5.2 KB


Musare can be installed with Docker (recommended) or without, guides for both installations can be found below.

To update an existing installation please see Upgrading.




  1. git clone
  2. cd Musare
  3. Configure
  4. ./ build
  5. ./ start
  6. (optional) Register a new user on the website and grant the admin role by running ./ admin add USERNAME.

Fixing the "couldn't connect to docker daemon" error

  • Windows Only

    Some people have had issues while trying to execute the docker-compose command. To fix this, you will have to run docker-machine env default. This command will print various variables. At the bottom, it will say something similar to @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env default') DO @%i. Run this command in your shell. You will have to do this command for every shell you want to run docker-compose in (every session).




  1. git clone
  2. cd Musare
  3. Setup MongoDB
  4. Setup Redis
  5. Configure
  6. cd frontend && npm install && cd ..
  7. cd backend && npm install && cd ..
  8. Start services
    • Linux
      1. Execute systemctl start redis mongod
      2. Execute cd frontend && npm run dev and cd backend && npm run dev separately.
    • Windows
      • Automatic Run windows-start.cmd or just double click the windows-start.cmd file and all servers will automatically start up.
      • Manual
        1. Run startRedis.cmd and startMongo.cmd to start Redis and Mongo.
        2. Execute cd frontend && npm run dev and cd backend && npm run dev separately.
  9. (optional) Register a new user on the website and grant the admin role by running the following in the mongodb shell.

    use musare
    db.users.update({username: "USERNAME"}, {$set: {role: "admin"}})

    Setting up MongoDB

    • Windows Only
    1. In the root directory, create a folder called .database
    2. Create a file called startMongo.cmd in the root directory with the contents:

      "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath "C:\Path\To\Musare\.database"

      Make sure to adjust your paths accordingly.

    3. Start the database by executing the script startMongo.cmd you just made

    • Set up the MongoDB database itself
    1. Start MongoDB
      • Linux Execute systemctl start mongod
      • Windows Execute the startMongo.cmd script you just made
    2. Connect to Mongo from a command prompt

      mongo admin

    3. Create an admin user

          user: "admin",
          pwd: "PASSWORD_HERE",
          roles: [
                  role: "userAdminAnyDatabase",
                  db: "admin"
      1. Connect to the Musare database

      use musare

      1. Create the "musare" user
          user: "musare",
          pwd: "OTHER_PASSWORD_HERE",
          roles: [
                  role: "readWrite",
                  db: "musare"
    4. Exit


    5. Add the authentication

      • Linux
        1. Add auth=true to /etc/mongod.conf
        2. Restart MongoDB systemctl restart mongod
      • Windows
        1. In startMongo.cmd add --auth at the end of the first line
        2. Restart MongoDB

    Setting up Redis

    • Windows
    1. In the folder where you installed Redis, edit the file

      1. In there, look for the property notify-keyspace-events.
      2. Make sure that property is uncommented and has the value Ex.

        It should look like notify-keyspace-events Ex when done.

    2. Create a file called startRedis.cmd in the main folder with the contents:

      "C:\Path\To\Redis\redis-server.exe" "C:\Path\To\Redis\" "--requirepass" "PASSWORD"

      And again, make sure that the paths lead to the proper config and executable. Replace PASSWORD with your Redis password.

    • Linux
    • In /etc/redis/redis.conf
      1. Uncomment notify-keyspace-events and set its value to Ex.
      2. Uncomment requirepass foobared and replace foobared with your Redis password.
    • Restart Redis systemctl restart redis