# Configuration ## Environment Variables Environment variables are the means of configuring application services, particularly with our standard Docker environment. For our standard Docker setup variables should be defined in `.env`, an example can be found in `.env.example` (when updating please refer to this file). After updating values in `.env`, containers should be restarted or rebuilt. If you are using a different setup, you will need to define the relevant environment variables yourself. | Property | Description | | --- | --- | | `COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME` | Should be a unique name for this installation, especially if you have multiple instances of Musare on the same machine. | | `DOCKER_COMMAND` | Should be either `docker` or `podman`. | | `CONTAINER_MODE` | Should be either `production` or `local`. | | `APP_ENV` | Should be either `production` or `development`. | | `BACKEND_DEBUG` | Should be either `true` or `false`. If enabled backend will await debugger connection and trigger to start. | | `BACKEND_DEBUG_PORT` | Backend container debug port, if enabled. | | `FRONTEND_CLIENT_PORT` | Should be the port on which the frontend will be accessible from, usually port `80`, or `443` if using SSL. Only used when running in development mode. | | `FRONTEND_DEV_PORT` | Should be the port where Vite's dev server will be accessible from, should always be port `81` for Docker since nginx listens on port 80, and is recommended to be port `80` for non-Docker. Only used when running in development mode. | | `FRONTEND_PROD_DEVTOOLS` | Whether to enable Vue dev tools in production builds. [^1] | | `MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD` | Password of the root/admin user for MongoDB. | | `MONGO_USER_USERNAME` | Application username for MongoDB. | | `MONGO_USER_PASSWORD` | Application password for MongoDB. | | `MONGO_VERSION` | The MongoDB version to use for scripts and docker compose. Must be numerical. Currently supported MongoDB versions are 4.0+. Always make a backup before changing this value. | | `REDIS_PASSWORD` | Redis password. | | `BACKUP_LOCATION` | Directory to store musare.sh backups. Defaults to `/backups` in script location. | | `BACKUP_NAME` | Name of musare.sh backup files. Defaults to `musare-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%s").dump`. | | `MUSARE_SITENAME` | Should be the name of the site. [^1] | | `MUSARE_PRIMARY_COLOR` | Primary color of the application, in hex format. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_VERSION` | Log/expose the current package.json version. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_REMOTE` | Log/expose the current Git repository's remote. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_REMOTE_URL` | Log/expose the current Git repository's remote URL. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_BRANCH` | Log/expose the current Git repository's branch. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT` | Log/expose the current Git repository's latest commit hash. [^1] | | `MUSARE_DEBUG_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT_SHORT` | Log/expose the current Git repository's latest commit hash (short). [^1] | [^1]: If value is changed the frontend will require a rebuild in production mode. ## Backend Config The backend config serves as the primary configuration means of the application. The default values can be found in `backend/config/default.json`. To overwrite these, create a local config e.g. `backend/config/local.json` and define key/values. A basic template can be found in `backend/config/template.json`. If the default configuration changes, so will the `configVersion`. When updating, please refer to the `default.json`, make any required changes to your `local.json`, and update your `configVersion`. Some configuration values are overwritten by [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) and can not be overwritten with `local.json`. These values can be found in `backend/config/custom-environment-variables.json`. For more information on configuration files please refer to the [config package documentation](https://github.com/node-config/node-config/wiki/Configuration-Files). | Property | Description | | --- | --- | | `configVersion` | Version of the config. Every time the template changes, you should change your config accordingly and update the configVersion. | | `migration` | Set to `true` if you need to update MongoDB documents to a newer version after an update. Should be `false` at all other times. | | `secret` | Set to something unique and secure - used by express' session module. | | `port` | The port the backend will listen on. Should always be `8080` for Docker. | | `url.host` | Hostname used to access application, e.g. `localhost`. | | `url.secure` | Should be `true` if your site is using SSL, otherwise it should be `false`. | | `cookie` | Name