@@ -456,6 +456,36 @@ process.stdin.on("data", data => {
+ if (command.startsWith("jobinfo")) {
+ const parts = command.split(" ");
+ const uuid = parts[1];
+ let jobFound = null;
+ Object.keys(moduleManager.modules).forEach(moduleName => {
+ const module = moduleManager.modules[moduleName];
+ const task1 = module.jobQueue.runningTasks.find(task => task.job.uniqueId === uuid);
+ const task2 = module.jobQueue.queue.find(task => task.job.uniqueId === uuid);
+ const task3 = module.jobQueue.pausedTasks.find(task => task.job.uniqueId === uuid);
+ if (task1) jobFound = task1.job;
+ if (task2) jobFound = task2.job;
+ if (task3) jobFound = task3.job;
+ });
+ if (jobFound) {
+ let topParent = jobFound;
+ let levelsDeep = 0;
+ while (topParent.parentJob && topParent !== topParent.parentJob) {
+ topParent = jobFound.parentJob;
+ levelsDeep += 1;
+ }
+ console.log(
+ `Found job, displaying that job and the full tree from the top parent job. The job is ${levelsDeep} levels deep from the top parent.`
+ );
+ console.log(jobFound);
+ printJob(topParent, 1);
+ } else console.log("Could not find job in any running, queued or paused lists in any module.");
+ }
// if (command.startsWith("debug")) {
// }