const CoreClass = require("../../core.js"); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const config = require("config"); const regex = { azAZ09_: /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/, az09_: /^[a-z0-9_]+$/, emailSimple: /^[\x00-\x7F]+@[a-z0-9]+\.[a-z0-9]+(\.[a-z0-9]+)?$/, ascii: /^[\x00-\x7F]+$/, custom: (regex) => new RegExp(`^[${regex}]+$`), }; const isLength = (string, min, max) => { return !( typeof string !== "string" || string.length < min || string.length > max ); }; const bluebird = require("bluebird"); mongoose.Promise = bluebird; class DBModule extends CoreClass { constructor() { super("db"); } initialize() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.schemas = {}; this.models = {}; const mongoUrl = config.get("mongo").url; mongoose .connect(mongoUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true, useCreateIndex: true, reconnectInterval: 3000, reconnectTries: 10, }) .then(() => { this.schemas = { song: new mongoose.Schema(require(`./schemas/song`)), queueSong: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/queueSong`) ), station: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/station`) ), user: new mongoose.Schema(require(`./schemas/user`)), activity: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/activity`) ), playlist: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/playlist`) ), news: new mongoose.Schema(require(`./schemas/news`)), report: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/report`) ), punishment: new mongoose.Schema( require(`./schemas/punishment`) ), }; this.models = { song: mongoose.model("song",, queueSong: mongoose.model( "queueSong", this.schemas.queueSong ), station: mongoose.model( "station", this.schemas.station ), user: mongoose.model("user", this.schemas.user), activity: mongoose.model( "activity", this.schemas.activity ), playlist: mongoose.model( "playlist", this.schemas.playlist ), news: mongoose.model("news",, report: mongoose.model("report",, punishment: mongoose.model( "punishment", this.schemas.punishment ), }; mongoose.connection.on("error", (err) => { this.log("ERROR", err); }); mongoose.connection.on("disconnected", () => { this.log( "ERROR", "Disconnected, going to try to reconnect..." ); this.setStatus("RECONNECTING"); }); mongoose.connection.on("reconnected", () => { this.log("INFO", "Reconnected."); this.setStatus("READY"); }); mongoose.connection.on("reconnectFailed", () => { this.log( "INFO", "Reconnect failed, stopping reconnecting." ); // this.failed = true; // this._lockdown(); this.setStatus("FAILED"); }); // User this.schemas.user.path("username").validate((username) => { return ( isLength(username, 2, 32) && regex.custom("a-zA-Z0-9_-").test(username) ); }, "Invalid username."); this.schemas.user .path("email.address") .validate((email) => { if (!isLength(email, 3, 254)) return false; if (email.indexOf("@") !== email.lastIndexOf("@")) return false; return ( regex.emailSimple.test(email) && regex.ascii.test(email) ); }, "Invalid email."); // Station this.schemas.station.path("name").validate((id) => { return isLength(id, 2, 16) && regex.az09_.test(id); }, "Invalid station name."); this.schemas.station .path("displayName") .validate((displayName) => { return ( isLength(displayName, 2, 32) && regex.ascii.test(displayName) ); }, "Invalid display name."); this.schemas.station .path("description") .validate((description) => { if (!isLength(description, 2, 200)) return false; let characters = description.split(""); return ( characters.filter((character) => { return character.charCodeAt(0) === 21328; }).length === 0 ); }, "Invalid display name."); this.schemas.station.path("owner").validate({ validator: (owner) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.models.station.countDocuments( { owner: owner }, (err, c) => { if (err) reject( new Error( "A mongo error happened." ) ); else if (c >= 3) reject( new Error( "User already has 3 stations." ) ); else resolve(); } ); }); }, message: "User already has 3 stations.", }); /* this.schemas.station.path('queue').validate((queue, callback) => { //Callback