import async from "async"; import mongoose from "mongoose"; import config from "config"; import { hasPermission, useHasPermission } from "../hooks/hasPermission"; import isLoginRequired from "../hooks/loginRequired"; // eslint-disable-next-line import moduleManager from "../../index"; const DBModule = moduleManager.modules.db; const UtilsModule = moduleManager.modules.utils; const WSModule =; const PlaylistsModule = moduleManager.modules.playlists; const CacheModule = moduleManager.modules.cache; const NotificationsModule = moduleManager.modules.notifications; const StationsModule = moduleManager.modules.stations; const ActivitiesModule = moduleManager.modules.activities; CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.updateUsers", cb: ({ stationId, usersPerStation }) => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.users.updated", { data: { users: usersPerStation } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.updateUserCount", cb: ({ stationId, usersPerStationCount }) => { const count = usersPerStationCount || 0; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.userCount.updated", { data: { userCount: count } }] }); StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(async station => { if (station.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "home", args: ["event:station.userCount.updated", { data: { stationId, userCount: count } }] }); else { const sockets = await WSModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_FOR_ROOM", { room: "home" }); sockets.forEach(async socketId => { const socket = await WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_FROM_SOCKET_ID", { socketId }, this); if (!socket) return; const { session } = socket; hasPermission("stations.view", session, stationId) .then(() => { socket.dispatch("event:station.userCount.updated", { data: { stationId, count } }); }) .catch(() => {}); }); } }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.autofillPlaylist", cb: data => { const { stationId, playlistId } = data; PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }).then(playlist => WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: [`station.${stationId}`, `manage-station.${stationId}`], args: ["event:station.autofillPlaylist", { data: { stationId, playlist } }] }) ); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.blacklistedPlaylist", cb: data => { const { stationId, playlistId } = data; PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }).then(playlist => WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: [`station.${stationId}`, `manage-station.${stationId}`], args: ["event:station.blacklistedPlaylist", { data: { stationId, playlist } }] }) ); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.removedAutofillPlaylist", cb: data => { const { stationId, playlistId } = data; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: [`station.${stationId}`, `manage-station.${stationId}`], args: ["event:station.removedAutofillPlaylist", { data: { stationId, playlistId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.removedBlacklistedPlaylist", cb: data => { const { stationId, playlistId } = data; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: [`station.${stationId}`, `manage-station.${stationId}`], args: ["event:station.removedBlacklistedPlaylist", { data: { stationId, playlistId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.pause", cb: stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(station => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.pause", { data: { pausedAt: station.pausedAt } }] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.pause", { data: { stationId, pausedAt: station.pausedAt } }] }); StationsModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_THAT_CAN_KNOW_ABOUT_STATION", { room: `home`, station }).then(response => { const { socketsThatCan } = response; socketsThatCan.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:station.pause", { data: { stationId } }); }); }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.resume", cb: stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(station => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.resume", { data: { timePaused: station.timePaused } }] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.resume", { data: { stationId, timePaused: station.timePaused } }] }); StationsModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_THAT_CAN_KNOW_ABOUT_STATION", { room: `home`, station }) .then(response => { const { socketsThatCan } = response; socketsThatCan.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:station.resume", { data: { stationId } }); }); }) .catch(console.log); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", cb: stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }).then(station => { if (!station.currentSong && station.queue.length > 0) { StationsModule.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(); } WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.queue.updated", { data: { queue: station.queue } }] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:manageStation.queue.updated", { data: { stationId, queue: station.queue } }] }); }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.repositionSongInQueue", cb: res => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${res.stationId}`, args: ["", { data: { song: } }] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${res.stationId}`, args: [ "", { data: { stationId: res.stationId, song: } } ] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.toggleSkipVote", cb: res => { const { stationId, voted, userId } = res; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.toggleSkipVote", { data: { voted, userId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.remove", cb: stationId => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.deleted"] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `manage-station.