# aw-watcher-mpv An ActivityWatch watcher for MPV. Based of off [aw-watcher-spotify](https://github.com/ActivityWatch/aw-watcher-spotify) and [aw-watcher-mpv](https://git.kvos.dev/kris/aw-watcher-mpd). ## Development 1. Install pip packages from the requirements.txt. `pip install -r requirements.txt` 2. Start ActivityWatch in testing mode. `aw-qt --testing` 3. `cd aw_watcher_mpv` 4. `python main.py --testing` ## Building Make sure you have pyinstaller installed before you start. `pip install -U pyinstaller` 1. make clean 2. make package `dist/aw-watcher-mpv` is your outputted folder ## Installing (Linux) To install aw-watcher-mpv, first build it, then follow the below steps to install and automatically start the watcher when ActivityWatch starts. 1. `cp -R dist/aw-watcher-mpv /opt` 2. Create `/usr/bin/aw-watcher-mpv` Contents: ```bash #!/bin/bash /opt/aw-watcher-mpv/aw-watcher-mpv "$@" ``` 3. chmod +x `/usr/bin/aw-watcher-mpv` 4. Edit `~/.config/activitywatch/aw-qt/aw-qt.toml` Uncomment the first two lines and add `aw-watcher-mpv` to autostart. Example: ```toml [aw-qt] autostart_modules = ["aw-server", "aw-watcher-afk", "aw-watcher-window", "aw-watcher-mpv"] ``` ## Configuring To configure settings for aw-watcher-mpv such as the socket file location and ActivityWatch poll time, first run the application once, and then edit `~/.config/activitywatch/aw-watcher-mpv/aw-watcher-mpv.toml`. ## MPV (Linux) This watcher works by connecting to an MPV socket file. By default, MPV does not use a socket file, so to use this you need to use a special argument when running MPV. You can do this manually by adding `--input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket`, or you can also add this in MPV's config file(s), for example by adding `input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-socket` to `~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf`.