import async from "async"; import CoreClass from "../core"; let StationsModule; let CacheModule; let DBModule; let UtilsModule; let WSModule; let SongsModule; let PlaylistsModule; let NotificationsModule; class _StationsModule extends CoreClass { // eslint-disable-next-line require-jsdoc constructor() { super("stations"); StationsModule = this; } /** * Initialises the stations module * * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ async initialize() { CacheModule = this.moduleManager.modules.cache; DBModule = this.moduleManager.modules.db; UtilsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.utils; WSModule =; SongsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.songs; PlaylistsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.playlists; NotificationsModule = this.moduleManager.modules.notifications; this.userList = {}; this.usersPerStation = {}; this.usersPerStationCount = {}; // TEMP CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.pause", cb: async stationId => { NotificationsModule.runJob("REMOVE", { subscription: `stations.nextSong?id=${stationId}` }).then(); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.resume", cb: async stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", cb: async stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(station => { if (!station.currentSong && station.queue.length > 0) { StationsModule.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(); } }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.newOfficialPlaylist", cb: async stationId => { CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "officialPlaylists", key: stationId }).then(playlistObj => { if (playlistObj) { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:newOfficialPlaylist", { data: { playlist: playlistObj.songs } }] }); } }); } }); const stationModel = (this.stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" })); const stationSchema = (this.stationSchema = await CacheModule.runJob("GET_SCHEMA", { schemaName: "station" })); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { this.setStage(2); CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "stations" }) .then(stations => { next(null, stations); }) .catch(next); }, (stations, next) => { this.setStage(3); if (!stations) return next(); const stationIds = Object.keys(stations); return async.each( stationIds, (stationId, next) => { stationModel.findOne({ _id: stationId }, (err, station) => { if (err) next(err); else if (!station) { CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: stationId }) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } else next(); }); }, next ); }, next => { this.setStage(4); stationModel.find({}, next); }, (stations, next) => { this.setStage(5); async.each( stations, (station, next2) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: station._id, value: stationSchema(station) }) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId: station._id }, null, -1 ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], err => { next2(err); } ); }, next ); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }); reject(new Error(err)); } else { resolve(); } } ) ); } /** * Initialises a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - id of the station to initialise * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ INITIALIZE_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob( "GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return NotificationsModule.runJob( "UNSCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}` }, this ) .then() .catch() .finally(() => { NotificationsModule.runJob("SUBSCRIBE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, cb: () => StationsModule.runJob("SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id, natural: true }), unique: true, station }) .then() .catch(); if (station.paused) return next(true, station); return next(null, station); }); }, (station, next) => { if (!station.currentSong) { return StationsModule.runJob( "SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id, natural: false }, this ) .then(station => { next(true, station); }) .catch(next) .finally(() => {}); } let timeLeft = station.currentSong.duration * 1000 - ( - station.startedAt - station.timePaused); if (Number.isNaN(timeLeft)) timeLeft = -1; if (station.currentSong.duration * 1000 < timeLeft || timeLeft < 0) { return StationsModule.runJob( "SKIP_STATION", { stationId: station._id, natural: false }, this ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); } // name, time, cb, station NotificationsModule.runJob("SCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, time: timeLeft, station }); return next(null, station); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this ); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } /** * Attempts to get the station from Redis. If it's not in Redis, get it from Mongo and add it to Redis. * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - id of the station * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) return next(true, station); return StationsModule.stationModel.findOne({ _id: payload.stationId }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) { station = StationsModule.stationSchema(station); CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId, value: station }) .then() .catch(); next(true, station); } else next("Station not found"); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this ); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } /** * Attempts to get a station by name, firstly from Redis. If it's not in Redis, get it from Mongo and add it to Redis. * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationName - the unique name of the station * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ async GET_STATION_BY_NAME(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.stationModel.findOne({ name: payload.stationName }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (station) { station = StationsModule.stationSchema(station); CacheModule.runJob("HSET", { table: "stations", key: station._id, value: station }); next(true, station); } else next("Station not found"); } ], (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve(station); } ) ); } /** * Gets stations data * * @param {object} payload - object containing the payload * @param {string} - the page * @param {string} payload.pageSize - the page size * @param {string} - the properties to return for each station * @param {string} payload.sort - the sort object * @param {string} payload.queries - the queries array * @param {string} payload.operator - the operator for queries * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_DATA(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ // Creates pipeline array next => next(null, []), // If a filter exists for owner, add ownerUsername property to all documents (pipeline, next) => { const { queries } = payload; // Check if a filter with the owner property exists const ownerFilterExists = =>"owner") !== -1; // If no such filter exists, skip this function if (!ownerFilterExists) return next(null, pipeline); // Adds ownerOID field, which is an ObjectId version of owner pipeline.push({ $addFields: { ownerOID: { $convert: { input: "$owner", to: "objectId", onError: "unknown", onNull: "unknown" } } } }); // Looks up user(s) with the same _id as the ownerOID and puts the result in the ownerUser field pipeline.push({ $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "ownerOID", foreignField: "_id", as: "ownerUser" } }); // Unwinds the ownerUser array field into an object pipeline.push({ $unwind: { path: "$ownerUser", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }); // Adds ownerUsername field from the ownerUser username, if owner doesn't exist then it's none, or if user/username doesn't exist then it's unknown pipeline.push({ $addFields: { ownerUsername: { $cond: [ { $eq: [{ $type: "$owner" }, "string"] }, { $ifNull: ["$ownerUser.username", "unknown"] }, "none" ] } } }); // Removes the ownerOID and ownerUser property, just in case it doesn't get removed at a later stage pipeline.push({ $project: { ownerOID: 0, ownerUser: 0 } }); return next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds the match stage to aggregation pipeline, which is responsible for filtering (pipeline, next) => { const { queries, operator } = payload; let queryError; const newQueries = queries.flatMap(query => { const { data, filter, filterType } = query; const newQuery = {}; if (filterType === "regex") { newQuery[] = new RegExp(`${data.slice(1, data.length - 1)}`, "i"); } else if (filterType === "contains") { newQuery[] = new RegExp( `${data.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")}`, "i" ); } else if (filterType === "exact") { newQuery[] = data.toString(); } else if (filterType === "datetimeBefore") { newQuery[] = { $lte: new Date(data) }; } else if (filterType === "datetimeAfter") { newQuery[] = { $gte: new Date(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberLesserEqual") { newQuery[] = { $lte: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberLesser") { newQuery[] = { $lt: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberGreater") { newQuery[] = { $gt: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberGreaterEqual") { newQuery[] = { $gte: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "numberEquals") { newQuery[] = { $eq: Number(data) }; } else if (filterType === "boolean") { newQuery[] = { $eq: !!data }; } if ( === "owner") return { $or: [newQuery, { ownerUsername: newQuery.owner }] }; return newQuery; }); if (queryError) next(queryError); const queryObject = {}; if (newQueries.length > 0) { if (operator === "and") queryObject.$and = newQueries; else if (operator === "or") queryObject.$or = newQueries; else if (operator === "nor") queryObject.$nor = newQueries; } pipeline.push({ $match: queryObject }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds sort stage to aggregation pipeline if there is at least one column being sorted, responsible for sorting data (pipeline, next) => { const { sort } = payload; const newSort = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(sort).map(([property, direction]) => [ property, direction === "ascending" ? 1 : -1 ]) ); if (Object.keys(newSort).length > 0) pipeline.push({ $sort: newSort }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds first project stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for including only the requested properties (pipeline, next) => { const { properties } = payload; pipeline.push({ $project: Object.fromEntries( => [property, 1])) }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Adds the facet stage to aggregation pipeline, responsible for returning a total document count, skipping and limitting the documents that will be returned (pipeline, next) => { const { page, pageSize } = payload; pipeline.push({ $facet: { count: [{ $count: "count" }], documents: [{ $skip: pageSize * (page - 1) }, { $limit: pageSize }] } }); // console.dir(pipeline, { depth: 6 }); next(null, pipeline); }, // Executes the aggregation pipeline (pipeline, next) => { StationsModule.stationModel.aggregate(pipeline).exec((err, result) => { // console.dir(err); // console.dir(result, { depth: 6 }); if (err) return next(err); if (result[0].count.length === 0) return next(null, 0, []); const { count } = result[0].count[0]; const { documents } = result[0]; // console.log(111, err, result, count, documents[0]); return next(null, count, documents); }); } ], (err, count, stations) => { if (err && err !