
- // Run parseFindFilter on the nested schema object
- const {
- mongoFilter: _mongoFilter,
- containsRestrictedProperties:
- _containsRestrictedProperties
- } = await this.parseFindFilter(value, schema[key], options);
- mongoFilter[key] = _mongoFilter;
- if (_containsRestrictedProperties)
- containsRestrictedProperties = true;
- } else if (
- operators &&
- typeof value === "object" &&
- value &&
- Object.keys(value).length === 1 &&
- Object.keys(value)[0] &&
- Object.keys(value)[0][0] === "$"
- ) {
- // This entire if statement is for handling value operators
- const operator = Object.keys(value)[0];
- // Operator isn't found, so throw an error
- if (allowedValueOperators.indexOf(operator) === -1)
- throw new Error(
- `Invalid filter provided. Operator "${key}" is not allowed.`
- );
- // Handle the $in value operator
- if (operator === "$in") {
- mongoFilter[key] = {
- $in: []
- };
- if (value.$in.length > 0)
- mongoFilter[key].$in = await async.map(
- value.$in,
- async (_value: any) => {
- if (
- typeof schema[key].type === "function"
- ) {
- //
- // const Type = schema[key].type;
- // const castValue = new Type(_value);
- // if (schema[key].validate)
- // await schema[key]
- // .validate(castValue)
- // .catch(err => {
- // throw new Error(
- // `Invalid value for ${key}, ${err}`
- // );
- // });
- return _value;
- }
- throw new Error(
- `Invalid schema type for ${key}`
- );
- }
- );
- } else
- throw new Error(
- `Unhandled operator "${operator}", this should never happen!`
- );
- } else if (typeof schema[key].type === "function") {
- // Do type checking/casting here
- // const Type = schema[key].type;
- // // const castValue = new Type(value);
- // if (schema[key].validate)
- // await schema[key].validate(castValue).catch(err => {
- // throw new Error(`Invalid value for ${key}, ${err}`);
- // });
- mongoFilter[key] = value;
- } else throw new Error(`Invalid schema type for ${key}`);
- }
- });
- if (containsRestrictedProperties) canCache = false;
- return { mongoFilter, containsRestrictedProperties, canCache };
- }
- // TODO improve caching
- // TODO add support for computed fields
- // TODO parse query - validation
- // TODO add proper typescript support
- // TODO add proper jsdoc
- // TODO add support for enum document attributes
- // TODO add support for array document attributes
- // TODO add support for reference document attributes
- // TODO fix 2nd layer of schema
- /**
- * find - Get one or more document(s) from a single collection
- *
- * @param payload - Payload
- * @returns Returned object
- */
- public find<CollectionNameType extends keyof Collections>(
- context: JobContext,
- {
- collection, // Collection name
- filter, // Similar to MongoDB filter
- projection,
- limit = 0, // TODO have limit off by default?
- page = 1,
- useCache = true
- }: {
- collection: CollectionNameType;
- filter: Record<string, any>;
- projection?: Record<string, any> | string[];
- values?: Record<string, any>;
- limit?: number;
- page?: number;
- useCache?: boolean;
- }
- ): Promise<any | null> {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let queryHash: string | null = null;
- let cacheable = useCache !== false;
- let mongoFilter;
- let mongoProjection;
- async.waterfall(
- [
- // Verify whether the collection exists
- async () => {
- if (!collection)
- throw new Error("No collection specified");
- if (this.collections && !this.collections[collection])
- throw new Error("Collection not found");
- },
- // Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue
- async () => {
- const parsedFilter = await this.parseFindFilter(
- filter,
- this.collections![collection].schema.document
- );
- cacheable = cacheable && parsedFilter.canCache;
- mongoFilter = parsedFilter.mongoFilter;
- },
- // Verify whether the query is valid-enough to continue
- async () => {
- const parsedProjection = await this.parseFindProjection(
- projection,
- this.collections![collection].schema.document
- );
- console.log(222, parsedProjection);
- cacheable = cacheable && parsedProjection.canCache;
- mongoProjection = parsedProjection.mongoProjection;
- },
- // If we can use cache, get from the cache, and if we get results return those
- async () => {
- // If we're allowed to cache, and the filter doesn't reference any restricted fields, try to cache the query and its response
- if (cacheable) {
- // Turn the query object into a sha1 hash that can be used as a Redis key
- queryHash = hash(
- {
- collection,
- mongoFilter,
- limit,
- page
- },
- {
- algorithm: "sha1"
- }
- );
- // Check if the query hash already exists in Redis, and get it if it is
- const cachedQuery = await this.redis?.GET(
- `query.find.${queryHash}`
- );
- // Return the mongoFilter along with the cachedDocuments, if any
- return {
- cachedDocuments: cachedQuery
- ? JSON.parse(cachedQuery)
- : null
- };
- }
- return { cachedDocuments: null };
- },
- // If we didn't get documents from the cache, get them from mongo
- async ({ cachedDocuments }: any) => {
- if (cachedDocuments) {
- cacheable = false;
- return cachedDocuments;
- }
- // const getFindValues = async (object: any) => {
- // const find: any = {};
- // await async.each(
- // Object.entries(object),
- // async ([key, value]) => {
- // if (
- // value.type === undefined &&
- // Object.keys(value).length > 0
- // ) {
- // const _find = await getFindValues(
- // value
- // );
- // if (Object.keys(_find).length > 0)
- // find[key] = _find;
- // } else if (!value.restricted)
- // find[key] = true;
- // }
- // );
- // return find;
- // };
- // const find: any = await getFindValues(
- // this.collections![collection].schema.document
- // );
- // TODO, add mongo projection. Make sure to keep in mind caching with queryHash.
- return this.collections?.[collection].model
- .find(mongoFilter, mongoProjection)
- .limit(limit)
- .skip((page - 1) * limit);
- },
- // Convert documents from Mongoose model to regular objects
- async (documents: any[]) =>
- async.map(documents, async (document: any) =>
- document._doc ? document._doc : document
- ),
- // Add documents to the cache
- async (documents: any[]) => {
- // Adds query results to cache but doesnt await
- if (cacheable && queryHash) {
- this.redis!.SET(
- `query.find.${queryHash}`,
- JSON.stringify(documents),
- {
- EX: 60
- }
- );
- }
- return documents;
- },
- // Strips the document of any unneeded properties or properties that are restricted
- async (documents: any[]) =>
- async.map(documents, async (document: any) =>
- this.stripDocument(
- document,
- this.collections![collection].schema.document,
- projection
- )
- )
- ],
- (err, documents?: any[]) => {
- if (err) reject(err);
- else if (!documents || documents!.length === 0)
- resolve(limit === 1 ? null : []);
- else resolve(limit === 1 ? documents![0] : documents);
- }
- );
- });
- }
- }
- export type DataModuleJobs = {
- [Property in keyof UniqueMethods<DataModule>]: {
- payload: Parameters<UniqueMethods<DataModule>[Property]>[1];
- returns: Awaited<ReturnType<UniqueMethods<DataModule>[Property]>>;
- };
- };