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Environment Variables

Environment variables are the means of configuring application services, particularly with our standard Docker environment.

For our standard Docker setup variables should be defined in .env, an example can be found in .env.example. After updating values containers should be restarted. If you are using another setup you will need to define the relevant environment variables yourself.

In the table below the container host refers to the IP address that the Docker container listens on, setting this to for example will only expose the configured port to localhost, whereas setting to will expose the port on all interfaces.

The container port refers to the external Docker container port, used to access services within the container. Changing this does not require any changes to configuration within container. For example setting the MONGO_PORT to 21018 will allow you to access the mongo service through that port, even though the application within the container is listening on 21017.

Property Description
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME Should be a unique name for this installation, especially if you have multiple instances of Musare on the same machine.
RESTART_POLICY Restart policy for Docker containers, values can be found here.
CONTAINER_MODE Should be either production or development.
DOCKER_COMMAND Should be either docker or podman.
BACKEND_HOST Backend container host.
BACKEND_PORT Backend container port.
FRONTEND_HOST Frontend container host.
FRONTEND_PORT Frontend container port.
FRONTEND_CLIENT_PORT Should be the port on which the frontend will be accessible from, usually port 80, or 443 if using SSL. Only used when running in development mode.
FRONTEND_DEV_PORT Should be the port where Vite's dev server will be accessible from, should always be port 81 for Docker since nginx listens on port 80, and is recommended to be port 80 for non-Docker. Only used when running in development mode.
FRONTEND_MODE Should be either production or development.
FRONTEND_PROD_DEVTOOLS Whether to enable Vue dev tools in production builds. [^1]
MONGO_HOST Mongo container host.
MONGO_PORT Mongo container port.
MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD Password of the root/admin user for MongoDB.
MONGO_USER_USERNAME Application username for MongoDB.
MONGO_USER_PASSWORD Application password for MongoDB.
MONGO_DATA_LOCATION The location where MongoDB stores its data. Usually the .db folder inside the Musare folder.
MONGO_VERSION The MongoDB version to use for scripts and docker-compose. Must be numerical. Currently supported MongoDB versions are 4.0+. Always backup before changing this value.
REDIS_HOST Redis container host.
REDIS_PORT Redis container port.
REDIS_PASSWORD Redis password.
REDIS_DATA_LOCATION The location where Redis stores its data. Usually the .redis folder inside the Musare folder.
BACKUP_LOCATION Directory to store backups. Defaults to /backups in script location.
BACKUP_NAME Name of backup files. Defaults to musare-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%s").dump.
MUSARE_SITENAME Should be the name of the site. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_VERSION Log the current package.json version. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_REMOTE Log the current Git repository's remote. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_REMOTE_URL Log the current Git repository's remote URL. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_BRANCH Log the current Git repository's branch. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT Log the current Git repository's latest commit hash. [^1]
MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT_SHORT Log the current Git repository's latest commit hash (short). [^1]

[^1]: If value is changed the frontend will require a rebuild in production mode.

Backend Config

The backend config serves as the primary configuration means of the application, the default values can be found in backend/config/default.json.

To overwrite these create a local config e.g. backend/config/local.json and define key/values. A basic template can be found in backend/config/template.json.

If the default configuration changes so will the configVersion. When updating please refer to the default.json, make any required changes to your local.json and update your configVersion.

Some configuration values inherit from Environment Variables and can not be overwritten with local.json. These values can be found in backend/config/custom-environment-variables.json.