${stationId}`, args: ["event:station.deleted"] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: `home`, args: ["event:station.deleted", { data: { stationId } }] }); WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.stations", args: ["event:admin.station.deleted", { data: { stationId } }] }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.create", cb: async stationId => { StationsModule.runJob("INITIALIZE_STATION", { stationId }).then(async res => { const { station } = res; station.userCount = StationsModule.usersPerStationCount[stationId] || 0; WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "admin.stations", args: ["event:admin.station.created", { data: { station } }] }); if (station.privacy === "public") WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "home", args: ["event:station.created", { data: { station } }] }); else { const sockets = await WSModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_FOR_ROOM", { room: "home" }); sockets.forEach(async socketId => { const socket = await WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_FROM_SOCKET_ID", { socketId }, this); if (!socket) return; const { session } = socket; hasPermission("stations.view", session, stationId) .then(() => { socket.dispatch("event:station.created", { data: { station } }); }) .catch(() => {}); }); } }); } }); CacheModule.runJob("SUB", { channel: "station.updated", cb: async data => { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }); const { stationId } = data; stationModel.findOne( { _id: stationId }, ["_id", "name", "displayName", "description", "type", "privacy", "owner", "requests", "autofill", "theme"], (err, station) => { WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOMS", { rooms: [`station.${stationId}`, `manage-station.${stationId}`, "admin.stations"], args: ["event:station.updated", { data: { station } }] }); StationsModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_THAT_CAN_KNOW_ABOUT_STATION", { room: `home`, station }).then(response => { const { socketsThatCan } = response; socketsThatCan.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:station.updated", { data: { station } }); }); }); if (data.previousStation && data.previousStation.privacy !== station.privacy) { if (station.privacy === "public") { // Station became public WSModule.runJob("EMIT_TO_ROOM", { room: "home", args: ["event:station.created", { data: { station } }] }); } else if (data.previousStation.privacy === "public") { // Station became hidden StationsModule.runJob("GET_SOCKETS_THAT_CAN_KNOW_ABOUT_STATION", { room: `home`, station }).then(response => { const { socketsThatCannot } = response; socketsThatCannot.forEach(socket => { socket.dispatch("event:station.deleted", { data: { stationId } }); }); }); } } } ); } }); export default { /** * Get a list of all the stations * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {boolean} adminFilter - whether to filter out stations admins do not own * @param {Function} cb - callback */ async index(session, adminFilter, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }); async.waterfall( [ // get array of the ids of the user's favorite stations next => { if (session.userId) return userModel.findById(session.userId).select({ favoriteStations: -1 }).exec(next); return next(null, { favoriteStations: [] }); }, (user, next) => { const favoriteStations = user ? user.favoriteStations : []; CacheModule.runJob("HGETALL", { table: "stations" }, this).then(stations => next(null, stations, favoriteStations) ); }, (stations, favorited, next) => { const filteredStations = []; async.eachLimit( stations, 1, (station, nextStation) => { async.waterfall( [ callback => { // only relevant if user logged in if (session.userId) { if (favorited.indexOf(station._id) !== -1) station.isFavorited = true; return callback(); } return callback(); }, callback => { StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(exists => callback(null, exists)) .catch(callback); }, (exists, callback) => { if (!exists) callback(null, false, false); else if (station.privacy === "public") callback(null, true, true); else hasPermission("stations.index", session.userId, station._id) .then(() => callback(null, true, true)) .catch(() => callback(null, true, false)); }, (exists, canIndex, callback) => { if (!exists) callback(null, false); else if (!canIndex && !adminFilter) hasPermission("stations.index.other", session.userId) .then(() => callback(null, true)) .catch(() => callback(null, false)); else callback(null, canIndex); } ], (err, exists) => { if (err) return this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_INDEX", err); station.userCount = StationsModule.usersPerStationCount[station._id] || 0; if (exists) filteredStations.push(station); return nextStation(); } ); }, () => next(null, filteredStations, favorited) ); } ], async (err, stations, favorited) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_INDEX", `Indexing stations failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_INDEX", `Indexing stations successful.`, false); return cb({ status: "success", data: { stations, favorited } }); } ); }, /** * Gets stations, used in the admin stations page by the AdvancedTable component * * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by the websocket * @param page - the page * @param pageSize - the size per page * @param properties - the properties to return for each station * @param sort - the sort object * @param queries - the queries array * @param operator - the operator for queries * @param cb */ getData: useHasPermission( "admin.view.stations", async function getSet(session, page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { DBModule.runJob( "GET_DATA", { page, pageSize, properties, sort, queries, operator, modelName: "station", blacklistedProperties: [], specialProperties: { owner: [ { $addFields: { ownerOID: { $convert: { input: "$owner", to: "objectId", onError: "unknown", onNull: "unknown" } } } }, { $lookup: { from: "users", localField: "ownerOID", foreignField: "_id", as: "ownerUser" } }, { $unwind: { path: "$ownerUser", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, { $addFields: { ownerUsername: { $cond: [ { $eq: [{ $type: "$owner" }, "string"] }, { $ifNull: ["$ownerUser.username", "unknown"] }, "none" ] } } }, { $project: { ownerOID: 0, ownerUser: 0 } } ] }, specialQueries: { owner: newQuery => ({ $or: [newQuery, { ownerUsername: newQuery.owner }] }) } }, this ) .then(response => { next(null, response); }) .catch(err => { next(err); }); } ], async (err, response) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_GET_DATA", `Failed to get data from stations. