/** * @file */ import config from "config"; import async from "async"; import socketio from "socket.io"; import actions from "./actions"; import CoreClass from "../core"; class IOModule extends CoreClass { constructor() { super("io"); } async initialize() { this.setStage(1); const { app } = this.moduleManager.modules; const { cache } = this.moduleManager.modules; const { utils } = this.moduleManager.modules; const { db } = this.moduleManager.modules; const { punishments } = this.moduleManager.modules; this.setStage(2); const SIDname = config.get("cookie.SIDname"); // TODO: Check every 30s/, for all sockets, if they are still allowed to be in the rooms they are in, and on socket at all (permission changing/banning) const server = await app.runJob("SERVER"); this._io = socketio(server); return new Promise(resolve => { this.setStage(3); this._io.use(async (socket, cb) => { if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "IO_REJECTED_CONNECTION", `A user tried to connect, but the IO module is currently not ready. IP: ${socket.ip}` ); return socket.disconnect(true); } let SID; socket.ip = socket.request.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || ""; return async.waterfall( [ next => { utils .runJob("PARSE_COOKIES", { cookieString: socket.request.headers.cookie }) .then(res => { SID = res[SIDname]; next(null); }); }, next => { if (!SID) return next("No SID."); return next(); }, next => { cache.runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: SID }).then(session => { next(null, session); }); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) return next("No session found."); session.refreshDate = Date.now(); socket.session = session; return cache .runJob("HSET", { table: "sessions", key: SID, value: session }) .then(session => { next(null, session); }); }, (res, next) => { // check if a session's user / IP is banned punishments .runJob("GET_PUNISHMENTS", {}) .then(punishments => { const isLoggedIn = !!(socket.session && socket.session.refreshDate); const userId = isLoggedIn ? socket.session.userId : null; const banishment = { banned: false, ban: 0 }; punishments.forEach(punishment => { if (punishment.expiresAt > banishment.ban) banishment.ban = punishment; if ( punishment.type === "banUserId" && isLoggedIn && punishment.value === userId ) banishment.banned = true; if (punishment.type === "banUserIp" && punishment.value === socket.ip) banishment.banned = true; }); socket.banishment = banishment; next(); }) .catch(() => { next(); }); } ], () => { if (!socket.session) socket.session = { socketId: socket.id }; else socket.session.socketId = socket.id; cb(); } ); }); this.setStage(4); this._io.on("connection", async socket => { let sessionInfo = ""; if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "IO_REJECTED_CONNECTION", `A user tried to connect, but the IO module is currently not ready. IP: ${socket.ip}.${sessionInfo}` ); return socket.disconnect(true); } if (socket.session.sessionId) sessionInfo = ` UserID: ${socket.session.userId}.`; // if session is banned if (socket.banishment && socket.banishment.banned) { this.log( "INFO", "IO_BANNED_CONNECTION", `A user tried to connect, but is currently banned. IP: ${socket.ip}.${sessionInfo}` ); socket.emit("keep.event:banned", socket.banishment.ban); return socket.disconnect(true); } this.log("INFO", "IO_CONNECTION", `User connected. IP: ${socket.ip}.${sessionInfo}`); // catch when the socket has been disconnected socket.on("disconnect", () => { if (socket.session.sessionId) sessionInfo = ` UserID: ${socket.session.userId}.`; this.log("INFO", "IO_DISCONNECTION", `User disconnected. IP: ${socket.ip}.${sessionInfo}`); }); socket.use((data, next) => { if (data.length === 0) return next(new Error("Not enough arguments specified.")); if (typeof data[0] !== "string") return next(new Error("First argument must be a string.")); const namespaceAction = data[0]; if ( !namespaceAction || namespaceAction.indexOf(".") === -1 || namespaceAction.indexOf(".") !== namespaceAction.lastIndexOf(".") ) return next(new Error("Invalid first argument")); const namespace = data[0].split(".")[0]; const action = data[0].split(".")[1]; if (!namespace) return next(new Error("Invalid namespace.")); if (!action) return next(new Error("Invalid action.")); if (!actions[namespace]) return next(new Error("Namespace not found.")); if (!actions[namespace][action]) return next(new Error("Action not found.")); return next(); }); // catch errors on the socket (internal to socket.io) socket.on("error", console.error); if (socket.session.sessionId) { cache .runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: socket.session.sessionId }) .then(session => { if (session && session.userId) { db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (err || !user) return socket.emit("ready", false); let role = ""; let username = ""; let userId = ""; if (user) { role = user.role; username = user.username; userId = session.userId; } return socket.emit("ready", true, role, username, userId); }); }); } else socket.emit("ready", false); }) .catch(() => socket.emit("ready", false)); } else socket.emit("ready", false); // have the socket listen for each action return Object.keys(actions).forEach(namespace => { Object.keys(actions[namespace]).forEach(action => { // the full name of the action const name = `${namespace}.${action}`; // listen for this action to be called socket.on(name, async (...args) => { let cb = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = () => { this.this.log("INFO", "IO_MODULE", `There was no callback provided for ${name}.`); }; else args.pop(); if (this.getStatus() !== "READY") { this.log( "INFO", "IO_REJECTED_ACTION", `A user tried to execute an action, but the IO module is currently not ready. Action: ${namespace}.${action}.` ); return; } this.log("INFO", "IO_ACTION", `A user executed an action. Action: ${namespace}.${action}.`); // load the session from the cache cache .runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: socket.session.sessionId }) .then(session => { // make sure the sockets sessionId isn't set if there is no session if (socket.session.sessionId && session === null) delete socket.session.sessionId; try { // call the action, passing it the session, and the arguments socket.io passed us return actions[namespace][action].apply( null, [socket.session].concat(args).concat([ result => { this.log( "INFO", "IO_ACTION", `Response to action. Action: ${namespace}.${action}. Response status: ${result.status}` ); // respond to the socket with our message if (typeof cb === "function") cb(result); } ]) ); } catch (err) { if (typeof cb === "function") cb({ status: "error", message: "An error occurred while executing the specified action." }); return this.log( "ERROR", "IO_ACTION_ERROR", `Some type of exception occurred in the action ${namespace}.${action}. Error message: ${err.message}` ); } }) .catch(() => { if (typeof cb === "function") cb({ status: "error", message: "An error occurred while obtaining your session" }); }); }); }); }); }); this.setStage(5); return resolve(); }); } IO() { return new Promise(resolve => { resolve(this._io); }); } } export default new IOModule();