@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ KonvergoWindow::KonvergoWindow(QWindow* parent) : QQuickWindow(parent), m_debugL
connect(m_infoTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KonvergoWindow::updateDebugInfo);
+ InputComponent::Get().registerHostCommand("close", this, "close");
+ InputComponent::Get().registerHostCommand("toggleDebug", this, "toggleDebug");
+ InputComponent::Get().registerHostCommand("reload", this, "reloadWeb");
// On RPI, we use dispmanx layering - the video is on a layer below Konvergo,
// and during playback the Konvergo window is partially transparent. The OSD
@@ -113,10 +117,6 @@ KonvergoWindow::KonvergoWindow(QWindow* parent) : QQuickWindow(parent), m_debugL
// this is using old syntax because ... reasons. QQuickCloseEvent is not public class
connect(this, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, SLOT(closingWindow()));
- // make sure that we handle some of the host commands that can be emitted
- connect(&InputComponent::Get(), &InputComponent::receivedHostCommand,
- this, &KonvergoWindow::handleHostCommand);
connect(qApp, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, this, &KonvergoWindow::saveGeometry);
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
@@ -326,74 +326,17 @@ void KonvergoWindow::updateDebugInfo()
-void KonvergoWindow::handleHostCommand(QString hostCommand)
+void KonvergoWindow::toggleDebug()
- QLOG_DEBUG() << "Got command:" << hostCommand;
- QString arguments = "";
- int arguments_start = hostCommand.indexOf(":");
- if (arguments_start > 0)
- {
- arguments = hostCommand.mid(arguments_start + 1);
- hostCommand = hostCommand.mid(0, arguments_start);
- }
- if (hostCommand == "fullscreen")
- {
- SettingsComponent::Get().setValue(SETTINGS_SECTION_MAIN, "fullscreen", !SettingsComponent::Get().value(SETTINGS_SECTION_MAIN, "fullscreen").toBool());
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "close")
- {
- close();
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "player")
- {
- PlayerComponent::Get().userCommand(arguments);
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "switch")
- {
- DisplayComponent::Get().switchCommand(arguments);
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "toggleDebug")
- {
- if (property("showDebugLayer").toBool())
- {
- m_infoTimer->stop();
- setProperty("showDebugLayer", false);
- }
- else
- {
- m_infoTimer->start();
- updateDebugInfo();
- setProperty("showDebugLayer", true);
- }
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "recreateRpiUi")
- {
- DisplayManager* display_manager = DisplayComponent::Get().getDisplayManager();
- if (display_manager)
- display_manager->resetRendering();
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "reload")
- {
- emit reloadWebClient();
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "crash!")
- {
- *(volatile int*)0=0;
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "poweroff")
- {
- PowerComponent::Get().PowerOff();
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "suspend")
- {
- PowerComponent::Get().Suspend();
- }
- else if (hostCommand == "reboot")
+ if (property("showDebugLayer").toBool())
- PowerComponent::Get().Reboot();
+ m_infoTimer->stop();
+ setProperty("showDebugLayer", false);
- QLOG_WARN() << "unknown host command" << hostCommand;
+ m_infoTimer->start();
+ updateDebugInfo();
+ setProperty("showDebugLayer", true);