@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Jellyfin Media Player Implementation
+## Detection
+You can detect JMP by querying the injected utilities script:
+window?.NativeShell?.AppHost?.appName() === "Jellyfin Media Player"
+This is not async. It can be queried immediately.
+## Device Profile
+You can query a device profile for Jellyfin Media Player with:
+This is not async. It can be queried immediately.
+## Other NativeShell Functions
+The following functions are available immediately:
+ - `window.NativeShell.AppHost.getDefaultLayout()` - Returns `tv` or `desktop`.
+ - `window.NativeShell.AppHost.appVersion()` - Returns version number in `x.y.z` format.
+ - `window.NativeShell.AppHost.deviceName()` - Returns computer hostname.
+The following functions require calling `window.NativeShell.AppHost.init()` before using them:
+ - `window.NativeShell.openUrl(url)` - Opens a URL in the user's browser.
+ - `window.NativeShell.openClientSettings()` - Opens prebuilt settings modal.
+ - This uses vanilla JS and can be styled with classes.
+ - You may want to use the settings API directly though.
+ - `window.NativeShell.AppHost.exit()` - Closes the application.
+## Media Playback
+See [mpvVideoPlayer.js](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/native/mpvVideoPlayer.js) for a complete example of how to connect and control the player.
+Notable API methods:
+ - `api.power.setScreensaverEnabled(enabled: boolean)` - Enable or disable screensaver.
+ - `api.player.load(url, positiondata, streamdata, audioStream, subtitleStream)` - Play media. See below.
+ - `api.player.setSubtitleStream(subtitleStream)` - Set subtitle stream. See below.
+ - `api.player.setSubtitleDelay(msDelay: int)` - Set subtitle delay.
+ - `api.player.setAudioStream(audioStream)` - Set audio stream. See below.
+ - `api.player.stop()` - Stop playback.
+ - `api.player.seekTo(positionMs: int)` - Seek to absolute position in milliseconds.
+ - `api.player.getPosition((positionMs: int) => void)` - Get current position in milliseconds.
+ - `api.player.pause()` - Pause playback.
+ - `api.player.play()` - Resume playback.
+ - `api.player.setPlaybackRate(playbackRate: int)` - Set playback rate. 1000 is normal speed.
+ - `api.player.setVolume(volume: int)` - Set volume. 100 is full volume.
+ - `api.player.setMuted(muted: boolean)` - Set if player should be muted.
+Notable events (see API info below for how to connect/disconnect):
+ - `api.player.playing: void` - Fires when playback starts.
+ - `api.player.positionUpdate: int` - Fires periodically to update current position in milliseconds.
+ - `api.player.finished: void` - Fires when playback finishes.
+ - `api.player.updateDuration: int` - Fires to provide duration in milliseconds when available.
+ - `api.player.error: string` - Fires if media playback fails.
+ - `api.player.paused: void` - Fires when playback is paused.
+Loading media:
+ url,
+ {
+ startMilliseconds: ms,
+ autoplay: true
+ },
+ streamdata,
+ audioStream,
+ subtitleStream,
+ callback
+Note: The callback does NOT mean the video actually finished loading. You need to wait for events to determine this.
+ type: 'video', // use 'music' to disable video rendering
+ headers: {
+ 'User-Agent': 'JellyfinMediaPlayer'
+ },
+ metadata: {
+ // Only used for system UI integration, eg. taskbar/windows media.
+ // Optional. Comes from Jellyfin metadata item.
+ // Known used items are documented below.
+ Id: 'media uuid',
+ MediaType: 'video',
+ ImageTags: {
+ Primary: 'uuid' // only if photo is available
+ },
+ AlbumId: 'uuid', // music only
+ AlbumPrimaryImageTag: 'uuid', // music only
+ Name: 'media title',
+ Type: 'Episode', // or other type
+ SeriesName: 'tv show name', // only if episode
+ Artists: ['artist1', 'artist2...'], // music only
+ AlbumArtist: 'artist' // music only
+ },
+ media: {}
+`audioStream` is `#{index}` (It starts at 1, for instance `#1`. The index is relative and only includes audio tracks.)
+`subtitleStream` is:
+ - empty string - disables subtitles
+ - `#{index}` - subtitles embedded in file (It starts at 1, for instance `#1`. The index is relative and only includes subtitles tracks.)
+ - `#,{url}` - external subtitle to load from remote url (for instance `#,https://example.com/file.srt`)
+## Remote Control
+You can recieve input from remote controls and gamepads via the input component. There is also an unused
+"TV" mode which can be set in the config. It disables keyboard into the webapp and redirects it through
+this as well.
