import async from "async"; import CoreClass from "../core"; class StationsModule extends CoreClass { constructor() { super("stations"); } async initialize() { this.cache = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; this.db = this.moduleManager.modules.db; this.utils = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; this.songs = this.moduleManager.modules.songs; this.notifications = this.moduleManager.modules.notifications; this.defaultSong = { songId: "60ItHLz5WEA", title: "Faded - Alan Walker", duration: 212, skipDuration: 0, likes: -1, dislikes: -1 }; // TEMP this.cache.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.pause", cb: async stationId => { this.notifications .runJob("REMOVE", { subscription: `stations.nextSong?id=${stationId}` }) .then(); } }); this.cache.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.resume", cb: async stationId => { this.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(); } }); this.cache.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", cb: async stationId => { this.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(station => { if (!station.currentSong && station.queue.length > 0) { this.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(); } }); } }); this.cache.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.newOfficialPlaylist", cb: async stationId => { this.cache .runJob("HGET", { table: "officialPlaylists", key: stationId }) .then(playlistObj => { if (playlistObj) { this.utils.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:newOfficialPlaylist", playlistObj.songs] }); } }); } }); const stationModel = (this.stationModel = await this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" })); const stationSchema = (this.stationSchema = await this.cache.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "station" })); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { this.setStage(2); this.cache .runJob("HGETALL", { table: "stations" }) .then(stations => { next(null, stations); }) .catch(next); }, (stations, next) => { this.setStage(3); if (!stations) return next(); const stationIds = Object.keys(stations); return async.each( stationIds, (stationId, next) => { stationModel.findOne({ _id: stationId }, (err, station) => { if (err) next(err); else if (!station) { this.cache .runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: stationId }) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } else next(); }); }, next ); }, next => { this.setStage(4); stationModel.find({}, next); }, (stations, next) => { this.setStage(5); async.each( stations, (station, next2) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { this.cache .runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: station._id, value: stationSchema(station) }) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { this.runJob( "INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId: station._id, bypassQueue: true }, { bypassQueue: true } ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); // bypassQueue is true because otherwise the module will never initialize } ], err => { next2(err); } ); }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else { resolve(); } } ) ); } INITIALIZE_STATION(payload) { // stationId, cb, bypassValidate = false return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = ()=>{}; async.waterfall( [ next => { this.runJob( "GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); this.notifications .runJob("UNSCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}` }) .then() .catch(); this.notifications .runJob("SUBSCRIBE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, cb: () => this.runJob("SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id }), unique: true, station }) .then() .catch(); if (station.paused) return next(true, station); return next(null, station); }, (station, next) => { if (!station.currentSong) { return this.runJob( "SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(station => { next(true, station); }) .catch(next) .finally(() => {}); } let timeLeft = station.currentSong.duration * 1000 - ( - station.startedAt - station.timePaused); if (Number.isNaN(timeLeft)) timeLeft = -1; if (station.currentSong.duration * 1000 < timeLeft || timeLeft < 0) { return this.runJob( "SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); } // name, time, cb, station this.notifications.runJob("SCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, time: timeLeft, station }); return next(null, station); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } async CALCULATE_SONG_FOR_STATION(payload) { // station, bypassValidate = false const stationModel = await this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }); const songModel = await this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "song" }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const songList = []; return async.waterfall( [ next => { if (payload.station.genres.length === 0) return next(); const genresDone = []; return payload.station.genres.forEach(genre => { songModel.find({ genres: genre }, (err, songs) => { if (!err) { songs.forEach(song => { if (songList.indexOf(song._id) === -1) { let found = false; song.genres.forEach(songGenre => { if (payload.station.blacklistedGenres.indexOf(songGenre) !== -1) found = true; }); if (!found) { songList.push(song._id); } } }); } genresDone.push(genre); if (genresDone.length === payload.station.genres.length) next(); }); }); }, next => { const playlist = []; songList.forEach(songId => { if (payload.station.playlist.indexOf(songId) === -1) playlist.push(songId); }); // eslint-disable-next-line array-callback-return payload.station.playlist.filter(songId => { if (songList.indexOf(songId) !== -1) playlist.push(songId); }); this.utils .runJob("SHUFFLE", { array: playlist }) .then(result => { next(null, result.array); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { this.runJob( "CALCULATE_OFFICIAL_PLAYLIST_LIST", { stationId: payload.station._id, songList: playlist, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(() => { next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.station._id }, { $set: { playlist } }, { runValidators: true }, () => { this.