of the `SID` cookie used for storing login sessions. | | `sitename` | Should be the name of the site. | | `apis.youtube.key` | YouTube Data API v3 key, obtained from [here](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started). | | `apis.youtube.rateLimit` | Minimum interval between YouTube API requests in milliseconds. | | `apis.youtube.requestTimeout` | YouTube API requests timeout in milliseconds. | | `apis.youtube.retryAmount` | The amount of retries to perform of a failed YouTube API request. | | `apis.youtube.quotas` | Array of YouTube API quotas. | | `apis.youtube.quotas.type` | YouTube API quota type, should be one of `QUERIES_PER_DAY`, `QUERIES_PER_MINUTE` or `QUERIES_PER_100_SECONDS`. | | `apis.youtube.quotas.title` | YouTube API quota title. | | `apis.youtube.quotas.limit` | YouTube API quota limit. | | `apis.youtube.maxPlaylistPages` | Maximum pages to fetch from YouTube playlists. | | `apis.spotify.clientId` | Spotify API clientId, obtained from [here](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/tutorials/getting-started). | | `apis.spotify.clientSecret` | Spotify API clientSecret, obtained with clientId. | | `apis.spotify.rateLimit` | Minimum interval between Spotify API requests in milliseconds. | | `apis.spotify.requestTimeout` | Spotify API requests timeout in milliseconds. | | `apis.spotify.retryAmount` | The amount of retries to perform of a failed Spotify API request. | | `apis.soundcloud.rateLimit` | Minimum interval between SoundCloud API requests in milliseconds. | | `apis.soundcloud.requestTimeout` | SoundCloud API requests timeout in milliseconds. | | `apis.soundcloud.retryAmount` | The amount of retries to perform of a failed SoundCloud API request. | | `apis.recaptcha.enabled` | Whether to enable ReCaptcha in the regular (email) registration form. | | `apis.recaptcha.key` | ReCaptcha Site v3 key, obtained from [here](https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin). | | `apis.recaptcha.secret` | ReCaptcha Site v3 secret, obtained with key. | | `apis.oidc.enabled` | Whether to enable OIDC authentication. | | `apis.oidc.client_id` | OIDC client id. | | `apis.oidc.client_secret` | OIDC client secret. | | `apis.oidc.openid_configuration_url` | The URL that points to the openid_configuration resource of the OIDC provider. | | `apis.oidc.redirect_uri` | The backend url with `/auth/oidc/authorize/callback` appended, for example `http://localhost/backend/auth/oidc/authorize/callback`. This is configured based on the `url` config option by default, so this is optional. | | `apis.discogs.enabled` | Whether to enable Discogs API usage. | | `apis.discogs.client` | Discogs Application client, obtained from [here](https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers). | | `apis.discogs.secret` | Discogs Application secret, obtained with client. | | `cors.origin` | Array of additional allowed request origin urls, for example `["http://localhost"]`. The URL specified with the `url` config option is inserted by default. | | `mail.enabled` | Whether sending emails and related functionality (e.g. password resets) is enabled. | | `mail.from` | The from field for mails sent from backend. By default, this is configured based on config options `sitename` and `url`. `{sitename} ` is the default format. | | `mail.smtp.host` | SMTP Host | | `mail.smtp.port` | SMTP Port | | `mail.smtp.auth.user` | SMTP Username | | `mail.smtp.auth.pass` | SMTP Password | | `mail.smtp.secure` | Whether SMTP is using TLS/SSL. | | `redis` | Redis connection object. | | `redis.url` | Should be left as default for Docker installations, otherwise it can be changed to for example `redis://localhost:6379/0`. | | `redis.password` | Redis password. | | `mongo.user` | MongoDB username. | | `mongo.password` | MongoDB password. | | `mongo.host` | MongoDB host. | | `mongo.port` | MongoDB port. | | `mongo.database` | MongoDB database name. | | `blacklistedCommunityStationNames` | Array of blacklisted community station names. | | `messages.accountRemoval` | Message to display to users when they request their account to be removed. | | `siteSettings.christmas` | Whether to enable christmas theme. | | `footerLinks` | Add custom links to footer by specifying `"title": "url"`, e.g. `"GitHub": "https://github.com/Musare/Musare"`. You can disable about, team and news links (but not the pages themselves) by setting them to false, e.g. `"about": false`. | | `shortcutOverrides` | Overwrite keyboard shortcuts, for example `"editSong.useAllDiscogs": { "keyCode": 68, "ctrl": true, "alt": true, "shift": false, "preventDefault": true }`. | | `primaryColor` | Primary color of the application, in hex format. | | `registrationDisabled` | If set to `true`, users can't register accounts. | | `sendDataRequestEmails` | If `true` all admin users will be sent an email if a data request is received. Requires mail to be