# Changelog ## [v3.4.0] - Unreleased ### Added - feat: Scroll to next song item in Edit Songs queue - feat: Reset Advanced Table bulk actions popup position on screen resize if in initial position - feat: Global LESS variables - refactor: Configurable Main Footer links - feat: Configurable Docker container restart policy - feat: Backend job to create a song - feat: Create song from scratch with Edit Song - chore: Added CodeQL analysis GitHub action - feat: Ability to select track position in Edit Song player - feat: Ability to select playback rate in Edit Song player - refactor: Import playlist from admin/songs Request Song - feat: Login with username or email - chore: Added CHANGELOG.md - feat: Added view profile button to admin/users table - feat: Ability to delete reports - feat: Added resolved attribute to reports Advanced Table ### Changed - refactor: Replaced night mode toggle slider in Main Header with day/night icons - refactor: Replaced SASS/SCCS with LESS - refactor: Hide registration buttons and prevent opening register modal if registration is disabled - refactor: Trim certain user modifiable strings in playlists, songs, reports and stations - refactor: Allow title to wrap to a 2nd line if no there are no artists in Song Item - refactor: Consistent border-radius - refactor: Consistent box-shadow - refactor: Replace deprecated /deep/ selector with :deep() - chore: Update frontend and backend packages, and docker images - refactor: Move Edit Song verify toggle button to in-form toggle switch - refactor: Volume slider styling improvements - refactor: Replaced admin secondary nav with sidebar ### Fixed - fix: Relative homepage header height causing overlay of content on non-standard resolutions - fix: Unable to toggle nightmode on mobile logged out on homepage - fix: Station card top row should not wrap - fix: Advanced Table CTRL/SHIFT select rows does not work - fix: Station not automatically removed from favorite stations on homepage on deletion - fix: Playlist songs do not contain verified attribute - fix: Newest news should only fetch published items - fix: Deleting a song as an admin adds activity item that you deleted a song from genre playlists - fix: News item divider has no top/bottom margin - fix: Edit Song failing to fetch song reports - fix: Station refill can include current song - fix: Lofig can not be loaded from deep path - fix: CTRL/SHIFT+select Advanced Table rows no longer working - fix: Entering station with volume previously set to 0 is handled as muted - fix: Genre playlists are created even if the song is unverified - fix: Importing YouTube playlist throws URL invalid - fix: Song validation should not require genres or artists for unverified songs - fix: Station player not unloaded if queue runs empty - fix: Edit Song player state not reset on close or next song - fix: Playlists could sometimes not be created due to restrictive MongoDB index - fix: Add tags to songs doesn't give any feedback to the user - fix: AdvancedTable checkboxes overlay mobile navbar dropdown - fix: Nightmode -> EditSong -> Discogs API Result release on hover style is messed up - fix: Station creation validation always failing - fix: Station info display name and description overflow horizontally - fix: Volume slider incorrect sensitivity - fix: Song thumbnail loading causes jumpiness on admin/songs ### Removed - refactor: Removed skip to last 10s button from Edit Song player ### Notes #### Breaking Changes This release includes a MongoDB update with breaking changes. Before upgrading please backup your database and reset it, and after upgrading restore it. Documentation on how to do this can be found in [.wiki/Utility_Script.md](.wiki/Utility_Script.md). Please run the Update All Songs job after upgrading to ensure playlist and station song data accuracy. ## [v3.3.1] - 2022-02-03 ### Fixes - fix: migration18 doesnt migrate playlist and queue songs ## [v3.3.0] - 2022-01-22 ### Added - feat: Admin ability to edit another users playlist - feat: Admin/Users ability to delete user, resend verify email and resend reset password email - feat: Bulk Actions modal for admin/songs bulk editing tags, genres and artists. - feat: Button and job to recalculate all song likes and dislikes - feat: Confirm modal, for more detailed confirmation of actions - feat: Create missing genre playlists button and job - feat: Delete songs - feat: Edit Songs modal - feat: Import Album styling improvements