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: payload.station._id, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(() => { next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); } ); } ], (err, newPlaylist) => { if (err) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve(newPlaylist); } ); }); } // Attempts to get the station from Redis. If it's not in Redis, get it from Mongo and add it to Redis. GET_STATION(payload) { // stationId, cb, bypassValidate = false return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { this.cache .runJob("HGET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId }) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) return next(true, station); return this.stationModel.findOne({ _id: payload.stationId }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) { if (station.type === "official") { this.runJob("CALCULATE_OFFICIAL_PLAYLIST_LIST", { stationId: station._id, songList: station.playlist }) .then() .catch(); } station = this.stationSchema(station); this.cache .runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId, value: station }) .then() .catch(); next(true, station); } else next("Station not found"); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } // Attempts to get the station from Redis. If it's not in Redis, get it from Mongo and add it to Redis. async GET_STATION_BY_NAME(payload) { // stationName const stationModel = await this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { stationModel.findOne({ name: payload.stationName }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) { if (station.type === "official") { this.runJob("CALCULATE_OFFICIAL_PLAYLIST_LIST", { stationId: station._id, songList: station.playlist }); } this.cache.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "station" }).then(stationSchema => { station = stationSchema(station); this.cache.runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: station._id, value: station }); next(true, station); }); } else next("Station not found"); } ], (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve(station); } ) ); } UPDATE_STATION(payload) { // stationId, cb, bypassValidate = false return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { this.stationModel.findOne({ _id: payload.stationId }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) { this.cache .runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId }) .then() .catch(); return next("Station not found"); } return this.cache .runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId, value: station }) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } async CALCULATE_OFFICIAL_PLAYLIST_LIST(payload) { // stationId, songList, cb, bypassValidate = false const officialPlaylistSchema = await this.cache.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "officialPlaylist" }); return new Promise(resolve => { const lessInfoPlaylist = []; return async.each( payload.songList, (song, next) => { this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG", { id: song }) .then(response => { const { song } = response; if (song) { const newSong = { songId: song.songId, title: song.title, artists: song.artists, duration: song.duration }; lessInfoPlaylist.push(newSong); } }) .finally(() => { next(); }); }, () => { this.cache .runJob("HSET", { table: "officialPlaylists", key: payload.stationId, value: officialPlaylistSchema(payload.stationId, lessInfoPlaylist) }) .finally(() => { this.cache.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.newOfficialPlaylist", value: payload.stationId }); resolve(); }); } ); }); } SKIP_STATION(payload) { // stationId return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.log("INFO", `Skipping station ${payload.stationId}.`); this.log("STATION_ISSUE", `SKIP_STATION_CB - Station ID: ${payload.stationId}.`); async.waterfall( [ next => { this.runJob( "GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(() => {}); }, // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.type === "community" && station.partyMode && station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, null, -11, station); // Community station with party mode enabled and no songs in the queue if (station.type === "community" && station.partyMode && station.queue.length > 0) { // Community station with party mode enabled and songs in the queue if (station.paused) return next(null, null, -19, station); return this.stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.stationId }, { $pull: { queue: { _id: station.queue[0]._id } } }, err => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, station.queue[0], -12, station); } ); } if (station.type === "community" && !station.partyMode) { return this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }).then(playlistModel => playlistModel.findOne({ _id: station.privatePlaylist }, (err, playlist) => { if (err) return next(err); if (!playlist) return next(null, null, -13, station); playlist = playlist.songs; if (playlist.length > 0) { let currentSongIndex; if (station.currentSongIndex < playlist.length - 1) currentSongIndex = station.currentSongIndex + 1; else currentSongIndex = 0; const callback = (err, song) => { if (err) return next(err); if (song) return next(null, song, currentSongIndex, station); const currentSong = { songId: playlist[currentSongIndex].songId, title: playlist[currentSongIndex].title, duration: playlist[currentSongIndex].duration, likes: -1, dislikes: -1 }; return next(null, currentSong, currentSongIndex, station); }; if (playlist[currentSongIndex]._id) return this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG", { id: playlist[currentSongIndex]._id }) .then(response => callback(null, .catch(callback); return this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG_FROM_ID", { songId: playlist[currentSongIndex].songId }) .then(response => callback(null, .catch(callback); } return