Property Description
configVersion Version of the config. Every time the template changes, you should change your config accordingly and update the configVersion.
migration Set to true if you need to update MongoDB documents to a newer version after an update. Should be false at all other times.
secret Set to something unique and secure - used by express's session module.
port The port the backend will listen on, should always be 8080 for Docker, and is recommended for non-Docker. Hostname used to access application, e.g. localhost. Should be true if served securely behind SSL, otherwise false.
cookie Name of the cookie stored for sessions.
sitename Should be the name of the site. YouTube Data API v3 key, obtained from here. Minimum interval between YouTube API requests in milliseconds. YouTube API requests timeout in milliseconds. The amount of retries to perform of a failed YouTube API request. Array of YouTube API quotas. YouTube API quota type, should be one of QUERIES_PER_DAY, QUERIES_PER_MINUTE or QUERIES_PER_100_SECONDS. YouTube API quota title. YouTube API quota limit. Maximum pages to fetch from YouTube playlists.
apis.spotify.clientId Spotify API clientId, obtained from here.
apis.spotify.clientSecret Spotify API clientSecret, obtained with clientId.
apis.spotify.rateLimit Minimum interval between Spotify API requests in milliseconds.
apis.spotify.requestTimeout Spotify API requests timeout in milliseconds.
apis.spotify.retryAmount The amount of retries to perform of a failed Spotify API request.
apis.soundcloud.rateLimit Minimum interval between SoundCloud API requests in milliseconds.
apis.soundcloud.requestTimeout SoundCloud API requests timeout in milliseconds.
apis.soundcloud.retryAmount The amount of retries to perform of a failed SoundCloud API request.
apis.recaptcha.enabled Whether to enable ReCaptcha at email registration.
apis.recaptcha.key ReCaptcha Site v3 key, obtained from here.
apis.recaptcha.secret ReCaptcha Site v3 secret, obtained with key.
apis.github.enabled Whether to enable GitHub authentication.
apis.github.client GitHub OAuth Application client, obtained from here.
apis.github.secret GitHub OAuth Application secret, obtained with client.
apis.github.redirect_uri The authorization callback url is the backend url with /auth/github/authorize/callback appended, for example http://localhost/backend/auth/github/authorize/callback. This is automatically configured based on url config by default.
apis.discogs.enabled Whether to enable Discogs API usage.
apis.discogs.client Discogs Application client, obtained from here.
apis.discogs.secret Discogs Application secret, obtained with client.
cors.origin Array of allowed request origin urls, for example http://localhost. The configured url is automatically inserted.
mail.enabled Whether sending emails and related functionality (e.g. password resets) is enabled.
mail.from The from field for mails sent from backend. Automatically configured based on config to be {sitename} <noreply@{}> by default. SMTP Host
mail.smtp.port SMTP Port
mail.smtp.auth.user SMTP Username
mail.smtp.auth.pass SMTP Password Whether SMTP is secured.
redis Redis connection object.
redis.url Should be left as default for Docker installations, else changed to redis://localhost:6379/0.
redis.password Redis password.
mongo.user MongoDB username.
mongo.password MongoDB password. MongoDB host.
mongo.port MongoDB port.
mongo.database MongoDB database name.
blacklistedCommunityStationNames Array of blacklisted community station names.
featuredPlaylists Array of featured playlist id's. Playlist privacy must be public.
messages.accountRemoval Message to return to users on account removal. Whether to enable christmas theming.
footerLinks Add custom links to footer by specifying "title": "url", e.g. "GitHub": "". You can disable about, team and news links (but not the pages themselves) by setting them to false, e.g. "about": false.
shortcutOverrides Overwrite keyboard shortcuts, for example "editSong.useAllDiscogs": { "keyCode": 68, "ctrl": true, "alt": true, "shift": false, "preventDefault": true }.
registrationDisabled If set to true, users can't register accounts.
sendDataRequestEmails If true all admin users will be sent an email if a data request is received. Requires mail to be enabled and configured.
skipConfigVersionCheck Skips checking if the config version is outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false.
skipDbDocumentsVersionCheck Skips checking if there are any DB documents outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false.
debug.stationIssue If set to true it will enable the /debug_station API endpoint on the backend, which provides information useful to debugging stations not skipping, as well as capture all jobs specified in debug.captureJobs.
debug.traceUnhandledPromises Enables the trace-unhandled package, which provides detailed information when a promise is unhandled.
debug.captureJobs Array of jobs to capture for debug.stationIssue.
debug.git.remote Log the current Git repository's remote.
debug.git.remoteUrl Log the current Git repository's remote URL.
debug.git.branch Log the current Git repository's branch.
debug.git.latestCommit Log the current Git repository's latest commit hash.
debug.git.latestCommitShort Log the current Git repository's latest commit hash (short).
debug.version Log the current package.json version.
defaultLogging.hideType Filters out specified message types from log, for example INFO, SUCCESS, ERROR and STATION_ISSUE.
defaultLogging.blacklistedTerms Filters out messages containing specified terms from log, for example success.
customLoggingPerModule.[module].hideType Where [module] is a module name specify hideType as you would defaultLogging.hideType to overwrite default.
customLoggingPerModule.[module].blacklistedTerms Where [module] is a module name specify blacklistedTerms as you would defaultLogging.blacklistedTerms to overwrite default.
experimental.weight_stations Experimental option to use weights when autofilling stations, looking at the weight[X] tag for songs. Must be an object, key must be station id's, value can be true or a string. If true, it uses tag name weight. If a string, it uses that string as the tag name.
experimental.queue_autofill_skip_last_x_played Experimental option to not autofill songs that were played recently. Must be an object, key must be station id's, value must be a number. The number equals how many songs it will consider recent and use when checking if it can autofill.
experimental.queue_add_before_autofilled Experimental option to have requested songs in queue appear before autofilled songs, based on the autofill number. Must be true or an object. If true, it's enabled for all stations. If an object, key must be station id's, value must be true to enable for that station.
experimental.disable_youtube_search Experimental option to disable YouTube search.
experimental.registration_email_whitelist Experimental option to limit registration to users with an email matching any regex defined in an array.
experimental.changable_listen_mode Experimental option to allows users on stations to close the player. If true, enables for all stations. If an array of station id's, enable for just those stations.
experimental.media_session Experimental option to enable media session functionality.
experimental.station_history Experimental feature to record playback history of stations, in addition to preventing recently played songs.
experimental.soundcloud Experimental SoundCloud integration.
experimental.spotify Experimental Spotify integration.

Docker-compose override

You may want to override the docker-compose files in some specific cases. For this, you can create a docker-compose.override.yml file.

For example, to expose the backend port:

      - "${BACKEND_HOST}:${BACKEND_PORT}:8080"

This assumes that you have also set BACKEND_PORT inside your .env file.