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Backend Commands

Backend commands are inputted via STDIN or if using the Utility Script by using ./ attach backend.


Command Parameters Description
rs Restart backend.
status Returns all modules and a sample of information including, state, jobs queued, running and paused, concurrency (amount of jobs that can run simultaneously), and (startup) stage.
queued module Returns all jobs queued for specified module.
running module Returns all jobs running for specified module.
paused module Returns all jobs paused for specified module.
jobinfo UUID Returns a detailed overview of a specified job.
runjob module job_name json_encoded_payload Run a specified job in a specified module including a JSON encoded payload, and return response.
eval some_javascript Execute JavaScript within the index.js context and return response.
lockdown Lockdown backend.
version Prints the Musare version and Git repository info.
stats module Returns job statistics for a specified module.


When specifying a module please use all lowercase. The available modules are as follows:

  • Cache
  • DB
  • Mail
  • Activities
  • API
  • App
  • WS
  • Notifications
  • Playlists
  • Punishments
  • Songs
  • Stations
  • Tasks
  • Utils
  • YouTube