import config from "config"; import axios from "axios"; import bcrypt from "bcrypt"; import sha256 from "sha256"; import CoreClass from "../core"; let UsersModule; let MailModule; let CacheModule; let DBModule; let PlaylistsModule; let WSModule; let MediaModule; let UtilsModule; let ActivitiesModule; const avatarColors = ["blue", "orange", "green", "purple", "teal"]; class _UsersModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("users"); UsersModule = this; } /** * Initialises the app module * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ async initialize() { DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; MailModule = this.moduleManager.modules.mail; WSModule =; CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; MediaModule =; UtilsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; ActivitiesModule = this.moduleManager.modules.activities; PlaylistsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.playlists; this.userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }); this.dataRequestModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "dataRequest" }); this.stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }); this.playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }); this.activityModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "activity" }); this.dataRequestEmailSchema = await MailModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA_ASYNC", { schemaName: "dataRequest" }); this.verifyEmailSchema = await MailModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA_ASYNC", { schemaName: "verifyEmail" }); this.sessionSchema = await CacheModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "session" }); this.appUrl = `${config.get("") ? "https" : "http"}://${config.get("")}`; // getOAuthAccessToken uses callbacks by default, so make a helper function to turn it into a promise instead this.getOAuthAccessToken = (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.oauth2.getOAuthAccessToken(...args, (err, accessToken, refreshToken, results) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve({ accessToken, refreshToken, results }); }); }); if (config.get("apis.oidc.enabled")) { const openidConfigurationResponse = await axios.get(config.get("apis.oidc.openid_configuration_url")); const { authorization_endpoint: authorizationEndpoint, token_endpoint: tokenEndpoint, userinfo_endpoint: userinfoEndpoint } =; // TODO somehow make this endpoint immutable, if possible in some way this.oidcAuthorizationEndpoint = authorizationEndpoint; this.oidcTokenEndpoint = userinfoEndpoint; this.oidcUserinfoEndpoint = userinfoEndpoint; this.oidcRedirectUri = config.get("apis.oidc.redirect_uri").length > 0 ? config.get("apis.oidc.redirect_uri") : `${this.appUrl}/backend/auth/oidc/authorize/callback`; // const clientId = config.get("apis.oidc.client_id"); const clientSecret = config.get("apis.oidc.client_secret"); this.getOIDCOAuthAccessToken = async code => { const tokenResponse = await tokenEndpoint, { grant_type: "authorization_code", code, client_id: clientId, client_secret: clientSecret, redirect_uri: this.oidcRedirectUri }, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } } ); const { access_token: accessToken } =; return { accessToken }; }; } } /** * Removes a user and associated data * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.userId - id of the user to remove * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async REMOVE_USER(payload) { const { userId } = payload; // Create data request, in case the process fails halfway through. An admin can finish the removal manually const dataRequest = await UsersModule.dataRequestModel.create({ userId, type: "remove" }); await WSModule.runJob( "EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.users", args: ["event:admin.dataRequests.created", { data: { request: dataRequest } }] }, this ); if (config.get("sendDataRequestEmails")) { const adminUsers = await UsersModule.userModel.find({ role: "admin" }); const to = =>; await UsersModule.dataRequestEmailSchema(to, userId, "remove"); } // Delete activities await UsersModule.activityModel.deleteMany({ userId }); // Delete stations and associated data const stations = await UsersModule.stationModel.find({ owner: userId }); const stationJobs = => async () => { const { _id: stationId } = station; await UsersModule.stationModel.deleteOne({ _id: stationId }); await CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: stationId }, this); if (!station.playlist) return; await PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: station.playlist }, this); }); await Promise.all(stationJobs); // Remove user as dj await UsersModule.stationModel.updateMany({ djs: userId }, { $pull: { djs: userId } }); // Collect songs to adjust ratings for later const likedPlaylist = await UsersModule.playlistModel.findOne({ createdBy: userId, type: "user-liked" }); const dislikedPlaylist = await UsersModule.playlistModel.findOne({ createdBy: userId, type: "user-disliked" }); const songsToAdjustRatings = [ ...(likedPlaylist?.songs?.map(({ mediaSource }) => mediaSource) ?? []), ...