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_GET_DATA", `Got data from stations successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully got data from stations.", data: response }); } ); } ), /** * Obtains basic metadata of a station in order to format an activity * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ getStationForActivity(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_GET_STATION_FOR_ACTIVITY", `Failed to obtain metadata of station ${stationId} for activity formatting. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_GET_STATION_FOR_ACTIVITY", `Obtained metadata of station ${stationId} for activity formatting successfully.` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { title: station.displayName, thumbnail: station.currentSong ? station.currentSong.thumbnail : "" } }); } ); }, /** * Verifies that a station exists from its name * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationName - the station name * @param {Function} cb - callback */ existsByName(session, stationName, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION_BY_NAME", { stationName }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next(null, false); return StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(exists => next(null, exists)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, exists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATION_EXISTS_BY_NAME", `Checking if station "${stationName}" exists failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATION_EXISTS_BY_NAME", `Station "${stationName}" exists successfully.` /* , false */ ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { exists } }); } ); }, /** * Verifies that a station exists from its id * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ existsById(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next(null, false); return StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(exists => next(null, exists)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, exists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATION_EXISTS_BY_ID", `Checking if station "${stationId}" exists failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATION_EXISTS_BY_ID", `Station "${stationId}" exists successfully.` /* , false */ ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { exists } }); } ); }, /** * Gets the official playlist for a station * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ getPlaylist(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(canView => { if (canView) return next(null, station); return next("Insufficient permissions."); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.type !== "official") return next("This is not an official station."); return next(); }, next => { CacheModule.runJob( "HGET", { table: "officialPlaylists", key: stationId }, this ) .then(playlist => { next(null, playlist); }) .catch(next); }, (playlist, next) => { if (!playlist) return next("Playlist not found."); return next(null, playlist); } ], async (err, playlist) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_GET_PLAYLIST", `Getting playlist for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_GET_PLAYLIST", `Got playlist for station "${stationId}" successfully.`, false ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { songs: playlist.songs } }); } ); }, /** * Joins the station by its name * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationIdentifier - the station name or station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ async join(session, stationIdentifier, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }); async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION_BY_NAME", { stationName: stationIdentifier }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(() => // station identifier may be using stationid instead StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId: stationIdentifier }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next) ); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(canView => { if (!canView) next("Not allowed to join station."); else next(null, station); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_JOIN_ROOM", { socketId: session.socketId, room: `station.${station._id}` }); const data = { _id: station._id, type: station.type, currentSong: station.currentSong, startedAt: station.startedAt, paused: station.paused, timePaused: station.timePaused, pausedAt: station.pausedAt, description: station.description, displayName: station.displayName, name:, privacy: station.privacy, requests: station.requests, autofill: station.autofill, owner: station.owner, blacklist: station.blacklist, theme: station.theme, djs: station.djs }; StationsModule.userList[session.socketId] = station._id; next(null, data); }, (data, next) => { userModel.find({ _id: { $in: data.djs } }, (err, users) => { if (err) next(err); else { data.djs = => { const { _id, name, username, avatar } = user._doc; return { _id, name, username, avatar }; }); next(null, data); } }); }, (data, next) => { data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); data.userCount = StationsModule.usersPerStationCount[data._id] || 0; data.users = StationsModule.usersPerStation[data._id] || []; if (!data.currentSong || !data.currentSong.title) return next(null, data); WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_JOIN_SONG_ROOM", { socketId: session.socketId, room: `song.