%!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
backend | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
frontend | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
tools | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
.env.example | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
.gitignore | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
.travis.yml | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
LICENCE | %!s(int64=8) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
README.md | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
docker-compose.yml | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
fallback.html | %!s(int64=7) %!d(string=hai) anos | |
windows-start.cmd | %!s(int64=5) %!d(string=hai) anos |
Based off of the original Musare, which utilized Meteor.
MusareNode now uses NodeJS, Express, SocketIO and VueJS - among other technologies. We have also implemented the ability to host Musare in Docker Containers.
The master branch is available at musare.com You can also find the staging branch at musare.dev
Get in touch with us via email at core@musare.com or join our Discord Guild.
You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
The frontend is a vue-cli generated, vue-loader single page app, that's served over Nginx or Express. The Nginx server not only serves the frontend, but can also serve as a load balancer for requests going to the backend.
The backend is a scalable NodeJS / Redis / MongoDB app. Each backend server handles a group of SocketIO connections. User sessions are stored in a central Redis server. All data is stored in a central MongoDB server. The Redis and MongoDB servers are replicated to several secondary nodes, which can become the primary node if the current primary node goes down.
We currently only utilize 1 backend, 1 MongoDB server and 1 Redis server running for production, though it is relatively easy to expand.
Installing with Docker: (not recommended for Windows users)
Standard Installation:
yarn global add nodemon
_ node-gyp: yarn global add node-gyp
Once you've installed the required tools:
git clone https://github.com/Musare/MusareNode.git
cd MusareNode
cp backend/config/template.json backend/config/default.json
The mode
should be either "development" or "production". No more explanation needed.
The secret
key can be whatever. It's used by express's session module.
The domain
should be the url where the site will be accessible from, usually http://localhost
for non-Docker.
The serverDomain
should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually http://localhost:8080
for non-Docker.
The serverPort
should be the port where the backend will listen on, should always be 8080
for Docker, and is recommended for non-Docker.
if you are using Docker or not.
The apis.youtube.key
value can be obtained by setting up a YouTube API Key. You need to use the YouTube Data API v3, and create an API key.
The apis.recaptcha.secret
value can be obtained by setting up a ReCaptcha Site (v3).
The apis.github
values can be obtained by setting up a GitHub OAuth Application. You need to fill in some values to create the OAuth application. The homepage is the homepage of frontend. The authorization callback url is the backend url with /auth/github/authorize/callback
added at the end. For example http://localhost:8080/auth/github/authorize/callback
The apis.discord.token
is the token for the Discord bot.
The apis.discord.loggingServer
is the Discord logging server id.
The apis.discord.loggingChannel
is the Discord logging channel id.
The apis.mailgun
values can be obtained by setting up a Mailgun account, or you can disable it.
The apis.spotify
values can be obtained by setting up a Spotify client id, or you can disable it.
The redis.url
url should be left alone for Docker, and changed to redis://localhost:6379/0
for non-Docker.
The redis.password
should be the Redis password you either put in your startRedis.cmd
file for Windows, or .env
for docker.
The mongo.url
needs to have the proper password for the MongoDB musare user, and for non-Docker you need to replace @musare:27017
with @localhost:27017
The cookie.domain
value should be the ip or address you use to access the site, without protocols (http/https), so for example localhost
The cookie.secure
value should be true
for SSL connections, and false
for normal http connections.
cp frontend/build/config/template.json frontend/build/config/default.json
The serverDomain
should be the url where the backend will be accessible from, usually http://localhost:8080
for non-Docker.
The frontendDomain
should be the url where the frontend will be accessible from, usually http://localhost
for docker or http://localhost:80
for non-Docker.
The frontendPort
should be the port where the frontend will be accessible from, should always be port 81
for Docker, and is recommended to be port 80
for non-Docker.
The recaptcha.key
value can be obtained by setting up a ReCaptcha Site (v3).
The cookie.domain
value should be the ip or address you use to access the site, without protocols (http/https), so for example localhost
The cookie.secure
value should be true
for SSL connections, and false
for normal http connections.
The siteSettings.logo
should be the path to the logo image, by default it is /assets/wordmark.png
The siteSettings.siteName
should be the name of the site.