no longer works, see station max count let totalDuration = 0; queue.forEach((song) => { totalDuration += song.duration; }); return callback(totalDuration <= 3600 * 3); }, 'The max length of the queue is 3 hours.'); this.schemas.station.path('queue').validate((queue, callback) => { //Callback no longer works, see station max count if (queue.length === 0) return callback(true); let totalDuration = 0; const userId = queue[queue.length - 1].requestedBy; queue.forEach((song) => { if (userId === song.requestedBy) { totalDuration += song.duration; } }); return callback(totalDuration <= 900); }, 'The max length of songs per user is 15 minutes.'); this.schemas.station.path('queue').validate((queue, callback) => { //Callback no longer works, see station max count if (queue.length === 0) return callback(true); let totalSongs = 0; const userId = queue[queue.length - 1].requestedBy; queue.forEach((song) => { if (userId === song.requestedBy) { totalSongs++; } }); if (totalSongs <= 2) return callback(true); if (totalSongs > 3) return callback(false); if (queue[queue.length - 2].requestedBy !== userId || queue[queue.length - 3] !== userId) return callback(true); return callback(false); }, 'The max amount of songs per user is 3, and only 2 in a row is allowed.'); */ // Song let songTitle = (title) => { return isLength(title, 1, 100); }; .path("title") .validate(songTitle, "Invalid title."); this.schemas.queueSong .path("title") .validate(songTitle, "Invalid title.");"artists").validate((artists) => { return !(artists.length < 1 || artists.length > 10); }, "Invalid artists."); this.schemas.queueSong .path("artists") .validate((artists) => { return !(artists.length < 0 || artists.length > 10); }, "Invalid artists."); let songArtists = (artists) => { return ( artists.filter((artist) => { return ( isLength(artist, 1, 64) && artist !== "NONE" ); }).length === artists.length ); }; .path("artists") .validate(songArtists, "Invalid artists."); this.schemas.queueSong .path("artists") .validate(songArtists, "Invalid artists."); let songGenres = (genres) => { if (genres.length < 1 || genres.length > 16) return false; return ( genres.filter((genre) => { return ( isLength(genre, 1, 32) && regex.ascii.test(genre) ); }).length === genres.length ); }; .path("genres") .validate(songGenres, "Invalid genres."); this.schemas.queueSong .path("genres") .validate(songGenres, "Invalid genres."); let songThumbnail = (thumbnail) => { if (!isLength(thumbnail, 1, 256)) return false; if (config.get("") === true) return thumbnail.startsWith("https://"); else return ( thumbnail.startsWith("http://") || thumbnail.startsWith("https://") ); }; .path("thumbnail") .validate(songThumbnail, "Invalid thumbnail."); this.schemas.queueSong .path("thumbnail") .validate(songThumbnail, "Invalid thumbnail."); // Playlist this.schemas.playlist .path("displayName") .validate((displayName) => { return ( isLength(displayName, 1, 32) && regex.ascii.test(displayName) ); }, "Invalid display name."); this.schemas.playlist .path("createdBy") .validate((createdBy) => { this.models.playlist.countDocuments( { createdBy: createdBy }, (err, c) => { return !(err || c >= 10); } ); }, "Max 10 playlists per user."); this.schemas.playlist.path("songs").validate((songs) => { return songs.length <= 5000; }, "Max 5000 songs per playlist."); this.schemas.playlist.path("songs").validate((songs) => { if (songs.length === 0) return true; return songs[0].duration <= 10800; }, "Max 3 hours per song."); // Report .path("description") .validate((description) => { return ( !description || (isLength(description, 0, 400) && regex.ascii.test(description)) ); }, "Invalid description."); resolve(); }) .catch((err) => { this.log("ERROR", err); reject(err); }); }); } GET_MODEL(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(this.models[payload.modelName]); }); } GET_SCHEMA(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(this.schemas[payload.schemaName]); }); } passwordValid(password) { return isLength(password, 6, 200); } } module.exports = new DBModule();