${data.currentSong.youtubeId}` }); data.currentSong.skipVotes = data.currentSong.skipVotes.length; return next(null, data); }, (data, next) => { // only relevant if user logged in if (session.userId) { return StationsModule.runJob( "HAS_USER_FAVORITED_STATION", { userId: session.userId, stationId: data._id }, this ) .then(isStationFavorited => { data.isFavorited = isStationFavorited; return next(null, data); }) .catch(err => next(err)); } return next(null, data); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_JOIN", `Joining station "${stationIdentifier}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_JOIN", `Joined station "${data._id}" successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }, /** * Gets a station by id * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ getStationById(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(canView => { if (!canView) next("Not allowed to get station."); else next(null, station); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { // only relevant if user logged in if (session.userId) { return StationsModule.runJob( "HAS_USER_FAVORITED_STATION", { userId: session.userId, stationId }, this ) .then(isStationFavorited => { station.isFavorited = isStationFavorited; return next(null, station); }) .catch(err => next(err)); } return next(null, station); }, (station, next) => { const data = { _id: station._id, type: station.type, description: station.description, displayName: station.displayName, name:, privacy: station.privacy, requests: station.requests, autofill: station.autofill, owner: station.owner, theme: station.theme, paused: station.paused, currentSong: station.currentSong, isFavorited: station.isFavorited, djs: station.djs }; next(null, data); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "GET_STATION_BY_ID", `Getting station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "GET_STATION_BY_ID", `Got station "${stationId}" successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", data: { station: data } }); } ); }, getStationAutofillPlaylistsById(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(canView => { if (!canView) next("Not allowed to get station."); else next(null, station); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { const playlists = []; async.eachLimit( station.autofill.playlists, 1, (playlistId, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { playlists.push(playlist); next(); }) .catch(() => { playlists.push(null); next(); }); }, err => { next(err, playlists); } ); } ], async (err, playlists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "GET_STATION_AUTOFILL_PLAYLISTS_BY_ID", `Getting station "${stationId}"'s autofilling playlists failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "GET_STATION_AUTOFILL_PLAYLISTS_BY_ID", `Got station "${stationId}"'s autofilling playlists successfully.` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlists } }); } ); }, getStationBlacklistById(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(canView => { if (!canView) next("Not allowed to get station."); else next(null, station); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { const playlists = []; async.eachLimit( station.blacklist, 1, (playlistId, next) => { PlaylistsModule.runJob("GET_PLAYLIST", { playlistId }, this) .then(playlist => { playlists.push(playlist); next(); }) .catch(() => { playlists.push(null); next(); }); }, err => { next(err, playlists); } ); } ], async (err, playlists) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "GET_STATION_BLACKLIST_BY_ID", `Getting station "${stationId}"'s blacklist failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "GET_STATION_BLACKLIST_BY_ID", `Got station "${stationId}"'s blacklist successfully.` ); return cb({ status: "success", data: { playlists } }); } ); }, /** * Toggle votes to skip a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param cb */ toggleSkipVote: isLoginRequired(async function toggleSkipVote(session, stationId, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(canView => { if (canView) return next(null, station); return next("Insufficient permissions."); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { if (!station.currentSong) return next("There is currently no song to skip."); const query = {}; const voted = station.currentSong.skipVotes.indexOf(session.userId) !== -1; if (!voted) query.$push = { "currentSong.skipVotes": session.userId }; else query.$pull = { "currentSong.skipVotes": session.userId }; return stationModel.updateOne({ _id: stationId }, query, err => { if (err) next(err); else next(null, !voted); }); }, (voted, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station, voted); }) .catch(next); }, (station, voted, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob("PROCESS_SKIP_VOTES", { stationId }, this) .then(() => next(null, voted)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, voted) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_TOGGLE_SKIP_VOTE", `Toggling skip vote on "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_TOGGLE_SKIP_VOTE", `Toggling skip vote on "${stationId}" successful.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.toggleSkipVote", value: { stationId, voted, userId: session.userId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: voted ? "Successfully voted to skip the song." : "Successfully removed vote to skip the song.", data: { voted } }); } ); }), /** * Force skips a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param cb */ forceSkip(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.skip", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return next(); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_FORCE_SKIP", `Force skipping station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } StationsModule.runJob("SKIP_STATION", { stationId, natural: false }); this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_FORCE_SKIP", `Force skipped station "${stationId}" successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully skipped station." }); } ); }, /** * Leaves the user's current station * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - id of station to leave * @param {Function} cb - callback */ leave(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return next(); } ], async (err, userCount) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_LEAVE", `Leaving station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_LEAVE", `Left station "${stationId}" successfully.