(dislikedPlaylist?.songs?.map(({ mediaSource }) => mediaSource) ?? []) ]; // Delete playlists created by user await UsersModule.playlistModel.deleteMany({ createdBy: userId }); // TODO Maybe we don't need to wait for this to finish? // Recalculate ratings of songs the user liked/disliked const recalculateRatingsJobs = => MediaModule.runJob("RECALCULATE_RATINGS", { mediaSource: songsToAdjustRating }, this) ); await Promise.all(recalculateRatingsJobs); // Delete user object await UsersModule.userModel.deleteMany({ _id: userId }); // Remove sessions from Redis and MongoDB await CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.removeSessions", value: userId }, this); const sessions = await CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "sessions" }, this); const sessionIds = Object.keys(sessions); const sessionJobs = => async () => { const session = sessions[sessionId]; if (!session || session.userId !== userId) return; await CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId }, this); }); await Promise.all(sessionJobs); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "user.removeAccount", value: userId }, this ); } /** * Tries to verify email from email verification token/code * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.code - email verification token/code * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async VERIFY_EMAIL(payload) { const { code } = payload; if (!code) throw new Error("Invalid code."); const user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ "email.verificationToken": code }); if (!user) throw new Error("User not found."); if ( throw new Error("This email is already verified."); await UsersModule.userModel.updateOne( { "email.verificationToken": code }, { $set: { "email.verified": true }, $unset: { "email.verificationToken": "" } }, { runValidators: true } ); } /** * Handles callback route being accessed, which has data from OIDC during the oauth process * Will be used to either log the user in or register the user * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.code - code we need to use to get the access token * @param {string} payload.error - error code if an error occured * @param {string} payload.errorDescription - error description if an error occured * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async OIDC_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK(payload) { const { code, error, errorDescription } = payload; if (error) throw new Error(errorDescription); // Tries to get access token. We don't use the refresh token currently const { accessToken } = await UsersModule.getOIDCOAuthAccessToken(code); // Gets user data const userInfoResponse = await UsersModule.oidcUserinfoEndpoint, {}, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } ); if (! throw new Error("Something went wrong, no preferred_username."); // TODO verify sub from userinfo and token response, see 5.3.2 const user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ "services.oidc.sub": }); let userId; if (user) { // Refresh access token, though it's pretty useless as it'll probably expire and then be useless, // and we don't use it afterwards at all anyways = accessToken; await; userId = user._id; } else { // Try to register the user. Will throw an error if it's unable to do so or any error occurs ({ userId } = await UsersModule.runJob( "OIDC_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK_REGISTER", { userInfoResponse:, accessToken }, this )); } // Create session for the userId gotten above, as the user existed or was successfully registered const sessionId = await UtilsModule.runJob("GUID", {}, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "HSET", { table: "sessions", key: sessionId, value: UsersModule.sessionSchema(sessionId, userId.toString()) }, this ); return { sessionId, userId, redirectUrl: UsersModule.appUrl }; } /** * Handles registering the user in the OIDC login/register callback/process * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.userInfoResponse - data we got from the OIDC user info API endpoint * @param {string} payload.accessToken - access token for the OIDC user * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async OIDC_AUTHORIZE_CALLBACK_REGISTER(payload) { const { userInfoResponse, accessToken } = payload; let user; // Check if username already exists user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ username: new RegExp(`^${userInfoResponse.preferred_username}$`, "i") }); if (user) throw new Error(`An account with that username already exists.`); // TODO eventually we'll want users to be able to pick their own username maybe const emailAddress =; if (!emailAddress) throw new Error("No email address found."); user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ "email.address": emailAddress }); if (user) throw new Error(`An account with that email address already exists.`); const userId = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 12 }, this ); const verificationToken = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 64 }, this); const gravatarUrl = await UtilsModule.runJob( "CREATE_GRAVATAR", { email: emailAddress }, this ); const likedSongsPlaylist = await PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CREATE_USER_PLAYLIST", { userId, displayName: "Liked Songs", type: "user-liked" }, this ); const dislikedSongsPlaylist = await PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CREATE_USER_PLAYLIST", { userId, displayName: "Disliked Songs", type: "user-disliked" }, this ); user = { _id: userId, username: userInfoResponse.preferred_username, name:, location: "", bio: "", email: { address: emailAddress, verificationToken }, services: { oidc: { sub: userInfoResponse.sub, access_token: accessToken } }, avatar: { type: "gravatar", url: gravatarUrl }, likedSongsPlaylist, dislikedSongsPlaylist }; await UsersModule.userModel.create(user); await