# Backend Commands Backend commands are inputted via STDIN or if using the Utility Script by using `./musare.sh attach backend`. ## Commands | Command | Parameters | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `rs` | | Restart backend. | | `status` | | Returns all modules and a sample of information including, state, jobs queued, running and paused, concurrency (amount of jobs that can run simultaneously), and (startup) stage. | | `queued` | `module` | Returns all jobs queued for specified module. | | `running` | `module` | Returns all jobs running for specified module. | | `paused` | `module` | Returns all jobs paused for specified module. | | `jobinfo` | `UUID` | Returns a detailed overview of a specified job. | | `runjob` | `module job_name json_encoded_payload` | Run a specified job in a specified module including a JSON encoded payload, and return response. | | `eval` | `some_javascript` | Execute JavaScript within the index.js context and return response. | | `lockdown` | | Lockdown backend. | | `stats` | `module` | Returns job statistics for a specified module. | ## Modules When specifying a module please use all lowercase. The available modules are as follows: - Cache - DB - Mail - Activities - API - App - WS - Notifications - Playlists - Punishments - Songs - Stations - Tasks - Utils - YouTube