123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- import config from "config";
- // const moduleManager = require('../../../index');
- import mail from "../index";
- /**
- * Sends a verify email email
- *
- * @param {string} to - the email address of the recipient
- * @param {string} username - the username of the recipient
- * @param {string} code - the email reset code of the recipient
- * @param {Function} cb - gets called when an error occurred or when the operation was successful
- */
- export default (to, username, code, cb) => {
- const data = {
- from: "Musare <noreply@musare.com>",
- to,
- subject: "Please verify your email",
- html: `
- Hello there ${username},
- <br>
- <br>
- To verify your email, please visit <a href="${config.get("serverDomain")}/auth/verify_email?code=${code}">${config.get(
- "serverDomain"
- )}/auth/verify_email?code=${code}</a>.
- `
- };
- mail.runJob("SEND_MAIL", { data })
- .then(() => cb())
- .catch(err => cb(err));
- };