next(null, null, -14, station); }) ); } if (station.type === "official" && station.playlist.length === 0) { return this.runJob( "CALCULATE_SONG_FOR_STATION", { station, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(playlist => { if (playlist.length === 0) return next(null, this.defaultSong, 0, station); return this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG", { id: playlist[0] }) .then(response => { next(null,, 0, station); }) .catch(() => next(null, this.defaultSong, 0, station)); }) .catch(next); } if (station.type === "official" && station.playlist.length > 0) { return async.doUntil( next => { if (station.currentSongIndex < station.playlist.length - 1) { this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG", { id: station.playlist[station.currentSongIndex + 1] }) .then(response => next(null,, station.currentSongIndex + 1)) .catch(() => { station.currentSongIndex += 1; next(null, null, null); }); } else { this.runJob( "CALCULATE_SONG_FOR_STATION", { station, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(newPlaylist => { this.songs .runJob("GET_SONG", { id: newPlaylist[0] }) .then(response => { station.playlist = newPlaylist; next(null,, 0); }) .catch(() => next(null, this.defaultSong, 0)); }) .catch(() => { next(null, this.defaultSong, 0); }); } }, (song, currentSongIndex, next) => { if (song) return next(null, true, currentSongIndex); return next(null, false); }, (err, song, currentSongIndex) => next(err, song, currentSongIndex, station) ); } }, (song, currentSongIndex, station, next) => { const $set = {}; if (song === null) $set.currentSong = null; else if (song.likes === -1 && song.dislikes === -1) { $set.currentSong = { songId: song.songId, title: song.title, duration: song.duration, skipDuration: 0, likes: -1, dislikes: -1 }; } else { $set.currentSong = { songId: song.songId, title: song.title, artists: song.artists, duration: song.duration, likes: song.likes, dislikes: song.dislikes, skipDuration: song.skipDuration, thumbnail: song.thumbnail }; } if (currentSongIndex >= 0) $set.currentSongIndex = currentSongIndex; $set.startedAt =; $set.timePaused = 0; if (station.paused) $set.pausedAt =; next(null, $set, station); }, ($set, station, next) => { this.stationModel.updateOne({ _id: station._id }, { $set }, () => { this.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: station._id, bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue }, { bypassQueue: payload.bypassQueue } ) .then(station => { if (station.type === "community" && station.partyMode === true) this.cache .runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", value: payload.stationId }) .then() .catch(); next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); this.log("ERROR", `Skipping station "${payload.stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); reject(new Error(err)); } else { if (station.currentSong !== null && station.currentSong.songId !== undefined) { station.currentSong.skipVotes = 0; } // TODO Pub/Sub this this.utils .runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${station._id}`, args: [ "", { currentSong: station.currentSong, startedAt: station.startedAt, paused: station.paused, timePaused: 0 } ] }) .then() .catch(); if (station.privacy === "public") { this.utils .runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "home", args: ["event:station.nextSong", station._id, station.currentSong] }) .then() .catch(); } else { const sockets = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ROOM_SOCKETS", { room: "home" }); for ( let socketId = 0, socketKeys = Object.keys(sockets); socketId < socketKeys.length; socketId += 1 ) { const socket = sockets[socketId]; const { session } = sockets[socketId]; if (session.sessionId) { this.cache .runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }) .then(session => { if (session) { this.db.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne( { _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (!err && user) { if (user.role === "admin") socket.emit( "event:station.nextSong", station._id, station.currentSong ); else if ( station.type === "community" && station.owner === session.userId ) socket.emit( "event:station.nextSong", station._id, station.currentSong ); } } ); }); } }); } } } if (station.currentSong !== null && station.currentSong.songId !== undefined) { this.utils.runJob("SOCKETS_JOIN_SONG_ROOM", { sockets: await this.utils.runJob("GET_ROOM_SOCKETS", { room: `station.${station._id}` }), room: `song.${station.currentSong.songId}` }); if (!station.paused) { this.notifications.runJob("SCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, time: station.currentSong.duration * 1000, station }); } } else { this.utils .runJob("SOCKETS_LEAVE_SONG_ROOMS", { sockets: await this.utils.runJob("GET_ROOM_SOCKETS", { room: `station.${station._id}` }) }) .then() .catch(); } resolve({ station }); } } ); }); } CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION(payload) { // station, userId, hideUnlisted return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (payload.station.privacy === "public") return next(true); if (payload.station.privacy === "unlisted") if (payload.hideUnlisted === true) return next(); else return next(true); if (!payload.userId) return next("Not allowed"); return next(); }, next => { this.db .runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }) .then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: payload.userId }, next); }); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("Not allowed"); if (user.role === "admin") return next(true); if (payload.station.type === "official") return next("Not allowed"); if (payload.station.owner === payload.userId) return next(true); return next("Not allowed"); } ], async errOrResult => { if (errOrResult !== true && errOrResult !== "Not allowed") { errOrResult = await this.utils.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: errOrResult }); reject(new Error(errOrResult)); } else { resolve(errOrResult === true); } } ); }); } } export default new StationsModule();