UsersModule.verifyEmailSchema(emailAddress, userInfoResponse.preferred_username, verificationToken); await ActivitiesModule.runJob( "ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId, type: "user__joined", payload: { message: "Welcome to Musare!" } }, this ); return { userId }; } /** * Attempts to register a user * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} - email * @param {string} payload.username - username * @param {string} payload.password - plaintext password * @param {string} payload.recaptcha - recaptcha, if recaptcha is enabled * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async REGISTER(payload) { const { username, password, recaptcha } = payload; let { email } = payload; email = email.toLowerCase().trim(); if (config.get("registrationDisabled") === true || config.get("apis.oidc.enabled") === true) throw new Error("Registration is not allowed at this time."); if (Array.isArray(config.get("experimental.registration_email_whitelist"))) { const experimentalRegistrationEmailWhitelist = config.get("experimental.registration_email_whitelist"); const anyRegexPassed = experimentalRegistrationEmailWhitelist.find(regex => { const emailWhitelistRegex = new RegExp(regex); return emailWhitelistRegex.test(email); }); if (!anyRegexPassed) throw new Error("Your email is not allowed to register."); } if (!DBModule.passwordValid(password)) throw new Error("Invalid password. Check if it meets all the requirements."); if (config.get("apis.recaptcha.enabled") === true) { const recaptchaBody = await"", { data: { secret: config.get("apis").recaptcha.secret, response: recaptcha } }); if (recaptchaBody.success !== true) throw new Error("Response from recaptcha was not successful."); } let user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ username: new RegExp(`^${username}$`, "i") }); if (user) throw new Error("A user with that username already exists."); user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ "email.address": email }); if (user) throw new Error("A user with that email already exists."); const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(10); const hash = await bcrypt.hash(sha256(password), salt); const userId = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 12 }, this ); const verificationToken = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 64 }, this); const gravatarUrl = await UtilsModule.runJob( "CREATE_GRAVATAR", { email }, this ); const likedSongsPlaylist = await PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CREATE_USER_PLAYLIST", { userId, displayName: "Liked Songs", type: "user-liked" }, this ); const dislikedSongsPlaylist = await PlaylistsModule.runJob( "CREATE_USER_PLAYLIST", { userId, displayName: "Disliked Songs", type: "user-disliked" }, this ); user = { _id: userId, name: username, username, email: { address: email, verificationToken }, services: { password: { password: hash } }, avatar: { type: "initials", color: avatarColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * avatarColors.length)], url: gravatarUrl }, likedSongsPlaylist, dislikedSongsPlaylist }; await UsersModule.userModel.create(user); await UsersModule.verifyEmailSchema(email, username, verificationToken); await ActivitiesModule.runJob( "ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId, type: "user__joined", payload: { message: "Welcome to Musare!" } }, this ); return { userId }; } /** * Attempts to update the email address of a user * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.userId - userId * @param {string} - new email * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async UPDATE_EMAIL(payload) { const { userId } = payload; let { email } = payload; email = email.toLowerCase().trim(); const user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ _id: userId }); if (!user) throw new Error("User not found."); if ( === email) throw new Error("New email can't be the same as your the old email."); const existingUser = UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ "email.address": email }); if (existingUser) throw new Error("That email is already in use."); const gravatarUrl = await UtilsModule.runJob("CREATE_GRAVATAR", { email }, this); const verificationToken = await UtilsModule.runJob("GENERATE_RANDOM_STRING", { length: 64 }, this); await UsersModule.userModel.updateOne( { _id: userId }, { $set: { "avatar.url": gravatarUrl, "email.address": email, "email.verified": false, "email.verificationToken": verificationToken } }, { runValidators: true } ); await UsersModule.verifyEmailSchema(email, user.username, verificationToken); } /** * Attempts to update the username of a user * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.userId - userId * @param {string} payload.username - new username * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async UPDATE_USERNAME(payload) { const { userId, username } = payload; const user = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ _id: userId }); if (!user) throw new Error("User not found."); if (user.username === username) throw new Error("New username can't be the same as the old username."); const existingUser = await UsersModule.userModel.findOne({ username: new RegExp(`^${username}$`, "i") }); if (existingUser) throw new Error("That username is already in use."); await UsersModule.userModel.updateOne({ _id: userId }, { $set: { username } }, { runValidators: true }); } // async EXAMPLE_JOB() { // if (true) return; // else throw new Error("Nothing changed."); // } } export default new _UsersModule();