`); WSModule.runJob("SOCKET_LEAVE_ROOM", { socketId: session.socketId, room: `station.${stationId}` }); WSModule.runJob("SOCKETS_LEAVE_SONG_ROOMS", { sockets: [session.socketId] }); delete StationsModule.userList[session.socketId]; return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully left station.", data: { userCount } }); } ); }, /** * Updates a station's settings * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param station - updated station object * @param newStation * @param cb */ async update(session, stationId, newStation, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this); const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.update", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { stationModel.findOne({ _id: stationId }, next); }, (previousStation, next) => { const { name, displayName, description, privacy, requests, autofill, theme } = newStation; const { enabled, limit, mode } = autofill; // This object makes sure only certain properties can be changed by a user const setObject = { name, displayName, description, privacy, requests, "autofill.enabled": enabled, "autofill.limit": limit, "autofill.mode": mode, theme }; stationModel.updateOne({ _id: stationId }, { $set: setObject }, { runValidators: true }, err => { next(err, previousStation); }); }, (previousStation, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station, previousStation)) .catch(next); }, (station, previousStation, next) => { if ( newStation.autofill.enabled && JSON.stringify(newStation.autofill) !== JSON.stringify(previousStation.autofill) ) StationsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(() => { CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.queueUpdate", value: stationId }) .then(() => next(null, station, previousStation)) .catch(next); }) .catch(err => { if (err === "Autofill is disabled in this station" || err === "Autofill limit reached") next(null, station, previousStation); else next(err); }); else next(null, station, previousStation); }, (station, previousStation, next) => { playlistModel.updateOne( { _id: station.playlist }, { $set: { displayName: `Station - ${station.displayName}` } }, err => { next(err, station, previousStation); } ); } ], async (err, station, previousStation) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_UPDATE", `Updating station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_UPDATE", `Updated station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.updated", value: { stationId, previousStation } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully updated the station." }); } ); }, /** * Pauses a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param cb */ async pause(session, stationId, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.playback.toggle", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.paused) return next("That station was already paused."); return stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $set: { paused: true, pausedAt: } }, next ); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_PAUSE", `Pausing station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_PAUSE", `Paused station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.pause", value: stationId }); NotificationsModule.runJob("UNSCHEDULE", { name: `stations.nextSong?id=${stationId}` }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully paused." }); } ); }, /** * Resumes a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param cb */ async resume(session, stationId, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob( "GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.playback.toggle", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (!station.paused) return next("That station is not paused."); station.timePaused += - station.pausedAt; return stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $set: { paused: false }, $inc: { timePaused: - station.pausedAt } }, next ); }, (res, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("PROCESS_SKIP_VOTES", { stationId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_RESUME", `Resuming station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_RESUME", `Resuming station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.resume", value: stationId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully resumed." }); } ); }, /** * Removes a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param cb */ async remove(session, stationId, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this); const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.remove", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { stationModel.findById(stationId, (err, station) => { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, station); }); }, (station, next) => { stationModel.deleteOne({ _id: stationId }, err => next(err, station)); }, (station, next) => { CacheModule.runJob("HDEL", { table: "stations", key: stationId }, this) .then(() => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, // remove the playlist for the station (station, next) => { if (station.playlist) PlaylistsModule.runJob("DELETE_PLAYLIST", { playlistId: station.playlist }) .then(() => {}) .catch(next); next(null, station); }, // remove reference to the station id in any array of a user's favorite stations (station, next) => { userModel.updateMany( { favoriteStations: stationId }, { $pull: { favoriteStations: stationId } }, err => next(err, station) ); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_REMOVE", `Removing station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_REMOVE", `Removing station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.remove", value: stationId }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "station__remove", payload: { message: `Removed a station named ${station.displayName}` } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("REMOVE_ACTIVITY_REFERENCES", { type: "stationId", stationId }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed." }); } ); }, /** * Create