== true) return reject(new Error(err)); return resolve({ data: stations, count }); } ); }); } /** * Updates the station in cache from mongo or deletes station in cache if no longer in mongo. * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the id of the station to update * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ UPDATE_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.stationModel.findOne({ _id: payload.stationId }, next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) { CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId }) .then() .catch(); return next("Station not found"); } return CacheModule.runJob( "HSET", { table: "stations", key: payload.stationId, value: station }, this ) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this ); reject(new Error(err)); } else resolve(station); } ); }); } /** * Fills up the official station playlist queue using the songs from the official station playlist * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @param {string} payload.ignoreExistingQueue - ignore the existing queue songs, replacing the old queue with a completely fresh one * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ FILL_UP_STATION_QUEUE_FROM_STATION_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { stationId, ignoreExistingQueue } = payload; async.waterfall( [ next => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId, includeSongs: true }, this) .then(response => { next(null, response.playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { if (ignoreExistingQueue) station.queue = []; next(null, playlist, station); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, station, next) => { if (station.playMode === "random") { UtilsModule.runJob("SHUFFLE", { array: playlist.songs }, this) .then(response => { next(null, response.array, station); }) .catch(next); } else next(null, playlist.songs, station); }, (_playlistSongs, station, next) => { let playlistSongs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_playlistSongs)); if (station.playMode === "sequential") { if (station.currentSongIndex <= playlistSongs.length) { const songsToAddToEnd = playlistSongs.splice(0, station.currentSongIndex); playlistSongs = [...playlistSongs, ...songsToAddToEnd]; } } const songsStillNeeded = 50 - station.queue.length; const currentSongs = station.queue; const currentYoutubeIds = => song.youtubeId); const songsToAdd = []; let lastSongAdded = null; playlistSongs.every(song => { if ( songsToAdd.length < songsStillNeeded && currentYoutubeIds.indexOf(song.youtubeId) === -1 ) { lastSongAdded = song; songsToAdd.push(song); return true; } if (songsToAdd.length >= songsStillNeeded) return false; return true; }); let { currentSongIndex } = station; if (station.playMode === "sequential" && lastSongAdded) { const indexOfLastSong = _playlistSongs .map(song => song.youtubeId) .indexOf(lastSongAdded.youtubeId); if (indexOfLastSong !== -1) currentSongIndex = indexOfLastSong; } next(null, currentSongs, songsToAdd, currentSongIndex); }, (currentSongs, songsToAdd, currentSongIndex, next) => { SongsModule.runJob("GET_SONGS", { songIds: => song._id), properties: [ "youtubeId", "title", "duration", "skipDuration", "artists", "thumbnail", "status" ] }) .then(response => { const newSongsToAdd = => response.songs.find(newSong => newSong._id.toString() === song._id.toString()) ); next(null, currentSongs, newSongsToAdd, currentSongIndex); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (currentSongs, songsToAdd, currentSongIndex, next) => { const newPlaylist = [...currentSongs, ...songsToAdd].map(song => { if (!song._id) song._id = null; return song; }); next(null, newPlaylist, currentSongIndex); }, (newPlaylist, currentSongIndex, next) => { StationsModule.stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $set: { queue: newPlaylist, currentSongIndex } }, { runValidators: true }, err => { if (err) next(err); else StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(null); }) .catch(next); } ); } ], err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Gets next station song * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_NEXT_STATION_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { stationId } = payload; async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station.queue.length === 0) next("No songs available."); else { next(null, station.queue[0]); } }, (queueSong, next) => { if (!queueSong._id) next(null, queueSong); else SongsModule.runJob("GET_SONG", { songId: queueSong._id }, this) .then(response => { const { song } = response; if (song) { const newSong = { _id: song._id, youtubeId: song.youtubeId, title: song.title, artists: song.artists, duration: song.duration, skipDuration: song.skipDuration, thumbnail: song.thumbnail, requestedAt: queueSong.requestedAt, requestedBy: queueSong.requestedBy, likes: song.likes, dislikes: song.dislikes, status: song.status }; return next(null, newSong); } return next(null, song); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], (err, song) => { if (err) console.log(33333, err, payload); if (err) reject(err); else resolve({ song }); } ); }); } /** * Removes first station queue song * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ REMOVE_FIRST_QUEUE_SONG(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { stationId } = payload; async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $pop: { queue: -1 } }, { runValidators: true }, err => { if (err) next(err); else StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(null); }) .catch(next); } ); } ], err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Skips a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the id of the station to skip * @param {string} payload.natural - whether to skip naturally or forcefully * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ SKIP_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { StationsModule.log("INFO", `Skipping station ${payload.stationId}.