enabled and configured. | | `restrictToUsers` | If `true` only logged-in users will be able to visit user profiles, see news, see stations on the homepage or enter stations (even public stations) - any interactive thing except logging in/registering, and some public config info (site name, experimental features enabled, footer mail/oidc/password enabled, account removal message, etc.) | | `skipConfigVersionCheck` | Skips checking if the config version is outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false. | | `skipDbDocumentsVersionCheck` | Skips checking if there are any DB documents outdated or not. Should almost always be set to false. | | `debug.stationIssue` | If set to `true` it will enable the `/debug_station` API endpoint on the backend, which provides information useful to debugging stations not skipping, as well as capture all jobs specified in `debug.captureJobs`. | | `debug.traceUnhandledPromises` | Enables the trace-unhandled package, which provides detailed information when a promise is unhandled. | | `debug.captureJobs` | Array of jobs to capture for `debug.stationIssue`. | | `debug.git.remote` | Log/expose the current Git repository's remote. | | `debug.git.remoteUrl` | Log/expose the current Git repository's remote URL. | | `debug.git.branch` | Log/expose the current Git repository's branch. | | `debug.git.latestCommit` | Log/expose the current Git repository's latest commit hash. | | `debug.git.latestCommitShort` | Log/expose the current Git repository's latest commit hash (short). | | `debug.version` | Log/expose the current package.json version. | | `defaultLogging.hideType` | Filters out specified message types from log, for example `INFO`, `SUCCESS`, `ERROR` and `STATION_ISSUE`. | | `defaultLogging.blacklistedTerms` | Filters out messages containing specified terms from log, for example `success`. | | `customLoggingPerModule.[module].hideType` | Where `[module]` is a module name specify hideType as you would `defaultLogging.hideType` to overwrite default. | | `customLoggingPerModule.[module].blacklistedTerms` | Where `[module]` is a module name specify blacklistedTerms as you would `defaultLogging.blacklistedTerms` to overwrite default. | | `experimental.weight_stations` | Experimental option to use weights when autofilling stations, looking at the weight[X] tag for songs. Must be an object, key must be station id's, value can be either `true` or a string. If `true`, it uses tag name `weight`. If a string, it uses that string as the tag name. | | `experimental.queue_autofill_skip_last_x_played` | Experimental option to not autofill songs that were played recently. Must be an object, key must be station id's, value must be a number. The number equals how many songs it will consider recent and use when checking if it can autofill. | | `experimental.queue_add_before_autofilled` | Experimental option to have requested songs in queue appear before autofilled songs, based on the autofill number. Must be `true` or an object. If `true`, it's enabled for all stations. If an object, key must be a station's id, and value must be `true` to enable for that station. | | `experimental.disable_youtube_search` | Experimental option to disable YouTube search. | | `experimental.registration_email_whitelist` | Experimental option to limit registration to users with an email matching any regex pattern defined in an array. | | `experimental.changable_listen_mode` | Experimental option to allows users on stations to close the player whilst maintaing ActivityWatch functionality and users list playback state. If `true`, it's enabled for all stations. If it's an array of station id's, it's enabled for just those stations. | | `experimental.media_session` | Experimental option to enable media session functionality. | | `experimental.station_history` | Experimental feature to store and display songs played in a station, in addition to allowing preventing playing recently played songs. | | `experimental.soundcloud` | Experimental SoundCloud integration. | | `experimental.spotify` | Experimental Spotify integration. | ## Docker Below are some snippets that may help you get started with Docker. For more information please see the [Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com). ### Compose override You may want to override the docker compose files in some specific cases. For this, you can create a `compose.override.yml` file. An example is available at [compose.override.yml.example](../compose.override.yml.example). For example, to expose the frontend port: ```yml services: frontend: ports: - "" ``` ...and to expose the backend debug port: ```yml services: backend: ports: - "" ``` ### Daemon configuration The below is an example `daemon.json` configured to bind to a specific IP, and setup log rotation. ```json { "ip": "", "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "10m", "max-file": "10" } } ```