/* eslint-disable vue/one-component-per-file */ import { createApp } from "vue"; import VueTippy, { Tippy } from "vue-tippy"; import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router"; import "lofig"; import ws from "@/ws"; import ms from "@/ms"; import store from "./store"; import AppComponent from "./App.vue"; const REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION = 11; const handleMetadata = attrs => { document.title = `Musare | ${attrs.title}`; }; const app = createApp(AppComponent); app.use(store); app.use(VueTippy, { directive: "tippy", // => v-tippy flipDuration: 0, popperOptions: { modifiers: { preventOverflow: { enabled: true } } }, allowHTML: true, defaultProps: { animation: "scale", touch: "hold" } }); app.component("Tippy", Tippy); app.component("PageMetadata", { watch: { $attrs: { // eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-arrow-functions-in-watch handler: attrs => { handleMetadata(attrs); }, deep: true, immediate: true } }, render() { return null; } }); app.directive("scroll", { mounted(el, binding) { const f = evt => { clearTimeout(window.scrollDebounceId); window.scrollDebounceId = setTimeout(() => { if (binding.value(evt, el)) { window.removeEventListener("scroll", f); } }, 200); }; window.addEventListener("scroll", f); } }); app.directive("focus", { mounted(el) { window.focusedElementBefore = document.activeElement; el.focus(); } }); const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(), routes: [ { name: "home", path: "/", component: () => import("@/pages/Home.vue") }, { path: "/login", name: "login", redirect: "/" }, { path: "/register", name: "register", redirect: "/" }, { path: "/404", alias: ["/:pathMatch(.*)*"], component: () => import("@/pages/404.vue") }, { path: "/terms", component: () => import("@/pages/Terms.vue") }, { path: "/privacy", component: () => import("@/pages/Privacy.vue") }, { path: "/team", component: () => import("@/pages/Team.vue") }, { path: "/news", component: () => import("@/pages/News.vue") }, { path: "/about", component: () => import("@/pages/About.vue") }, { name: "profile", path: "/u/:username", component: () => import("@/pages/Profile/index.vue") }, { path: "/settings", component: () => import("@/pages/Settings/index.vue"), meta: { loginRequired: true } }, { path: "/reset_password", component: () => import("@/pages/ResetPassword.vue") }, { path: "/set_password", props: { mode: "set" }, component: () => import("@/pages/ResetPassword.vue"), meta: { loginRequired: true } }, { path: "/admin", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/index.vue"), children: [ { path: "songs", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Songs.vue") }, { path: "reports", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Reports.vue") }, { path: "stations", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Stations.vue") }, { path: "playlists", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Playlists.vue") }, { path: "users", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Users/index.vue") }, { path: "users/data-requests", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Users/DataRequests.vue") }, { path: "punishments", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Punishments.vue") }, { path: "news", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/News.vue") }, { path: "statistics", component: () => import("@/pages/Admin/Statistics.vue") } ], meta: { adminRequired: true } }, { name: "station", path: "/:id", component: () => import("@/pages//Station/index.vue") } ] }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (window.stationInterval) { clearInterval(window.stationInterval); window.stationInterval = 0; } if (from.name === "home" && to.name === "station") { if (store.state.modalVisibility.modals.manageStation) store.dispatch("modalVisibility/closeModal", "manageStation"); } if (ws.socket && to.fullPath !== from.fullPath) { ws.clearCallbacks(); ws.destroyListeners(); } if (to.meta.loginRequired || to.meta.adminRequired || to.meta.guestsOnly) { const gotData = () => { if (to.meta.loginRequired && !store.state.user.auth.loggedIn) next({ path: "/login", query: "" }); else if ( to.meta.adminRequired && store.state.user.auth.role !== "admin" ) next({ path: "/", query: "" }); else if (to.meta.guestsOnly && store.state.user.auth.loggedIn) next({ path: "/", query: "" }); else next(); }; if (store.state.user.auth.gotData) gotData(); else { const watcher = store.watch( state => state.user.auth.gotData, () => { watcher(); gotData(); } ); } } else next(); }); app.use(router); lofig.folder = "/config/default.json"; (async () => { lofig.fetchConfig().then(config => { const { configVersion, skipConfigVersionCheck } = config; if ( configVersion !== REQUIRED_CONFIG_VERSION && !skipConfigVersionCheck ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert alert( "CONFIG VERSION IS WRONG. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONFIG WITH THE HELP OF THE TEMPLATE FILE AND THE README FILE." ); window.stop(); } }); const websocketsDomain = await lofig.get("backend.websocketsDomain"); ws.init(websocketsDomain); if (await lofig.get("siteSettings.mediasession")) ms.init(); ws.socket.on("ready", res => { const { loggedIn, role, username, userId, email } = res.data; store.dispatch("user/auth/authData", { loggedIn, role, username, email, userId }); }); ws.socket.on("keep.event:user.banned", res => store.dispatch("user/auth/banUser", res.data.ban) ); ws.socket.on("keep.event:user.username.updated", res => store.dispatch("user/auth/updateUsername", res.data.username) ); ws.socket.on("keep.event:user.preferences.updated", res => { const { preferences } = res.data; if (preferences.autoSkipDisliked !== undefined) store.dispatch( "user/preferences/changeAutoSkipDisliked", preferences.autoSkipDisliked ); if (preferences.nightmode !== undefined) { localStorage.setItem("nightmode", preferences.nightmode); store.dispatch( "user/preferences/changeNightmode", preferences.nightmode ); } if (preferences.activityLogPublic !== undefined) store.dispatch( "user/preferences/changeActivityLogPublic", preferences.activityLogPublic ); if (preferences.anonymousSongRequests !== undefined) store.dispatch( "user/preferences/changeAnonymousSongRequests", preferences.anonymousSongRequests ); if (preferences.activityWatch !== undefined) store.dispatch( "user/preferences/changeActivityWatch", preferences.activityWatch ); }); app.mount("#root"); })();