a station * * @param session * @param data - the station data * @param cb */ create: isLoginRequired(async function create(session, data, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this); const playlistModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "playlist" }, this); =; let blacklist = [ "about", "support", "staff", "help", "news", "terms", "privacy", "profile", "c", "community", "tos", "login", "register", "p", "official", "o", "faq", "team", "donate", "buy", "shop", "forums", "explore", "settings", "admin", "auth", "reset_password", "backend", "api", "songs", "playlists", "playlist", "albums", "artists", "artist", "station" ]; if (data.type === "community" && config.has("blacklistedCommunityStationNames")) blacklist = [...blacklist, ...config.get("blacklistedCommunityStationNames")]; async.waterfall( [ next => { if (!data) return next("Invalid data."); return next(); }, next => { stationModel.findOne( { $or: [{ name: }, { displayName: new RegExp(`^${data.displayName}$`, "i") }] }, next ); }, (station, next) => { this.log(station); if (station) return next("A station with that name or display name already exists."); if (blacklist.indexOf( !== -1) return next("That name is blacklisted. Please use a different name."); if (data.type === "official") return hasPermission("stations.create.official", session) .then(() => next()) .catch(() => next("Insufficient permissions.")); return next(); }, next => { const stationId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(); playlistModel.create( { displayName: `Station - ${}`, songs: [], createdBy: data.type === "official" ? "Musare" : session.userId, createdFor: `${stationId}`, createdAt:, type: "station" }, (err, playlist) => { next(err, playlist, stationId); } ); }, (playlist, stationId, next) => { const { name, displayName, description, type } = data; if (type === "official") { stationModel.create( { _id: stationId, name, displayName, description, playlist: playlist._id, type, privacy: "private", queue: [], currentSong: null }, next ); } else { stationModel.create( { _id: stationId, name, displayName, description, playlist: playlist._id, type, privacy: "private", owner: session.userId, queue: [], currentSong: null }, next ); } } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "STATIONS_CREATE", `Creating station failed. "${err}"`); cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } else { this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_CREATE", `Created station "${station._id}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.create", value: station._id }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "station__create", payload: { message: `Created a station named ${station.displayName}`, stationId: station._id } }); cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully created station." }); } } ); }), /** * Adds song to station queue * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param youtubeId - the song id * @param cb */ addToQueue: isLoginRequired(async function addToQueue(session, stationId, youtubeId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => { next(null, station); }) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (!station.requests.enabled) return next("Requests are disabled in this station."); if ( station.requests.access === "owner" || (station.requests.access === "user" && station.privacy === "private") ) { return hasPermission("stations.request", session, stationId) .then(() => next(null, station)) .catch(() => next("You do not have permission to add songs to queue.")); } return next(null, station); }, (station, next) => StationsModule.runJob( "CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this ) .then(canView => { if (canView) return next(); return next("Insufficient permissions."); }) .catch(err => next(err)), next => StationsModule.runJob( "ADD_TO_QUEUE", { stationId, youtubeId, requestUser: session.userId }, this ) .then(() => next()) .catch(next) ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_ADD_SONG_TO_QUEUE", `Adding song "${youtubeId}" to station "${stationId}" queue failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_ADD_SONG_TO_QUEUE", `Added song "${youtubeId}" to station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully added song to queue." }); } ); }), /** * Removes song from station queue * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param youtubeId - the youtube id * @param cb */ async removeFromQueue(session, stationId, youtubeId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.queue.remove", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { if (!youtubeId) return next("Invalid youtube id."); return StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_FROM_QUEUE", { stationId, youtubeId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_REMOVE_SONG_TO_QUEUE", `Removing song "${youtubeId}" from station "${stationId}" queue failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_REMOVE_SONG_TO_QUEUE", `Removed song "${youtubeId}" from station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed song from queue." }); } ); }, /** * Gets the queue from a station * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ getQueue(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return next(null, station); }, (station, next) => { StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(canView => { if (canView) return next(null, station); return next("Insufficient permissions."); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => next(null, station.queue) ], async (err, queue) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_GET_QUEUE", `Getting queue for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "STATIONS_GET_QUEUE", `Got queue for station "${stationId}" successfully.`); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully got queue.", data: { queue } }); } ); }, /** * Reposition a song in station queue * * @param {object} session - user session * @param {object} song - contains details about the song that is to be repositioned * @param {string} song.youtubeId - the youtube id of the song * @param {number} song.newIndex - the new position for the song in the queue * @param {number} song.oldIndex - the old position of the song in the queue * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - callback */ async repositionSongInQueue(session, stationId, song, cb) { const stationModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "station" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.queue.reposition", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { if (!song || !song.youtubeId) return next("You must provide a song to reposition."); return next(); }, // remove song from queue next => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $pull: { queue: { youtubeId: song.youtubeId } } }, next ); }, // add song back to queue (in new position) (res, next) => { stationModel.updateOne( { _id: stationId }, { $push: { queue: { $each: [song], $position: song.newIndex } } }, err => next(err) ); }, // update the cache representation of the station next => { StationsModule.runJob("UPDATE_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_REPOSITION_SONG_IN_QUEUE", `Repositioning song ${song.youtubeId} in queue of station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_REPOSITION_SONG_IN_QUEUE", `Repositioned song ${song.youtubeId} in queue of station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.repositionSongInQueue", value: { song: { youtubeId: song.youtubeId, oldIndex: song.oldIndex, newIndex: song.newIndex }, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully repositioned song in queue." }); } ); }, /** * Autofill a playlist in a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param playlistId - the playlist id * @param cb */ async autofillPlaylist(session, stationId, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.autofill", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.autofill.playlists.indexOf(playlistId) !== -1) return next("That playlist is already autofilling."); if (station.autofill.mode === "sequential" && station.autofill.playlists.length > 0) return next("Error: Only 1 playlist can be autofilling in sequential mode."); return next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", `Including playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", `Including playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch(); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.autofillPlaylist", value: { playlistId, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully added autofill playlist." }); } ); }, /** * Remove autofilled playlist from a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param playlistId - the playlist id * @param cb */ async removeAutofillPlaylist(session, stationId, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.autofill", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.autofill.playlists.indexOf(playlistId) === -1) return next("That playlist is not autofilling."); return next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_REMOVE_AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", `Removing autofill playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_REMOVE_AUTOFILL_PLAYLIST", `Removing autofill playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch(); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.removedAutofillPlaylist", value: { playlistId, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed autofill playlist." }); } ); }, /** * Blacklist a playlist in a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param playlistId - the playlist id * @param cb */ async blacklistPlaylist(session, stationId, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.blacklist", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.blacklist.indexOf(playlistId) !== -1) return next("That playlist is already blacklisted."); return next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("BLACKLIST_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_BLACKLIST_PLAYLIST", `Blacklisting playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_BLACKLIST_PLAYLIST", `Blacklisting playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch(); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.blacklistedPlaylist", value: { playlistId, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully blacklisted playlist." }); } ); }, /** * Remove blacklisted a playlist from a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param playlistId - the playlist id * @param cb */ async removeBlacklistedPlaylist(session, stationId, playlistId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.blacklist", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); if (station.blacklist.indexOf(playlistId) === -1) return next("That playlist is not blacklisted."); return next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_BLACKLISTED_PLAYLIST", { stationId, playlistId }, this) .then(() => { next(); }) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_REMOVE_BLACKLISTED_PLAYLIST", `Removing blacklisted playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log( "SUCCESS", "STATIONS_REMOVE_BLACKLISTED_PLAYLIST", `Removing blacklisted playlist "${playlistId}" for station "${stationId}" successfully.