import config from "config"; import async from "async"; import mongoose from "mongoose"; import bcrypt from "bcrypt"; import sha256 from "sha256"; import isLoginRequired from "../hooks/loginRequired"; import isLoginSometimesRequired from "../hooks/loginSometimesRequired"; import { hasPermission, useHasPermission } from "../hooks/hasPermission"; // eslint-disable-next-line import moduleManager from "../../index"; const DBModule = moduleManager.modules.db; const UtilsModule = moduleManager.modules.utils; const WSModule =; const CacheModule = moduleManager.modules.cache; const MailModule = moduleManager.modules.mail; const PunishmentsModule = moduleManager.modules.punishments; const ActivitiesModule = moduleManager.modules.activities; const UsersModule = moduleManager.modules.users; CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updatePreferences", cb: res => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.userId }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:user.preferences.updated", { data: { preferences: res.preferences } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updateOrderOfFavoriteStations", cb: res => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.userId }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:user.orderOfFavoriteStations.updated", { data: { order: res.favoriteStations } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updateOrderOfPlaylists", cb: res => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: res.userId }, this).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:user.orderOfPlaylists.updated", { data: { order: res.orderOfPlaylists } }); }); }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `profile.${res.userId}.playlists`, args: ["event:user.orderOfPlaylists.updated", { data: { order: res.orderOfPlaylists } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updateUsername", cb: user => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: user._id }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:user.username.updated", { data: { username: user.username } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.removeSessions", cb: userId => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId }).then(sockets => sockets.forEach(socket => socket.dispatch("keep.event:user.session.deleted")) ); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.linkPassword", cb: userId => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:user.password.linked"); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.ban", cb: data => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: data.userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:user.banned", { data: { ban: data.punishment } }); socket.close(); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.favoritedStation", cb: data => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: data.userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:user.station.favorited", { data: { stationId: data.stationId } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.unfavoritedStation", cb: data => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: data.userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:user.station.unfavorited", { data: { stationId: data.stationId } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.removeAccount", cb: userId => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: ["admin.users", `edit-user.${userId}`], args: ["event:user.removed", { data: { userId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updateRole", cb: ({ user }) => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId: user._id }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:user.role.updated", { data: { role: user.role } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "user.updated", cb: async data => { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }); userModel.findOne( { _id: data.userId }, [ "_id", "name", "username", "avatar", "role", "email.address", "email.verified", "statistics.songsRequested", "services.password.password" ], (err, user) => { const newUser = user._doc; delete; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: ["admin.users", `edit-user.${data.userId}`], args: ["event:admin.user.updated", { data: { user: newUser } }] }); } ); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "longJob.removed", cb: ({ jobId, userId }) => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:longJob.removed", { data: { jobId } }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "longJob.added", cb: ({ jobId, userId }) => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_FROM_USER", { userId }).then(sockets => { sockets.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("keep.event:longJob.added", { data: { jobId } }); }); }); } }); export default { /** * Gets users, used in the admin users page by the AdvancedTable component * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param page - the page * @param pageSize - the size per page * @param properties - the properties to return for each user * @param sort - the sort object * @param queries - the queries array * @param operator - the operator for queries * @param cb */ getData: useHasPermission( "users.get", async function getSet(session, page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_DATA", { page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, modelName: "user", blacklistedProperties: [ "services.password.password", "services.password.reset.code", "services.password.reset.expires", "email.verificationToken" ], specialQueries: {} }, this ) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, response) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "USERS_GET_DATA", `Failed to get data from users. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "USERS_GET_DATA", `Got data from users successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully got data from users.", data: response }); } ); } ), /** * Removes all data held on a user, including their ability to login * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ remove: isLoginRequired(async function remove(session, cb) { const { userId } = session; async.waterfall( [ next => { UsersModule.runJob("REMOVE_USER", { userId }) .then(() => next()) .catch(err => next(err)); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); this.log("ERROR", "USER_REMOVE", `Removing data and account for user "${userId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "USER_REMOVE", `Successfully removed data and account for user "${session.userId}"` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.removeAccount", value: userId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed data and account." }); } ); }), /** * Removes all data held on a user, including their ability to login, by userId * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} userId - the user id that is going to be banned * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ adminRemove: useHasPermission("users.remove", async function adminRemove(session, userId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!userId) return next("You must provide a userId to remove."); return next(); }, next => { UsersModule.runJob("REMOVE_USER", { userId }) .then(() => next()) .catch(err => next(err)); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "USER_ADMIN_REMOVE", `Removing data and account for user "${userId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "USER_ADMIN_REMOVE", `Successfully removed data and account for user "${userId}"`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.removeAccount", value: userId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed data and account." }); } ); }), /** * Logs user in * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} identifier - the username or email of the user * @param {string} password - the plaintext of the user * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async login(session, identifier, password, cb) { identifier = identifier.toLowerCase(); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); const sessionSchema = await CacheModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "session" }, this); async.waterfall( [ // check if a user with the requested identifier exists next => { const query = {}; if (identifier.indexOf("@") !== -1) query["email.address"] = identifier; else query.username = { $regex: `^${identifier}$`, $options: "i" }; userModel.findOne(query, next); }, // if the user doesn't exist, respond with a failure // otherwise compare the requested password and the actual users password (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found"); if (! || ! return next("Invalid password"); return,, (err, match) => { if (err) return next(err); if (!match) return next("Incorrect password"); return next(null, user); }); }, (user, next) => { UtilsModule.runJob("GUID", {}, this).then(sessionId => { next(null, user, sessionId); }); }, (user, sessionId, next) => { CacheModule.runJob( "HSET", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId, value: sessionSchema(sessionId, user._id) }, this ) .then(() => next(null, sessionId)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, sessionId) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "USER_PASSWORD_LOGIN", `Login failed with password for user "${identifier}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "USER_PASSWORD_LOGIN", `Login successful with password for user "${identifier}"`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Login successful", data: { SID: sessionId } }); } ); }, /** * Registers a new user * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} username - the username for the new user * @param {string} email - the email for the new user * @param {string} password - the plaintext password for the new user * @param {object} recaptcha - the recaptcha data * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async register(session, username, email, password, recaptcha, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { UsersModule.runJob("REGISTER", { username, email, password, recaptcha }) .then(({ userId }) => next(null, userId)) .catch(err => next(err)); } ], async (err, userId) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "USER_PASSWORD_REGISTER", `Register failed with password for user "${username}"."${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId, type: "user__joined", payload: { message: "Welcome to Musare!" } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "USER_PASSWORD_REGISTER", `Register successful with password for user "${username}".` ); const res = await this.module.runJob( "RUN_ACTION2", { session, namespace: "users", action: "login", args: [email, password] }, this ); const obj = { status: "success", message: "Successfully registered." }; if (res.status === "success") { obj.SID =; } return cb(obj); } ); }, /** * Logs out a user * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ logout(session, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }, this) .then(session => next(null, session)) .catch(next); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) return next("Session not found"); return next(null, session); }, (session, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.removeSessions", value: session.userId }); // temp fix, need to wait properly for the SUB/PUB refactor (on wekan) setTimeout(() => { CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, 50); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "USER_LOGOUT", `Logout failed. "${err}" `); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "USER_LOGOUT", `Logout successful.