+See [jmpInputPlugin.js](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/native/jmpInputPlugin.js) for an example which picks up events and translates them to ones that `jellyfin-web` understands.
+api.input.hostInput.connect((actions) => {
+ actions.forEach(action => {
+ // action is a string which represents the action
+ });
+api.system.hello("jmpInputPlugin"); // signals to start sending user input
+The inputs which are actually processed by `jellyfin-web` are fairly limited, but there are many more possible events.
+See the [inputmaps](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/tree/master/resources/inputmaps) folder for event names for various input devices.
+## Settings
+The application retains some user settings that control advanced functions, such as audio passthrough.
+There is already [a modal](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/7d5943becc1ca672d599887cac9107836c38d337/native/nativeshell.js#L189-L308) you can invoke display of which allows basic configuration changes.
+The configuration options are defined here: [settings_description.json](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/resources/settings/settings_description.json)
+Current Settings:
+ - Main Section (`main`):
+ - `fullscreen: boolean`: Forces the application into fullscreen mode.
+ - Note: Regular HTML5 fullscreen does still work.
+ - `alwaysOnTop: boolean`: Keeps JMP on top of other windows.
+ - `useOpenGL: boolean`: Windows only. Controls display method.
+ - `forceFSScreen: string`: Forces fullscreen to use a specific display.
+ - The options for this are automatically generated.
+ - `checkForUpdates: boolean`: Allows user to disable update check plugin script.
+ - This has no effect if you don't use the update script.
+ - `enableInputRepeat: boolean`: Allows disabling repeating of control inputs.
+ - `forceExternalWebclient: boolean`: Allows the user to connect to external webclients even if the bundled one is available.
+ - This has not landed in a released version yet.
+ - `userWebClient: string`: Hidden option. Set it back to an empty string to allow the user to select a different webclient path.
+ - Plugins Section (`plugins`):
+ - `skipintro: boolean`: Enables or disabled the plugin. You likely won't use this.
+ - `jellyscrub: boolean`: Enables or disabled the plugin. You likely won't use this.
+ - Audio Section (`audio`):
+ - `devicetype: string enum`: Sets the device type. Can be `basic`, `spdif`, or `hdmi`.
+ - `basic` disables passthrough
+ - `spdif` transcodes surround sound to specific formats
+ - `hdmi` supports additional passthrough options
+ - `channels: string enum`: Sets how many channels are allowed. The default is `stereo` except on MacOS where it is `auto`.
+ - `auto` - Automatically set.
+ - `2.0` - Stereo
+ - `5.1,2.0` - Up to 5.1 surround
+ - `7.1,5.1,2.0` - Up to 7.1 surround
+ - `device: string`: Allows forcing media output to a specific device. The default is `auto`.
+ - The options for this are automatically generated.
+ - `normalize: boolean`: Enable audio volume normalization.
+ - `exclusive: boolean`: Takes exclusive control of audio device. The default is `false`.
+ - This is only available on MacOS and Windows.
+ - `passthrough.ac3: boolean`: Enable ac3 passthrough. Requires `spdif` or `hdmi` device type. Default: `false`
+ - `passthrough.dts: boolean`: Enable dts passthrough. Requires `spdif` or `hdmi` device type. Default: `false`
+ - `passthrough.eac3: boolean`: Enable ac3 passthrough. Requires `hdmi` device type. Default: `false`
+ - `passthrough.dts-hd": boolean`: Enable ac3 passthrough. Requires `hdmi` device type. Default: `false`
+ - `passthrough.truehd: boolean`: Enable ac3 passthrough. Requires `hdmi` device type. Default: `false`
+ - Video Section (`video`):
+ - `refreshrate.auto_switch: boolean`: Sets the display refresh rate to the media refresh rate. Default: `false`
+ - This is only enabled while the player is fullscreen.
+ - `hardwareDecoding: string enum`: Sets the hardware decoding method. Default: `copy`
+ - `enabled` - Full hardware acceleration. Removes MPV shader pipelines. Can cause issues more often.
+ - `osx_compat` - Probably not useful given we only support GitHub Actions MacOS versions.
+ - `copy` - Uses hardware decoding but copies the video through MPV's shader pipelines.
+ - `disabled` - Completely disable hardware decoding. Use this if video is glitchy.