` ); PlaylistsModule.runJob("AUTOFILL_STATION_PLAYLIST", { stationId }).then().catch(); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "station.removedBlacklistedPlaylist", value: { playlistId, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed blacklisted playlist." }); } ); }, favoriteStation: isLoginRequired(async function favoriteStation(session, stationId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); }, (station, next) => { if (!station) return next("Station not found."); return StationsModule.runJob("CAN_USER_VIEW_STATION", { station, userId: session.userId }, this) .then(canView => { if (canView) return next(null, station); return next("Insufficient permissions."); }) .catch(err => next(err)); }, (station, next) => { userModel.updateOne( { _id: session.userId }, { $addToSet: { favoriteStations: stationId } }, (err, res) => next(err, station, res) ); }, (station, res, next) => { if (res.nModified === 0) return next("The station was already favorited."); return next(null, station); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "FAVORITE_STATION", `Favoriting station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "FAVORITE_STATION", `Favorited station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.favoritedStation", value: { userId: session.userId, stationId } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "station__favorite", payload: { message: `Favorited station ${station.displayName}`, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Succesfully favorited station." }); } ); }), unfavoriteStation: isLoginRequired(async function unfavoriteStation(session, stationId, cb) { const userModel = await DBModule.runJob("GET_MODEL", { modelName: "user" }, this); async.waterfall( [ next => { userModel.updateOne({ _id: session.userId }, { $pull: { favoriteStations: stationId } }, next); }, (res, next) => { if (res.nModified === 0) return next("The station wasn't favorited."); return next(); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(station => next(null, station)) .catch(next); } ], async (err, station) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "UNFAVORITE_STATION", `Unfavoriting station "${stationId}" failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "UNFAVORITE_STATION", `Unfavorited station "${stationId}" successfully.`); CacheModule.runJob("PUB", { channel: "user.unfavoritedStation", value: { userId: session.userId, stationId } }); ActivitiesModule.runJob("ADD_ACTIVITY", { userId: session.userId, type: "station__unfavorite", payload: { message: `Unfavorited station ${station.displayName}`, stationId } }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Succesfully unfavorited station." }); } ); }), /** * Clears every station queue * * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ clearEveryStationQueue: useHasPermission( "stations.clearEveryStationQueue", async function clearEveryStationQueue(session, cb) { this.keepLongJob(); this.publishProgress({ status: "started", title: "Clear every station queue", message: "Clearing every station queue.", id: this.toString() }); await CacheModule.runJob("RPUSH", { key: `longJobs.${session.userId}`, value: this.toString() }, this); await CacheModule.runJob( "PUB", { channel: "longJob.added", value: { jobId: this.toString(), userId: session.userId } }, this ); async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("CLEAR_EVERY_STATION_QUEUE", {}, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "CLEAR_EVERY_STATION_QUEUE", `Clearing every station queue failed. "${err}"`); this.publishProgress({ status: "error", message: err }); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "CLEAR_EVERY_STATION_QUEUE", "Clearing every station queue was successful."); this.publishProgress({ status: "success", message: "Successfully cleared every station queue." }); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully cleared every station queue." }); } ); } ), /** * Reset a station queue * * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async resetQueue(session, stationId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.queue.reset", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("RESET_QUEUE", { stationId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "RESET_QUEUE", `Resetting station queue failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "RESET_QUEUE", "Resetting station queue was successful."); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully reset station queue." }); } ); }, /** * Gets skip votes for a station * * @param session * @param stationId - the station id * @param stationId - the song id to get skipvotes for * @param cb */ getSkipVotes: isLoginRequired(async function getSkipVotes(session, stationId, songId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { StationsModule.runJob("GET_STATION", { stationId }, this) .then(res => next(null, res.currentSong)) .catch(console.log); }, (currentSong, next) => { if (currentSong && currentSong._id === songId) next(null, { skipVotes: currentSong.skipVotes.length, skipVotesCurrent: true, voted: currentSong.skipVotes.indexOf(session.userId) !== -1 }); else next(null, { skipVotes: 0, skipVotesCurrent: false, voted: false }); } ], async (err, data) => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log( "ERROR", "STATIONS_GET_SKIP_VOTES", `User "${session.userId}" failed to get skip votes for ${stationId}. "${err}"` ); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } return cb({ status: "success", data }); } ); }), /** * Add DJ to station * * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {string} userId - the dj user id * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async addDj(session, stationId, userId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.djs.add", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("ADD_DJ", { stationId, userId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "ADD_DJ", `Adding DJ failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "ADD_DJ", "Adding DJ was successful."); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully added DJ." }); } ); }, /** * Remove DJ from station * * @param {object} session - the session object automatically added by * @param {string} stationId - the station id * @param {string} userId - the dj user id * @param {Function} cb - gets called with the result */ async removeDj(session, stationId, userId, cb) { async.waterfall( [ next => { hasPermission("stations.djs.remove", session, stationId) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); }, next => { StationsModule.runJob("REMOVE_DJ", { stationId, userId }, this) .then(() => next()) .catch(next); } ], async err => { if (err) { err = await UtilsModule.runJob("GET_ERROR", { error: err }, this); this.log("ERROR", "REMOVE_DJ", `Removing DJ failed. "${err}"`); return cb({ status: "error", message: err }); } this.log("SUCCESS", "REMOVE_DJ", "Removing DJ was successful."); return cb({ status: "success", message: "Successfully removed DJ." }); } ); } };