@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { setActivePinia, createPinia } from "pinia";
+import { useLongJobsStore } from "@/stores/longJobs";
+describe("longJobs store", () => {
+ beforeEach(context => {
+ setActivePinia(createPinia());
+ context.longJobsStore = useLongJobsStore();
+ });
+ test("setJobs", ({ longJobsStore }) => {
+ const jobs = [
+ {
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "success",
+ message: "2 songs have been successfully verified"
+ }
+ ];
+ longJobsStore.setJobs(jobs);
+ expect(longJobsStore.activeJobs).toEqual(jobs);
+ });
+ test("setJob new", ({ longJobsStore }) => {
+ const job = {
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "success",
+ message: "2 songs have been successfully verified"
+ };
+ longJobsStore.setJob(job);
+ expect(longJobsStore.activeJobs).toEqual([job]);
+ });
+ test("setJob update", ({ longJobsStore }) => {
+ longJobsStore.setJob({
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "started",
+ message: "Verifying 2 songs.."
+ });
+ const updatedJob = {
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "success",
+ message: "2 songs have been successfully verified"
+ };
+ longJobsStore.setJob(updatedJob);
+ expect(longJobsStore.activeJobs).toEqual([updatedJob]);
+ });
+ test("setJob already removed", ({ longJobsStore }) => {
+ const job = {
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "success",
+ message: "2 songs have been successfully verified"
+ };
+ longJobsStore.setJob(job);
+ longJobsStore.removeJob("f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb");
+ longJobsStore.setJob(job);
+ expect(longJobsStore.activeJobs.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(longJobsStore.removedJobIds).toEqual([
+ "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb"
+ ]);
+ });
+ test("removeJob", ({ longJobsStore }) => {
+ longJobsStore.setJobs([
+ {
+ id: "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb",
+ name: "Bulk verifying songs",
+ status: "success",
+ message: "2 songs have been successfully verified"
+ }
+ ]);
+ longJobsStore.removeJob("f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb");
+ expect(longJobsStore.activeJobs.length).toBe(0);
+ expect(longJobsStore.removedJobIds).toContain(
+ "f9c51c9b-2709-4c79-8263-998026fd8afb"
+ );
+ longJobsStore.removeJob("e58fb1a6-14eb-4ce9-aed9-96c8afe17cbe");
+ expect(longJobsStore.removedJobIds).not.toContain(
+ "e58fb1a6-14eb-4ce9-aed9-96c8afe17cbe"
+ );
+ });