'use strict'; const crypto = require('crypto'); const redis = require('redis'); const logger = require('./logger'); let pub = null; let sub = null; const subscriptions = []; const lib = { /** * Initializes the notifications module * * @param {String} url - the url of the redis server * @param {String} password - the password of the redis server * @param {Function} cb - gets called once we're done initializing */ init: (url, password, cb) => { pub = redis.createClient({ url, password }); sub = redis.createClient({ url, password }); sub.on('error', (err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(); }); sub.on('pmessage', (pattern, channel, expiredKey) => { logger.stationIssue(`PMESSAGE - Pattern: ${pattern}; Channel: ${channel}; ExpiredKey: ${expiredKey}`); subscriptions.forEach((sub) => { if (sub.name !== expiredKey) return; sub.cb(); }); }); sub.psubscribe('__keyevent@0__:expired'); cb(); }, /** * Schedules a notification to be dispatched in a specific amount of milliseconds, * notifications are unique by name, and the first one is always kept, as in * attempting to schedule a notification that already exists won't do anything * * @param {String} name - the name of the notification we want to schedule * @param {Integer} time - how long in milliseconds until the notification should be fired * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the notification has been scheduled */ schedule: (name, time, cb, station) => { if (!cb) cb = ()=>{}; time = Math.round(time); logger.stationIssue(`SCHEDULE - Time: ${time}; Name: ${name}; Key: ${crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex')}; StationId: ${station._id}; StationName: ${station.name}`); pub.set(crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex'), '', 'PX', time, 'NX', cb); }, /** * Subscribes a callback function to be called when a notification gets called * * @param {String} name - the name of the notification we want to subscribe to * @param {Function} cb - gets called when the subscribed notification gets called * @param {Boolean} unique - only subscribe if another subscription with the same name doesn't already exist * @return {Object} - the subscription object */ subscribe: (name, cb, unique = false, station) => { logger.stationIssue(`SUBSCRIBE - Name: ${name}; Key: ${crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex')}, StationId: ${station._id}; StationName: ${station.name}; Unique: ${unique}; SubscriptionExists: ${!!subscriptions.find((subscription) => subscription.originalName == name)};`); if (unique && !!subscriptions.find((subscription) => subscription.originalName == name)) return; let subscription = { originalName: name, name: crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex'), cb }; subscriptions.push(subscription); return subscription; }, /** * Remove a notification subscription * * @param {Object} subscription - the subscription object returned by {@link subscribe} */ remove: (subscription) => { let index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription); if (index) subscriptions.splice(index, 1); }, unschedule: (name) => { logger.stationIssue(`UNSCHEDULE - Name: ${name}; Key: ${crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex')}`); pub.del(crypto.createHash('md5').update(`_notification:${name}_`).digest('hex')); }, }; module.exports = lib;