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully logged out." }); } ); }, /** * Checks if user's password is correct (e.g. before a sensitive action) * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} password - the password the user entered that we need to validate * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ confirmPasswordMatch: isLoginRequired(async function confirmPasswordMatch(session, password, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); return async.waterfall( [ next => { if (config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Confirming passwords is disabled."); return next(); }, next => { if (!password || password === "") return next("Please provide a valid password."); return next(); }, next => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => next(err, ); }, (passwordHash, next) => { if (!passwordHash) return next("Your account doesn't have a password linked."); return, passwordHash, (err, match) => { if (err) return next(err); if (!match) return next(null, false); return next(null, true); }); } ], async (err, match) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD", `Couldn't confirm password for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } if (match) { this.log( "SUCCESS", "USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD", `Successfully checked for password match (it matched) for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Your password matches." }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "USER_CONFIRM_PASSWORD", `Successfully checked for password match (it didn't match) for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: "Unfortunately your password doesn't match." }); } ); }), /** * Removes all sessions for a user * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} userId - the id of the user we are trying to delete the sessions of * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ removeSessions: isLoginRequired(async function removeSessions(session, userId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (session.userId === userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.remove.sessions", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Only admins and the owner of the account can remove their sessions.")); }, next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "sessions" }, this) .then(sessions => { next(null, sessions); }) .catch(next); }, (sessions, next) => { if (!sessions) return next("There are no sessions for this user to remove."); const keys = Object.keys(sessions); return next(null, keys, sessions); }, (keys, sessions, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.removeSessions", value: userId }); // temp fix, need to wait properly for the SUB/PUB refactor (on wekan) setTimeout( () => async.each( keys, (sessionId, callback) => { const session = sessions[sessionId]; if (session && session.userId === userId) { // TODO Also maybe add this to this runJob CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId }) .then(() => callback(null)) .catch(callback); } else callback(); }, err => { next(err); } ), 50 ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "REMOVE_SESSIONS_FOR_USER", `Couldn't remove all sessions for user "${userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "REMOVE_SESSIONS_FOR_USER", `Removed all sessions for user "${userId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed all sessions." }); } ); }), /** * Updates the order of a user's favorite stations * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Array} favoriteStations - array of station ids (with a specific order) * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateOrderOfFavoriteStations: isLoginRequired( async function updateOrderOfFavoriteStations(session, favoriteStations, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: session.userId }, { $set: { favoriteStations } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_ORDER_OF_USER_FAVORITE_STATIONS", `Couldn't update order of favorite stations for user "${session.userId}" to "${favoriteStations}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updateOrderOfFavoriteStations", value: { favoriteStations, userId: session.userId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_ORDER_OF_USER_FAVORITE_STATIONS", `Updated order of favorite stations for user "${session.userId}" to "${favoriteStations}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Order of favorite stations successfully updated" }); } ); } ), /** * Updates the order of a user's playlists * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Array} orderOfPlaylists - array of playlist ids (with a specific order) * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateOrderOfPlaylists: isLoginRequired(async function updateOrderOfPlaylists(session, orderOfPlaylists, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: session.userId }, { $set: { "preferences.orderOfPlaylists": orderOfPlaylists } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_ORDER_OF_USER_PLAYLISTS", `Couldn't update order of playlists for user "${session.userId}" to "${orderOfPlaylists}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updateOrderOfPlaylists", value: { orderOfPlaylists, userId: session.userId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_ORDER_OF_USER_PLAYLISTS", `Updated order of playlists for user "${session.userId}" to "${orderOfPlaylists}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Order of playlists successfully updated" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's preferences * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {object} preferences - object containing preferences * @param {boolean} preferences.nightmode - whether or not the user is using the night mode theme * @param {boolean} preferences.autoSkipDisliked - whether to automatically skip disliked songs * @param {boolean} preferences.activityLogPublic - whether or not a user's activity log can be publicly viewed * @param {boolean} preferences.anonymousSongRequests - whether or not a user's requested songs will be anonymous * @param {boolean} preferences.activityWatch - whether or not a user is using the ActivityWatch integration * @param {boolean} preferences.defaultStationPrivacy - default station privacy * @param {boolean} preferences.defaultPlaylistPrivacy - default playlist privacy * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updatePreferences: isLoginRequired(async function updatePreferences(session, preferences, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { const $set = {}; Object.keys(preferences).forEach(preference => { $set[`preferences.