`); StationsModule.log("STATION_ISSUE", `SKIP_STATION_CB - Station ID: ${payload.stationId}.`); async.waterfall( [ // Clears up any existing timers that would skip the station if the song ends next => { NotificationsModule.runJob("UNSCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${payload.stationId}` }) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); }, // Gets the station object next => { StationsModule.runJob( "GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.type === "community" && station.partyMode && station.queue.length === 0) return next(null, null, station); // Community station with party mode enabled and no songs in the queue if (station.type === "community" && station.partyMode && station.queue.length > 0) { // Community station with party mode enabled and songs in the queue if (station.paused) return next(null, null, station); StationsModule.runJob("GET_NEXT_STATION_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this) .then(response => { StationsModule.runJob( "REMOVE_FIRST_QUEUE_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this ).then(() => { next(null,, station); }); }) .catch(err => { if (err === "No songs available.") next(null, null, station); else next(err); }); } if (station.type === "community" && !station.partyMode) { StationsModule.runJob( "FILL_UP_STATION_QUEUE_FROM_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId: station._id }, this ) .then(() => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_NEXT_STATION_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this) .then(response => { StationsModule.runJob( "REMOVE_FIRST_QUEUE_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this ).then(() => { next(null,, station); }); }) .catch(err => { if (err === "No songs available.") next(null, null, station); else next(err); }); }) .catch(next); } if (station.type === "official") { StationsModule.runJob( "FILL_UP_STATION_QUEUE_FROM_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId: station._id }, this ) .then(() => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_NEXT_STATION_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this) .then(response => { StationsModule.runJob( "REMOVE_FIRST_QUEUE_SONG", { stationId: station._id }, this ) .then(() => { next(null,, station); }) .catch(next); }) .catch(err => { if (err === "No songs available.") next(null, null, station); else next(err); }); }) .catch(next); } }, (song, station, next) => { const $set = {}; if (song === null) $set.currentSong = null; else { $set.currentSong = { _id: song._id, youtubeId: song.youtubeId, title: song.title, artists: song.artists, duration: song.duration, skipDuration: song.skipDuration, thumbnail: song.thumbnail, requestedAt: song.requestedAt, requestedBy: song.requestedBy, status: song.status }; } $set.startedAt =; $set.timePaused = 0; if (station.paused) $set.pausedAt =; next(null, $set, song, station); }, ($set, song, station, next) => { StationsModule.stationModel.updateOne({ _id: station._id }, { $set }, err => { if (err) return next(err); return StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: station._id }, this) .then(station => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", value: payload.stationId }) .then() .catch(); next(null, station, song); }) .catch(next); }); }, (station, song, next) => { if (station.currentSong !== null && station.currentSong.youtubeId !== undefined) { station.currentSong.likes = song.likes; station.currentSong.dislikes = song.dislikes; station.currentSong.skipVotes = 0; } next(null, station); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); StationsModule.log("ERROR", `Skipping station "${payload.stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return reject(new Error(err)); } // TODO Pub/Sub this const { currentSong } = station; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${station._id}`, args: [ "event:station.nextSong", { data: { currentSong, startedAt: station.startedAt, paused: station.paused, timePaused: 0, natural: payload.natural } } ] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${station._id}`, args: ["event:station.nextSong", { data: { stationId: station._id, currentSong } }] }); if (station.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "home", args: ["event:station.nextSong", { data: { stationId: station._id, currentSong } }] }); else { const sockets = await WSModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_FOR_ROOM", { room: "home" }, this); sockets.forEach(async socketId => { const socket = await WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_FROM_SOCKET_ID", { socketId }); if (!socket) return; const { session } = socket; if (session.sessionId) { CacheModule.runJob("HGET", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }).then( session => { if (session) { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: session.userId }, (err, user) => { if (!err && user) { if (user.role === "admin") socket.dispatch("event:station.nextSong", { data: { stationId: station._id, currentSong } }); else if ( station.type === "community" && station.owner === session.userId ) socket.dispatch("event:station.nextSong", { data: { stationId: station._id, currentSong } }); } }); }); } } ); } }); } WSModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_FOR_ROOM", { room: `station.${station._id}` }).then(sockets => { if (station.currentSong !== null && station.currentSong.youtubeId !== undefined) { WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_JOIN_SONG_ROOM", { sockets, room: `song.