@@ -703,39 +703,34 @@ void SettingsComponent::setUserRoleList(const QStringList& userRoles)
QVariantList values;
- // stable is always available
- QVariantMap stable;
- stable.insert("value", 0);
- stable.insert("title", "Stable");
- values << stable;
- for(const QString& role : userRoles)
- {
- QVariantMap channel;
- int value = 0;
- QString title;
- if (role == "ninja")
- {
- value = 4;
- title = "Ninja";
- }
- else if (role == "plexpass")
- {
- value = 8;
- title = "PlexPass";
- }
- else if (role == "employee")
- {
- value = 2;
- title = "Employee";
- }
- channel.insert("value", value);
- channel.insert("title", title);
- values << channel;
+ // Channel names and values are aligned with values expected by plex.tv.
+ // See: https://github.com/plexinc/plex-media-player-private/issues/642
+ // Public is always available as the default value.
+ QVariantMap publicChannel;
+ publicChannel.insert("value", 0);
+ publicChannel.insert("title", "Public");
+ values << publicChannel;
+ if (userRoles.contains("plexpass")) {
+ QVariantMap betaChannel;
+ betaChannel.insert("value", 8);
+ betaChannel.insert("title", "Beta");
+ values << betaChannel;
+ }
+ if (userRoles.contains("ninja")) {
+ QVariantMap alphaChannel;
+ alphaChannel.insert("value", 4);
+ alphaChannel.insert("title", "Alpha");
+ values << alphaChannel;
+ }
+ if (userRoles.contains("employee")) {
+ QVariantMap qaChannel;
+ qaChannel.insert("value", 2);
+ qaChannel.insert("title", "QA");
+ values << qaChannel;
updatePossibleValues(SETTINGS_SECTION_MAIN, "updateChannel", values);