${preference}`] = preferences[preference]; }); return next(null, $set); }, ($set, next) => { userModel.findByIdAndUpdate(session.userId, { $set }, { new: false, upsert: true }, next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_USER_PREFERENCES", `Couldn't update preferences for user "${session.userId}" to "${JSON.stringify( preferences )}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updatePreferences", value: { preferences, userId: session.userId } }); // if (preferences.nightmode !== undefined && preferences.nightmode !== user.preferences.nightmode) // ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { // userId: session.userId, // type: "user__toggle_nightmode", // payload: { message: preferences.nightmode ? "Enabled nightmode" : "Disabled nightmode" } // }); // if ( // preferences.autoSkipDisliked !== undefined && // preferences.autoSkipDisliked !== user.preferences.autoSkipDisliked // ) // ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { // userId: session.userId, // type: "user__toggle_autoskip_disliked_songs", // payload: { // message: preferences.autoSkipDisliked // ? "Enabled the autoskipping of disliked songs" // : "Disabled the autoskipping of disliked songs" // } // }); // if ( // preferences.activityWatch !== undefined && // preferences.activityWatch !== user.preferences.activityWatch // ) // ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { // userId: session.userId, // type: "user__toggle_activity_watch", // payload: { // message: preferences.activityWatch // ? "Enabled ActivityWatch integration" // : "Disabled ActivityWatch integration" // } // }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_USER_PREFERENCES", `Updated preferences for user "${session.userId}" to "${JSON.stringify(preferences)}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Preferences successfully updated" }); } ); }), /** * Retrieves a user's preferences * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getPreferences: isLoginRequired(async function updatePreferences(session, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.findById(session.userId).select({ preferences: -1 }).exec(next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) next("User not found"); else next(null, user); } ], async (err, user) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "GET_USER_PREFERENCES", `Couldn't retrieve preferences for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "GET_USER_PREFERENCES", `Successfully obtained preferences for user "${session.userId}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Preferences successfully retrieved", data: { preferences: user.preferences } }); } ); }), /** * Gets user object from ObjectId or username (only a few properties) * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} identifier - the ObjectId or username of the user we are trying to find * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getBasicUser: isLoginSometimesRequired(async function getBasicUser(session, identifier, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(identifier)) userModel.findOne({ _id: identifier }, next); else userModel.findOne({ username: new RegExp(`^${identifier}$`, "i") }, next); }, (account, next) => { if (!account) return next("User not found."); return next(null, account); } ], async (err, account) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "GET_BASIC_USER", `User not found for "${identifier}". "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "GET_BASIC_USER", `User found for "${identifier}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { _id: account._id, name:, username: account.username, location: account.location, bio:, role: account.role, avatar: account.avatar, createdAt: account.createdAt } }); } ); }), /** * Gets a list of long jobs, including onprogress events when those long jobs have progress * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getLongJobs: isLoginRequired(async function getLongJobs(session, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob( "LRANGE", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}` }, this ) .then(longJobUuids => next(null, longJobUuids)) .catch(next); }, (longJobUuids, next) => { next( null, longJobUuids .map(longJobUuid => moduleManager.jobManager.getJob(longJobUuid)) .filter(longJob => !!longJob) ); }, (longJobs, next) => { longJobs.forEach(longJob => { if (longJob.onProgress) longJob.onProgress.on("progress", data => { this.publishProgress( { id: longJob.toString(), }, true ); }); }); next( null, => ({ id: longJob.toString(), name: longJob.longJobTitle, status: longJob.lastProgressData.status, message: longJob.lastProgressData.message })) ); } ], async (err, longJobs) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "GET_LONG_JOBS", `Couldn't get long jobs for user "${session.userId}". "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "GET_LONG_JOBS", `Got long jobs for user "${session.userId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { longJobs } }); } ); }), /** * Gets a specific long job, including onprogress events when that long job has progress * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} jobId - the if id the long job * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getLongJob: isLoginRequired(async function getLongJobs(session, jobId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob( "LRANGE", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}` }, this ) .then(longJobUuids => next(null, longJobUuids)) .catch(next); }, (longJobUuids, next) => { if (longJobUuids.indexOf(jobId) === -1) return next("Long job not found."); const longJob = moduleManager.jobManager.getJob(jobId); if (!longJob) return next("Long job not found."); return next(null, longJob); }, (longJob, next) => { if (longJob.onProgress) longJob.onProgress.on("progress", data => { this.publishProgress( { id: longJob.toString(), }, true ); }); next(null, { id: longJob.toString(), name: longJob.longJobTitle, status: longJob.lastProgressData.status, message: longJob.lastProgressData.message }); } ], async (err, longJob) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "GET_LONG_JOB", `Couldn't get long job for user "${session.userId}" with id "${jobId}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "GET_LONG_JOB", `Got long job for user "${session.userId}" with id "${jobId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { longJob } }); } ); }), /** * Removes active long job for a user * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} jobId - array of playlist ids (with a specific order) * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ removeLongJob: isLoginRequired(async function removeLongJob(session, jobId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob( "LREM", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: jobId }, this ) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { const job = moduleManager.jobManager.getJob(jobId); if (job && job.status === "FINISHED") job.forgetLongJob(); next(); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "REMOVE_LONG_JOB", `Couldn't remove long job for user "${session.userId}" with id ${jobId}. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "REMOVE_LONG_JOB", `Removed long job for user "${session.userId}" with id ${jobId}.` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "longJob.removed", value: { jobId, userId: session.userId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Removed long job successfully." }); } ); }), /** * Gets a user from a userId * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} userId - the userId of the person we are trying to get the username from * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ getUserFromId: useHasPermission("users.get", async function getUserFromId(session, userId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); userModel .findById(userId) .then(user => { if (user) { this.log("SUCCESS", "GET_USER_FROM_ID", `Found user for userId "${userId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { _id: user._id, username: user.username, role: user.role, liked: user.liked, disliked: user.disliked, songsRequested: user.statistics.songsRequested, email: { address:, verified: } } }); } this.log( "ERROR", "GET_USER_FROM_ID", `Getting the user from userId "${userId}" failed. User not found.` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: "Couldn't find the user." }); }) .catch(async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "GET_USER_FROM_ID", `Getting the user from userId "${userId}" failed. "${err}"`); cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } }); }), /** * Gets user info from session * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ findBySession: isLoginRequired(async function findBySession(session, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob( "HGET", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }, this ) .then(session => next(null, session)) .catch(next); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) return next("Session not found."); return next(null, session); }, (session, next) => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return next(null, user); } ], async (err, user) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "FIND_BY_SESSION", `User not found. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } const sanitisedUser = { email: { address: }, avatar: user.avatar, username: user.username, name:, location: user.location, bio: }; if ( && sanitisedUser.password = true; if ( && sanitisedUser.oidc = true; this.log("SUCCESS", "FIND_BY_SESSION", `User found. "${user.username}".`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { user: sanitisedUser } }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's username * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newUsername - the new username * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateUsername: isLoginRequired(async function updateUsername(session, updatingUserId, newUsername, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => { UsersModule.runJob("UPDATE_USERNAME", { userId: updatingUserId, username: newUsername }) .then(() => next()) .catch(err => next(err)); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_USERNAME", `Couldn't update username for user "${updatingUserId}" to username "${newUsername}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updateUsername", value: { username: newUsername, _id: updatingUserId } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_USERNAME", `Updated username for user "${updatingUserId}" to username "${newUsername}".` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Username updated successfully" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's email * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newEmail - the new email * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateEmail: isLoginRequired(async function updateEmail(session, updatingUserId, newEmail, cb) { newEmail = newEmail.toLowerCase(); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update.restricted", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => { UsersModule.runJob("UPDATE_EMAIL", { userId: updatingUserId, email: newEmail }) .then(() => next()) .catch(err => next(err)); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_EMAIL", `Couldn't update email for user "${updatingUserId}" to email "${newEmail}". '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_EMAIL", `Updated email for user "${updatingUserId}" to email "${newEmail}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Email updated successfully." }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's name * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newBio - the new name * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateName: isLoginRequired(async function updateName(session, updatingUserId, newName, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => userModel.findOne({ _id: updatingUserId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return userModel.updateOne( { _id: updatingUserId }, { $set: { name: newName } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_NAME", `Couldn't update name for user "${updatingUserId}" to name "${newName}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: updatingUserId, type: "user__edit_name", payload: { message: `Changed name to ${newName}` } }); this.log("SUCCESS", "UPDATE_NAME", `Updated name for user "${updatingUserId}" to name "${newName}".