${station.currentSong.youtubeId}` }); if (!station.paused) { NotificationsModule.runJob("SCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${station._id}`, time: station.currentSong.duration * 1000, station }); } } else WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_LEAVE_SONG_ROOMS", { sockets }); }); return resolve({ station }); } ); }); } /** * Checks if a user can view/access a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.station - the station object of the station in question * @param {string} payload.userId - the id of the user in question * @param {boolean} payload.hideUnlisted - whether the user is allowed to see unlisted stations or not * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (payload.station.privacy === "public") return next(true); if (payload.station.privacy === "unlisted") if (payload.hideUnlisted === true) return next(); else return next(true); if (!payload.userId) return next("Not allowed"); return next(); }, next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: payload.userId }, next); }); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("Not allowed"); if (user.role === "admin") return next(true); if (payload.station.type === "official") return next("Not allowed"); if (payload.station.owner === payload.userId) return next(true); return next("Not allowed"); } ], async errOrResult => { if (errOrResult !== true && errOrResult !== "Not allowed") { errOrResult = await UtilsModule.runJob( "GET_ERROR", { error: errOrResult }, this ); reject(new Error(errOrResult)); } else { resolve(errOrResult === true); } } ); }); } /** * Checks if a user has favorited a station or not * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.stationId - the id of the station in question * @param {string} payload.userId - the id of the user in question * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ HAS_USER_FAVORITED_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this).then(userModel => { userModel.findOne({ _id: payload.userId }, next); }); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) return next("User not found."); if (user.favoriteStations.indexOf(payload.stationId) !== -1) return next(null, true); return next(null, false); } ], async (err, isStationFavorited) => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(isStationFavorited); } ); }); } /** * Returns a list of sockets in a room that can and can't know about a station * * @param {object} payload - the payload object * @param {object} payload.station - the station object * @param {string} - the websockets room to get the sockets from * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ GET_SOCKETS_THAT_CAN_KNOW_ABOUT_STATION(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { WSModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_FOR_ROOM", { room: }, this) .then(socketIds => { const sockets = []; async.eachLimit( socketIds, 1, (socketId, next) => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_FROM_SOCKET_ID", { socketId }, this) .then(socket => { if (socket) sockets.push(socket); next(); }) .catch(err => { reject(err); }); }, err => { if (err) reject(err); else { let socketsThatCan = []; const socketsThatCannot = []; if (payload.station.privacy === "public") { socketsThatCan = sockets; resolve({ socketsThatCan, socketsThatCannot }); } else { async.eachLimit( sockets, 1, (socket, next) => { const { session } = socket; async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!session.sessionId) next("No session id"); else next(); }, next => { CacheModule.runJob( "HGET", { table: "sessions", key: session.sessionId }, this ) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(next); }, (session, next) => { if (!session) next("No session"); else { DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this) .then(userModel => { next(null, userModel); }) .catch(next); } }, (userModel, next) => { if (!userModel) next("No user model"); else userModel.findOne( { _id: session.userId }, next ); }, (user, next) => { if (!user) next("No user found"); else if (user.role === "admin") { socketsThatCan.push(socket); next(); } else if ( payload.station.type === "community" && payload.station.owner === session.userId ) { socketsThatCan.push(socket); next(); } } ], err => { if (err) socketsThatCannot.push(socket); next(); } ); }, err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve({ socketsThatCan, socketsThatCannot }); } ); } } } ); }) .catch(reject); }); } /** * Adds a playlist to be included in a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.stationId - the id of the station to include the playlist in * @param {object} payload.playlistId - the id of the playlist to be included * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ INCLUDE_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!payload.stationId) next("Please specify a station id"); else if (!payload.playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station.playlist === payload.playlistId) next("You cannot include the station playlist"); else if (station.includedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) !== -1) next("This playlist is already included"); else if (station.excludedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) !