The siteSettings.socialLinks.
and github
are set to the official Musare accounts by default but can be changed.
Now you have different paths here.
To configure docker simply cp .env.example .env
and configure the .env file to match your settings in backend/config/default.json
The configurable ports will be how you access the services on your machine, or what ports you will need to specify in your nginx files when using proxy_pass.
should be a unique name for this installation, especially if you have multiple instances of Musare on the same machine.
should be either dev
or prod
docker-compose build
Set up the MongoDB database
In .env
set the environment variable of MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD
In .env
set the environment variable of MONGO_USER_USERNAME
docker-compose up -d mongo
3) Start redis and the mongo client in the background, as we usually don't need to monitor these for errors
docker-compose up -d mongoclient redis
4) Start the backend and frontend in the foreground, so we can watch for errors during development
docker-compose up backend frontend
5) You should now be able to begin development! The backend is auto reloaded when
you make changes and the frontend is auto compiled and live reloaded by webpack
when you make changes. You should be able to access Musare in your local browser
at http://<docker-machine-ip>:8080/
where <docker-machine-ip>
can be found below:
Docker for Windows / Mac: This is just localhost
Docker ToolBox: The output of docker-machine ip default
Steps 1-4 are things you only have to do once. The steps to start servers follow.
In the main folder, create a folder called .database
Create a file called startMongo.cmd
in the main folder with the contents:
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath "D:\Programming\HTML\MusareNode\.database"
Make sure to adjust your paths accordingly.
Set up the MongoDB database
Start the database by executing the script startMongo.cmd
you just made
Connect to Mongo from a command prompt
mongo admin
db.createUser({user: 'admin', pwd: 'PASSWORD_HERE', roles: [{role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin'}]})
use musare
db.createUser({user: 'musare', pwd: 'OTHER_PASSWORD_HERE', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'musare'}]})
In startMongo.cmd
add --auth
at the end of the first line
In the folder where you installed Redis, edit the redis.windows.conf
file. In there, look for the property notify-keyspace-events
. Make sure that property is uncommented and has the value Ex
. It should look like notify-keyspace-events Ex
when done.
Create a file called startRedis.cmd
in the main folder with the contents:
"D:\Redis\redis-server.exe" "D:\Redis\redis.windows.conf" "--requirepass" "PASSWORD"
And again, make sure that the paths lead to the proper config and executable. Replace PASSWORD
with your Redis password.
or just double click the windows-start.cmd
file and all servers will automatically start up.Manual
Run startRedis.cmd
and startMongo.cmd
to start Redis and Mongo.
In a command prompt with the pwd of frontend, run yarn run dev
In a command prompt with the pwd of backend, run nodemon
Below is a list of helpful tips / solutions we've collected while developing MusareNode.
Docker Toolbox usually only gives VirtualBox access to C:/Users
of your
local machine. So if your code is located elsewere on your machine,
you'll need to tell Docker Toolbox how to find it. You can use variations
of the following commands to give Docker Toolbox access to those files.
docker-machine stop default
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" sharedfolder add default --name "d/Projects/MusareNode" --hostpath "D:\Projects\MusareNode" --automount
docker-machine start default && docker-machine ssh default
sudo tee -a /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/profile >/dev/null <<EOF
mkdir -p /d/Projects/MusareNode
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 d/Projects/MusareNode /d/Projects/MusareNode
docker-machine restart default
Some people have had issues while trying to execute the docker-compose
To fix this, you will have to run docker-machine env default
This command will print various variables.
At the bottom, it will say something similar to @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env default') DO @%i
Run this command in your shell. You will have to do this command for every shell you want to run docker-compose
in (every session).
yarn global add nodemon
yarn global add webpack
yarn global add node-gyp
In both frontend
and backend
folders, do yarn install
nodemon backend/index.js
You can call Toasts using our custom package, vue-roaster
, using the following code:
import { Toast } from "vue-roaster";
Toast.methods.addToast("", 0);
When setting up you will need to grant yourself the admin role, using the following commands:
``` docker-compose exec mongo mongo admin
use musare db.auth("MUSAREDBUSER","MUSAREDBPASSWORD") db.users.update({username: "USERNAME"}, {$set: {role: "admin"}})