`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Name updated successfully" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's location * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newLocation - the new location * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateLocation: isLoginRequired(async function updateLocation(session, updatingUserId, newLocation, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => userModel.findOne({ _id: updatingUserId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return userModel.updateOne( { _id: updatingUserId }, { $set: { location: newLocation } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_LOCATION", `Couldn't update location for user "${updatingUserId}" to location "${newLocation}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: updatingUserId, type: "user__edit_location", payload: { message: `Changed location to ${newLocation}` } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_LOCATION", `Updated location for user "${updatingUserId}" to location "${newLocation}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Location updated successfully" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's bio * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newBio - the new bio * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateBio: isLoginRequired(async function updateBio(session, updatingUserId, newBio, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => userModel.findOne({ _id: updatingUserId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return userModel.updateOne( { _id: updatingUserId }, { $set: { bio: newBio } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_BIO", `Couldn't update bio for user "${updatingUserId}" to bio "${newBio}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: updatingUserId, type: "user__edit_bio", payload: { message: `Changed bio to ${newBio}` } }); this.log("SUCCESS", "UPDATE_BIO", `Updated bio for user "${updatingUserId}" to bio "${newBio}".`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Bio updated successfully" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's avatar * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newAvatar - the new avatar object * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateAvatar: isLoginRequired(async function updateAvatarType(session, updatingUserId, newAvatar, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (updatingUserId === session.userId) return next(); return hasPermission("users.update", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Invalid permissions.")); }, next => userModel.findOne({ _id: updatingUserId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return userModel.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: updatingUserId }, { $set: { "avatar.type": newAvatar.type, "avatar.color": newAvatar.color } }, { new: true, runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_AVATAR", `Couldn't update avatar for user "${updatingUserId}" to type "${newAvatar.type}" and color "${newAvatar.color}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: updatingUserId, type: "user__edit_avatar", payload: { message: `Changed avatar to use ${newAvatar.type} and ${newAvatar.color}` } }); this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_AVATAR", `Updated avatar for user "${updatingUserId}" to type "${newAvatar.type} and color ${newAvatar.color}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Avatar updated successfully" }); } ); }), /** * Updates a user's role * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} updatingUserId - the updating user's id * @param {string} newRole - the new role * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updateRole: useHasPermission( "users.update.restricted", async function updateRole(session, updatingUserId, newRole, cb) { newRole = newRole.toLowerCase(); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.findOne({ _id: updatingUserId }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if (user.role === newRole) return next("New role can't be the same as the old role."); return next(null, user); }, (user, next) => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: updatingUserId }, { $set: { role: newRole } }, { runValidators: true }, err => next(err, user) ); } ], async (err, user) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_ROLE", `User "${session.userId}" couldn't update role for user "${updatingUserId}" to role "${newRole}". "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "UPDATE_ROLE", `User "${session.userId}" updated the role of user "${updatingUserId}" to role "${newRole}".` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updated", value: { userId: updatingUserId } }); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.updateRole", value: { user } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Role successfully updated." }); } ); } ), /** * Updates a user's password * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} previousPassword - the previous password * @param {string} newPassword - the new password * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ updatePassword: isLoginRequired(async function updatePassword(session, previousPassword, newPassword, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Updating password is disabled."); return next(); }, next => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (! return next("This account does not have a password set."); return next(null,; }, (storedPassword, next) => {, storedPassword).then(res => { if (res) return next(); return next("Please enter the correct previous password."); }); }, next => { if (!DBModule.passwordValid(newPassword)) return next("Invalid new password. Check if it meets all the requirements."); return next(); }, next => { bcrypt.genSalt(10, next); }, // hash the password (salt, next) => { bcrypt.hash(sha256(newPassword), salt, next); }, (hashedPassword, next) => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: session.userId }, { $set: { "services.password.password": hashedPassword } }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "UPDATE_PASSWORD", `Failed updating user password of user '${session.userId}'. '${err}'.` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "UPDATE_PASSWORD", `User '${session.userId}' updated their password.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Password successfully updated." }); } ); }), /** * Requests a password reset for an email * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} email - the email of the user that requests a password reset * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async requestPasswordReset(session, email, cb) { const code = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 8 }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); const resetPasswordRequestSchema = await MailModule.runJob( "GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "resetPasswordRequest" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!config.get("mail.enabled") || config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Password resets are disabled."); return next(); }, next => { if (!email || typeof email !== "string") return next("Invalid email."); email = email.toLowerCase(); return userModel.findOne({ "email.address": email }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return next(null, user); }, (user, next) => { const expires = new Date(); expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 1); userModel.findOneAndUpdate( { "email.address": email }, { $set: { "services.password.reset": { code, expires } } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); }, (user, next) => { resetPasswordRequestSchema(, user.username, code, next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "REQUEST_PASSWORD_RESET", `Email '${email}' failed to request password reset. '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "REQUEST_PASSWORD_RESET", `Email '${email}' successfully requested a password reset.` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully requested password reset." }); } ); }, /** * Requests a password reset for a a user as an admin * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} email - the email of the user for which the password reset is intended * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ adminRequestPasswordReset: useHasPermission( "users.requestPasswordReset", async function adminRequestPasswordReset(session, userId, cb) { const code = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 8 }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); const resetPasswordRequestSchema = await MailModule.runJob( "GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "resetPasswordRequest" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!config.get("mail.enabled") || config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Password resets are disabled."); return next(); }, next => userModel.findOne({ _id: userId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); return next(); }, next => { const expires = new Date(); expires.setDate(expires.getDate() + 1); userModel.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: userId }, { $set: { "services.password.reset": { code, expires } } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); }, (user, next) => { resetPasswordRequestSchema(, user.username, code, next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "ADMINREQUEST_PASSWORD_RESET", `User '${userId}' failed to get a password reset. '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "ADMIN_REQUEST_PASSWORD_RESET", `User '${userId}' successfully got sent a password reset.` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully requested password reset for user." }); } ); } ), /** * Verifies a reset code * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} code - the password reset code * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async verifyPasswordResetCode(session, code, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!config.get("mail.enabled") || config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Password resets are disabled."); return next(); }, next => { if (!code || typeof code !== "string") return next("Invalid code."); return userModel.findOne({ "services.password.reset.code": code }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("Invalid code."); if (! > new Date()) return next("That code has expired."); return next(null); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "VERIFY_PASSWORD_RESET_CODE", `Code '${code}' failed to verify. '${err}'`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "VERIFY_PASSWORD_RESET_CODE", `Code '${code}' successfully verified.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully verified password reset code." }); } ); }, /** * Changes a user's password with a reset code * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} code - the password reset code * @param {string} newPassword - the new password reset code * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async changePasswordWithResetCode(session, code, newPassword, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!config.get("mail.enabled") || config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) return next("Password resets are disabled."); return next(); }, next => { if (!code || typeof code !