'use strict'; process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR = `${__dirname}/config`; const async = require('async'); const fs = require('fs'); const Discord = require("discord.js"); const client = new Discord.Client(); const db = require('./logic/db'); const app = require('./logic/app'); const mail = require('./logic/mail'); const api = require('./logic/api'); const io = require('./logic/io'); const stations = require('./logic/stations'); const songs = require('./logic/songs'); const playlists = require('./logic/playlists'); const cache = require('./logic/cache'); const notifications = require('./logic/notifications'); const logger = require('./logic/logger'); const tasks = require('./logic/tasks'); const config = require('config'); let currentComponent; process.on('uncaughtException', err => { //console.log(`ERROR: ${err.message}`); console.log(`ERROR: ${err.stack}`); }); client.on('ready', () => { discordClientCBS.forEach((cb) => { cb(); }); console.log(`DISCORD Logged in as ${client.user.username}!`); //this.logToDiscord("Lost connection to MongoDB. Crashing server.", "Database error", true, [{name: 'Error', value: 'MONGOERR: ERRCNNCT FAILED TO CONNECT', inline: false}], (err) => {console.log(err);}); }); client.login(config.get('apis.discord.token')); let discordClientCBS = []; const getDiscordClient = (cb) => { if (client.status === 0) return cb(); else discordClientCBS.push(cb); }; const logToDiscord = (message, color, type, critical, extraFields, cb = ()=>{}) => { getDiscordClient(() => { let richEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed(); richEmbed.setAuthor("Musare Logger", "https://musare.com/favicon-194x194.png", "https://musare.com"); richEmbed.setColor(color); richEmbed.setDescription(message); //richEmbed.setFooter("Footer", "https://musare.com/favicon-194x194.png"); //richEmbed.setImage("https://musare.com/favicon-194x194.png"); //richEmbed.setThumbnail("https://musare.com/favicon-194x194.png"); richEmbed.setTimestamp(new Date()); richEmbed.setTitle("MUSARE ALERT"); richEmbed.setURL("https://musare.com"); richEmbed.addField("Type:", type, true); richEmbed.addField("Critical:", (critical) ? 'True' : 'False', true); extraFields.forEach((extraField) => { richEmbed.addField(extraField.name, extraField.value, extraField.inline); }); /*client.channels.get(config.get('apis.discord.loggingChannel')).sendEmbed(richEmbed).then(() => { cb(); }).then((reason) => { cb(reason); });*/ }); }; async.waterfall([ // setup our Redis cache (next) => { currentComponent = 'Cache'; cache.init(config.get('redis').url, config.get('redis').password, () => { next(); }); }, // setup our MongoDB database (next) => { currentComponent = 'DB'; db.init(config.get("mongo").url, next); }, // setup the express server (next) => { currentComponent = 'App'; app.init(next); }, // setup the mail (next) => { currentComponent = 'Mail'; mail.init(next); }, // setup the socket.io server (all client / server communication is done over this) (next) => { currentComponent = 'IO'; io.init(next); }, // setup the notifications (next) => { currentComponent = 'Notifications'; notifications.init(config.get('redis').url, config.get('redis').password, next); }, // setup the stations (next) => { currentComponent = 'Stations'; stations.init(next) }, // setup the songs (next) => { currentComponent = 'Songs'; songs.init(next) }, // setup the playlists (next) => { currentComponent = 'Playlists'; playlists.init(next) }, // setup the API (next) => { currentComponent = 'API'; api.init(next) }, // setup the logger (next) => { currentComponent = 'Logger'; logger.init(next) }, // setup the tasks system (next) => { currentComponent = 'Tasks'; tasks.init(next) }, // setup the frontend for local setups (next) => { currentComponent = 'Windows'; if (!config.get("isDocker")) { const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.listen(80); const rootDir = __dirname.substr(0, __dirname.lastIndexOf("backend")) + "frontend\\build\\"; app.get("/*", (req, res) => { const path = req.path; fs.access(rootDir + path, function(err) { if (!err) { res.sendFile(rootDir + path); } else { res.sendFile(rootDir + "index.html"); } }); }); } next(); } ], (err) => { if (err && err !== true) { logToDiscord("An error occurred while initializing the backend server.", "#FF0000", "Startup error", true, [{name: "Error:", value: err, inline: false}, {name: "Component:", value: currentComponent, inline: true}]) console.error('An error occurred while initializing the backend server'); console.error(err); process.exit(); } else { logToDiscord("The backend server started successfully.", "#00AA00", "Startup", false); console.info('Backend server has been successfully started'); } });