== -1) next( "This playlist is currently excluded, please remove it from there before including it" ); else PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: payload.playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(null); }) .catch(next); }, next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ).then(stationModel => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.stationId }, { $push: { includedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } }, next ); }); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Removes a playlist that is included in a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @param {object} payload.playlistId - the id of the playlist * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ REMOVE_INCLUDED_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!payload.stationId) next("Please specify a station id"); else if (!payload.playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station.includedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) === -1) next("This playlist isn't included"); else next(); }, next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ).then(stationModel => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.stationId }, { $pull: { includedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } }, next ); }); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Adds a playlist to be excluded in a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @param {object} payload.playlistId - the id of the playlist * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ EXCLUDE_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!payload.stationId) next("Please specify a station id"); else if (!payload.playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station.playlist === payload.playlistId) next("You cannot exclude the station playlist"); else if (station.excludedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) !== -1) next("This playlist is already excluded"); else if (station.includedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) !== -1) next( "This playlist is currently included, please remove it from there before excluding it" ); else PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: payload.playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(null); }) .catch(next); }, next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ).then(stationModel => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.stationId }, { $push: { excludedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } }, next ); }); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Removes a playlist that is excluded in a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {object} payload.stationId - the id of the station * @param {object} payload.playlistId - the id of the playlist * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ REMOVE_EXCLUDED_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!payload.stationId) next("Please specify a station id"); else if (!payload.playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (station.excludedPlaylists.indexOf(payload.playlistId) === -1) next("This playlist isn't excluded"); else next(); }, next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ).then(stationModel => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: payload.stationId }, { $pull: { excludedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } }, next ); }); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: payload.stationId }, this ) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Removes included or excluded playlist from a station * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.playlistId - the playlist id * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ REMOVE_INCLUDED_OR_EXCLUDED_PLAYLIST_FROM_STATIONS(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!payload.playlistId) next("Please specify a playlist id"); else next(); }, next => { StationsModule.stationModel.updateMany( { $or: [ { includedPlaylists: payload.playlistId }, { excludedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } ] }, { $pull: { includedPlaylists: payload.playlistId, excludedPlaylists: payload.playlistId } }, err => { if (err) next(err); else next(); } ); } ], async err => { if (err && err !== true) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); return reject(new Error(err)); } return resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Gets stations that include or exclude a specific playlist * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.playlistId - the playlist id * @returns {Promise} - returns promise (reject, resolve) */ GET_STATIONS_THAT_INCLUDE_OR_EXCLUDE_PLAYLIST(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ).then(stationModel => { stationModel.find( { $or: [{ includedPlaylists: payload.playlistId }, { excludedPlaylists: payload.playlistId }] }, (err, stations) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve({ stationIds: => station._id) }); } ); }); }); } /** * Clears every queue * * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ CLEAR_EVERY_STATION_QUEUE() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.stationModel.updateMany({}, { $set: { queue: [] } }, err => { if (err) next(err); else { StationsModule.stationModel.find({}, (err, stations) => { if (err) next(err); else { async.eachLimit( stations, 1, (station, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId: station._id }) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", value: station._id }) .then() .catch(); }, next ); } }); } }); } ], err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); }); } /** * Clears and refills a station queue * * @param {object} payload - object that contains the payload * @param {string} payload.stationId - the station id * @returns {Promise} - returns a promise (resolve, reject) */ CLEAR_AND_REFILL_STATION_QUEUE(payload) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob( "FILL_UP_STATION_QUEUE_FROM_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId: payload.stationId, ignoreExistingQueue: true }, this ) .then(() => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", value: payload.stationId }) .then() .catch(); next(); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], err => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(); } ); }); } } export default new _StationsModule();