== "string") return next("Invalid code."); return userModel.findOne({ "services.password.reset.code": code }, next); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("Invalid code."); if (! > new Date()) return next("That code has expired."); return next(); }, next => { if (!DBModule.passwordValid(newPassword)) return next("Invalid password. Check if it meets all the requirements."); return next(); }, next => { bcrypt.genSalt(10, next); }, // hash the password (salt, next) => { bcrypt.hash(sha256(newPassword), salt, next); }, (hashedPassword, next) => { userModel.updateOne( { "services.password.reset.code": code }, { $set: { "services.password.password": hashedPassword }, $unset: { "services.password.reset": "" } }, { runValidators: true }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "CHANGE_PASSWORD_WITH_RESET_CODE", `Code '${code}' failed to change password. '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "CHANGE_PASSWORD_WITH_RESET_CODE", `Code '${code}' successfully changed password.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully changed password." }); } ); }, /** * Resends the verify email email * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} userId - the user id of the person to resend the email to * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ resendVerifyEmail: useHasPermission( "users.resendVerifyEmail", async function resendVerifyEmail(session, userId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); const verifyEmailSchema = await MailModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "verifyEmail" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => userModel.findOne({ _id: userId }, next), (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if ( return next("The user's email is already verified."); return next(null, user); }, (user, next) => { verifyEmailSchema(, user.username,, err => { next(err); }); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "RESEND_VERIFY_EMAIL", `Couldn't resend verify email for user "${userId}". '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "RESEND_VERIFY_EMAIL", `Resent verify email for user "${userId}".`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Email resent successfully." }); } ); } ), /** * Bans a user by userId * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} value - the user id that is going to be banned * @param {string} reason - the reason for the ban * @param {string} expiresAt - the time the ban expires * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ banUserById: useHasPermission("users.ban", function banUserById(session, userId, reason, expiresAt, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!userId) return next("You must provide a userId to ban."); if (!reason) return next("You must provide a reason for the ban."); return next(); }, next => { if (!expiresAt || typeof expiresAt !== "string") return next("Invalid expire date."); const date = new Date(); switch (expiresAt) { case "1h": expiresAt = date.setHours(date.getHours() + 1); break; case "12h": expiresAt = date.setHours(date.getHours() + 12); break; case "1d": expiresAt = date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); break; case "1w": expiresAt = date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7); break; case "1m": expiresAt = date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); break; case "3m": expiresAt = date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 3); break; case "6m": expiresAt = date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 6); break; case "1y": expiresAt = date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1); break; case "never": expiresAt = new Date(3093527980800000); break; default: return next("Invalid expire date."); } return next(); }, next => { PunishmentsModule.runJob( "ADD_PUNISHMENT", { type: "banUserId", value: userId, reason, expiresAt, punishedBy: session.userId }, this ) .then(punishment => next(null, punishment)) .catch(next); }, (punishment, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.ban", value: { userId, punishment } }); next(); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "BAN_USER_BY_ID", `User ${session.userId} failed to ban user ${userId} with the reason ${reason}. '${err}'` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "BAN_USER_BY_ID", `User ${session.userId} has successfully banned user ${userId} with the reason ${reason}.` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully banned user." }); } ); }), /** * Search for a user by username or name * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param {string} query - the query * @param {string} page - page * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ search: isLoginRequired(async function search(session, query, page, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { if ((!query && query !== "") || typeof query !== "string") next("Invalid query."); else next(); }, next => { const findQuery = { $or: [{ name: new RegExp(`${query}`, "i"), username: new RegExp(`${query}`, "i") }] }; const pageSize = 15; const skipAmount = pageSize * (page - 1); userModel.find(findQuery).count((err, count) => { if (err) next(err); else { userModel .find(findQuery, { _id: true, name: true, username: true, avatar: true }) .skip(skipAmount) .limit(pageSize) .exec((err, users) => { if (err) next(err); else { next(null, { users, page, pageSize, skipAmount, count }); } }); } }); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "USERS_SEARCH", `Searching users failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "USERS_SEARCH", "Searching users successful."); return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }) };