and prefill Discogs data option - feat: MediaSession controls (experimental) - feat: New admin area advanced table - Advanced filter/search functionality with autocomplete for certain attributes - Bulk update actions popup for songs. Ability to bulk edit, verify, unverify, delete, update tags, genres and artists. - Hide columns - Keyboard shortcuts - Local and query storage of table configuration - Manage columns dropdown - Pagination and configurable page size - Reorder columns - Resize columns - Row update and removed event handling - Select rows with checkboxes - Sort by column - feat: Open Manage Station from homepage - feat: Open Station Queue from homepage - feat: Redirect /admin to tab route - feat: Run jobs dropdown in admin area pages to replace buttons - feat: Song tagging - feat: Store the latest admin tab in localStorage and reopen that tab next time you go to admin - feat: View Musare version and Git info from backend/frontend - chore: Security.md file ### Changed - refactor: Auto suggest component - refactor: Renamed confirm component to quick confirm - refactor: Song status is now a verified boolean, with hidden songs migrated to unverified with a hidden tag - refactor: Treat liked/disliked playlists more like normal user playlists, except the ability to rename and delete - refactor: Unify song update socket events - refactor: web-kit scrollbars and support Firefox scrollbar styling - chore: Update material icons font - chore: Use npm for can-autoplay and lofig packages ### Fixed - fix: Any logged in user can perform certain actions on any playlist - fix: Changing your username does not update your username stored locally - fix: Clicking outside of the edit song modal whilst its loading, or attempt to close in any other way, will prevent you from closing the modal - fix: Data request emails are always sent from musare.com - fix: Frontend ws.js, when onConnect is called right after the socket connects (within 150ms), the onConnect callback is called twice - fix: Header logo and modal close icon does not have user-select: none; - fix: Home header min-height not set - fix: Importing YouTube playlist has errors - fix: Indexing reports prints "string" in backend logs - fix: Memory leak on the frontend, where every time the backend restarts the homepage tries to index the stations X times the server has restarted whilst the homepage has been active - fix: Modal footer overflow cropped - fix: Move song to bottom of queue does not work on occasion - fix: News items on news page overflow horizontally on mobile - fix: Opening edit song modal whilst loading prevents closing modal - fix: Queue does not have user-select set to none - fix: Removed legacy editSong right container styling - fix: Select dropdown arrow outside of container in create playlist - fix: Spam closing EditSong modals from ImportAlbum causes weird issues - fix: Tippy tooltips get cropped by modal overflow ## [v3.2.2] - 2021-12-11 ### Changed - refactor: Self host santa seeker icon ## [v3.2.1] - 2021-12-01 ### Fixed - fix: Jumpy candy cane seeker bar - fix: Christmas lights on home header when logged out and on mobile aren't on bottom of element - fix: Christmas lights hover just below main header - fix: Christmas lights box shadow cropped ## [v3.2.0] - 2021-11-20 ### Added - feat: Added christmas theme - Enable with frontend config option - Red primary color - Candycane station seekerbar - Santa on sleigh seeker icon - Christmas lights below main and modal header - Snow falling in the background - feat: Added new featured playlist feature to manage station, specify with backend config option - feat: Added red station theme ### Changed - refactor: Replaced standard red with darker red, except for christmas and red station themes. ## [v3.1.1] - 2021-11-15 ### Fixed - fix: Not logging in other open tabs automatically - fix: blacklistedCommunityStationNames issues ## [v3.1.0] - 2021-11-14 ### Added - feat: New config option for blacklisted station names ### Changed - refactor: Removed bulma dependency - refactor: Patched missing styling after removing bulma - refactor: Refactored createStation modal to allow for official station creation from admin area - refactor: Refactored login and register modals to open on top of homepage from route ### Fixed - Various bug fixes ## [v3.0.0] - 2021-10-31 Major update including feature changes, improvements and bug fixes. Changelog not completed for this release.