@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
#include "InputAppleRemote.h"
#include "InputAppleRemote.h"
#include "QsLog.h"
#include "QsLog.h"
@@ -34,5 +35,32 @@ void InputAppleRemote::removeRemote(const QString &name)
void InputAppleRemote::remoteButtonEvent(quint8 code, bool pressed, const QString &name)
void InputAppleRemote::remoteButtonEvent(quint8 code, bool pressed, const QString &name)
- emit receivedInput("AppleRemote", QString::number(code), pressed);
+ // This following code emulates the harmony remotes input to PHT. The Apple API is actually
+ // limited to just the number of keys that are on Apple specific remotes so we had to work
+ // around that with the following hack: deviceID was used as a prefix for what the keys meant
+ // so for example if we send deviceID 150 and keycode UP it means up, but instead deviceID 151
+ // and UP it can be mapped to a different key.
+ //
+ // The harmony profile for this is using deviceID's 150-160 to prefix the keycode, so we will
+ // treat them differently here than the other keycodes. We append the deviceID to the keycode
+ // when the deviceID falls inside the 150-160 range, otherwise we assume the keycode is coming
+ // from a "normal" remote and only forward the keycode.
+ //
+ // Since it's unknown if this will cause problems with any remotes I have added a setting:
+ // appleremote.emulatepht to turn this off if needed, but for now we'll keep it defaulted to on
+ //
+ QString eventName;
+ if (SettingsComponent::Get().value(SETTINGS_SECTION_APPLEREMOTE, "emulatepht").toBool() &&
+ (m_remoteID >= 150 && m_remoteID <= 160))
+ eventName = QString("%1-%2").arg(m_remoteID).arg(code);
+ else
+ eventName = QString::number(code);
+ emit receivedInput("AppleRemote", eventName, pressed);
+void InputAppleRemote::changeRemoteID(quint32 newID)
+ m_remoteID = newID;