+ - `deinterlace: boolean`: Enables deinterlacing. Default: `false`
+ - `allow_transcode_to_hevc: boolean`: If set, it allows transcoding to `hevc` in the video profile. Default: `false`
+ - This is mostly added as a workaround for Dolby Vision content direct playing when it shouldn't.
+ - `force_transcode_hdr: boolean`: If set, HDR media support is dropped from the video profile. Default: `false`
+ - `sync_mode: string enum`: Options are `audio`, `display-resample`, `display-adrop`. Not sure what this does.
+ - `cache: int`: Controls cache size in MB for video streaming. The default is `75`.
+ - Provided options are `10`, `75`, `150`, and `500`.
+ - `aspect: string enum`: Allows control of aspect ratio. The default is `normal`.
+ - Options: `normal`, `zoom`, `force_4_3`, `force_16_9`, `force_16_9_if_4_3`, `stretch`, `noscaling`, `custom`
+ - Subtitle Section (`subtitles`):
+ - `placement: string enum`: Controls where subtitles are displayed on the screen. Default: `center,bottom`
+ - Provided options: [see enum](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/7d5943becc1ca672d599887cac9107836c38d337/resources/settings/settings_description.json#L352-L359)
+ - `color: string enum`: Controls colors of subtitles. Default: `#EEEEEE,#000000`
+ - Provided options: [see enum](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/7d5943becc1ca672d599887cac9107836c38d337/resources/settings/settings_description.json#L364-L371)
+ - `size: int`: Controls subtitle size. Default is `32`.
+ - Provided options: [see enum](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/7d5943becc1ca672d599887cac9107836c38d337/resources/settings/settings_description.json#L376-L382)
+API methods:
+ - `api.settings.settingDescriptions(callback)`: Get list of all setting descriptions and options.
+ - You may need to re-query this if you update certain settings.
+ - `api.settings.allValues(section, callback)`: Get all settings for a specific section.
+ - `api.settings.value(section, key, callback)`: Get a specific setting.
+ - `api.settings.setValue(section, key, value, callback)`: Set a specific setting.
+You can also listen for setting and setting group option updates. I don't currently use this, but you can see
+details of how to do that [from the signals here](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/7d5943becc1ca672d599887cac9107836c38d337/src/settings/SettingsComponent.h#L76-L83).
+## Checking for Updates
+You need to call `window.NativeShell.AppHost.init()` before you can use this.
+const updatePlugin = await window.jellyscrubPlugin();
+ toast: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ // called if an update is available
+ // resolve - opens URL for update
+ // reject - ignores update
+ })
+## Client API
+To establish a connection to the Client API from scratch, use:
+function loadScript(src) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const s = document.createElement('script');
+ s.src = src;
+ s.onload = resolve;
+ s.onerror = reject;
+ document.head.appendChild(s);
+ });
+async function createApi() {
+ await loadScript('qrc:///qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js');
+ const channel = await new Promise((resolve) => {
+ new QWebChannel(window.qt.webChannelTransport, resolve);
+ });
+ return channel.objects;
+The injected utilities script makes `window.apiPromise` available immediately and `window.api` available
+after less than a second available if you call `window.NativeShell.AppHost.init()`.
+### Client API Usage
+The API is a [QWebChannel](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebchannel-javascript.html) API which is async and callback-driven.
+To invoke a function:
+await new Promise(resolve => {
+ window.api.settings.setValue('main', 'userWebClient', '', resolve);
+You can also fire and forget the functions by calling them directly and not passing a callback.
+To listen and unlisten for an event:
+### Client API Overview
+The client API corresponds to the methods in the application with `Q_INVOKABLE`.
+ - `api.display` - [DisplayComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/display/DisplayComponent.h) [DisplayComponent.cpp](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/display/DisplayComponent.cpp)
+ - `api.input` - [InputComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/input/InputComponent.h) [InputComponent.cpp](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/input/InputComponent.cpp)
+ - `api.player` - [PlayerComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/player/PlayerComponent.h) [PlayerComponent.cpp](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/player/PlayerComponent.cpp)
+ - `api.power` - [PowerComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/power/PowerComponent.h) [PowerComponent.cpp](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/power/PowerComponent.cpp)
+ - `api.settings` - [SettingsComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/settings/SettingsComponent.h)
+ - `api.system` - [SystemComponent.h](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/system/SystemComponent.h) [SystemComponent.cpp](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/src/system/SystemComponent.cpp)
+ - `api.taskbar` - (this is empty)
+For a (slightly outdated) list of functions, you can look here: https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-media-player/blob/master/client-api.md