// // HIDRemote.h // HIDRemote V1.4 (18th February 2015) // // Created by Felix Schwarz on 06.04.07. // Copyright 2007-2015 IOSPIRIT GmbH. All rights reserved. // // The latest version of this class is available at // http://www.iospirit.com/developers/hidremote/ // // ** LICENSE ************************************************************************* // // Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOSPIRIT GmbH (http://www.iospirit.com/) // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // * Neither the name of IOSPIRIT GmbH nor the names of its contributors may be used to // endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior // written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR // BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH // DAMAGE. // // ************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************ // ********************************** DOCUMENTATION *********************************** // ************************************************************************************ // // - a reference is available at http://www.iospirit.com/developers/hidremote/reference/ // - for a guide, please see http://www.iospirit.com/developers/hidremote/guide/ // // ************************************************************************************ #import // For legacy SDKs #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 1090 #endif /* MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 */ #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 101000 #endif /* MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 */ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 // Carbon is only required on OS X versions prior to 10.10 (for getting the OS version via Gestalt() - // replaced by [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion] in 10.10) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma mark -- Enums / Codes -- typedef enum { kHIDRemoteModeNone = 0L, kHIDRemoteModeShared, // Share the remote with others - let's you listen to the remote control events as long as noone has an exclusive lock on it // (RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES) kHIDRemoteModeExclusive, // Try to acquire an exclusive lock on the remote (NOT RECOMMENDED) kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto // Try to acquire an exclusive lock on the remote whenever the application has focus. Temporarily release control over the // remote when another application has focus (RECOMMENDED) } HIDRemoteMode; typedef enum { /* A code reserved for "no button" (needed for tracking) */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodeNone = 0L, /* Standard codes - available for white plastic and aluminum remote */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUp, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDown, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeLeft, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeRight, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenter, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenu, /* Extra codes - Only available for the new aluminum version of the remote */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlay, /* Masks */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCodeMask = 0xFFL, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask = (1L << 16L), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeSpecialMask = (1L << 17L), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeAluminumMask = (1L << 21L), // PRIVATE - only used internally /* Hold button standard codes - available for white plastic and aluminum remote */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUpHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUp), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDownHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDown), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeLeftHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeLeft), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeRightHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeRight), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenterHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenter), kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenuHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenu), /* Hold button extra codes - Only available for aluminum version of the remote */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlayHold = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask|kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlay), /* DEPRECATED codes - compatibility with HIDRemote 1.0 */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlus = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUp, kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlusHold = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeUpHold, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMinus = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDown, kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMinusHold = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeDownHold, kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlayPause = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenter, kHIDRemoteButtonCodePlayPauseHold = kHIDRemoteButtonCodeCenterHold, /* Special purpose codes */ kHIDRemoteButtonCodeIDChanged = (kHIDRemoteButtonCodeSpecialMask|(1L << 18L)), // (the ID of the connected remote has changed, you can safely ignore this) #ifdef _HIDREMOTE_EXTENSIONS #define _HIDREMOTE_EXTENSIONS_SECTION 1 #include "HIDRemoteAdditions.h" #undef _HIDREMOTE_EXTENSIONS_SECTION #endif /* _HIDREMOTE_EXTENSIONS */ } HIDRemoteButtonCode; typedef enum { kHIDRemoteModelUndetermined = 0L, // Assume a white plastic remote kHIDRemoteModelWhitePlastic, // Signal *likely* to be coming from a white plastic remote kHIDRemoteModelAluminum // Signal *definitely* coming from an aluminum remote } HIDRemoteModel; typedef enum { kHIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevelNone = 0L, // This system has no support for the Aluminum Remote at all kHIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevelEmulation, // This system possibly has support for the Aluminum Remote (via emulation) kHIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevelNative // This system has native support for the Aluminum Remote } HIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevel; @class HIDRemote; #pragma mark -- Delegate protocol (mandatory) -- @protocol HIDRemoteDelegate // Notification of button events - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // The instance of HIDRemote sending this eventWithButton:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode // Event for the button specified by code isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed // The button was pressed (YES) / released (NO) fromHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes; // Information on the device this event comes from @optional // Notification of ID changes - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when the user switched to a remote control with a different ID remoteIDChangedOldID:(SInt32)old newID:(SInt32)newID forHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes; // Notification about hardware additions/removals - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when new hardware was found / added to HIDRemote's pool foundNewHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes; - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when initialization of new hardware as requested failed failedNewHardwareWithError:(NSError *)error; - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when hardware was removed from HIDRemote's pool releasedHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes; // ### WARNING: Unless you know VERY PRECISELY what you are doing, do not implement any of the delegate methods below. ### // Matching of newly found receiver hardware - (BOOL)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when new hardware is inspected inspectNewHardwareWithService:(io_service_t)service // prematchResult:(BOOL)prematchResult; // Return YES if HIDRemote should go on with this hardware and try // to use it, or NO if it should not be persued further. // Exlusive lock lending - (BOOL)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote lendExclusiveLockToApplicationWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)applicationInfo; - (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote exclusiveLockReleasedByApplicationWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)applicationInfo; - (BOOL)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote shouldRetryExclusiveLockWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)applicationInfo; @end #pragma mark -- Actual header file for class -- @interface HIDRemote : NSObject { // IOMasterPort mach_port_t _masterPort; // Notification ports IONotificationPortRef _notifyPort; CFRunLoopSourceRef _notifyRLSource; // Matching iterator io_iterator_t _matchingServicesIterator; // SecureInput notification io_object_t _secureInputNotification; // Service attributes NSMutableDictionary *_serviceAttribMap; // Mode HIDRemoteMode _mode; BOOL _autoRecover; NSTimer *_autoRecoveryTimer; // Delegate NSObject *_delegate; // Last seen ID and remote model SInt32 _lastSeenRemoteID; HIDRemoteModel _lastSeenModel; SInt32 _lastSeenModelRemoteID; // Unused button codes NSArray *_unusedButtonCodes; // Simulate Plus/Minus Hold BOOL _simulateHoldEvents; // SecureEventInput workaround BOOL _secureEventInputWorkAround; UInt64 _lastSecureEventInputPIDSum; uid_t _lastFrontUserSession; BOOL _lastScreenIsLocked; // Exclusive lock lending BOOL _exclusiveLockLending; BOOL _sendExclusiveResourceReuseNotification; NSNumber *_waitForReturnByPID; NSNumber *_returnToPID; BOOL _isRestarting; // Status notifications BOOL _sendStatusNotifications; NSString *_pidString; // Status BOOL _applicationIsTerminating; BOOL _isStopping; // Thread safety #ifdef HIDREMOTE_THREADSAFETY_HARDENED_NOTIFICATION_HANDLING /* #define HIDREMOTE_THREADSAFETY_HARDENED_NOTIFICATION_HANDLING if you're running your HIDRemote instance on a background thread (requires OS X 10.5 or later) */ NSThread *_runOnThread; #endif } #pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Shared HID Remote -- + (HIDRemote *)sharedHIDRemote; #pragma mark -- PUBLIC: System Information -- + (BOOL)isCandelairInstalled; + (BOOL)isCandelairInstallationRequiredForRemoteMode:(HIDRemoteMode)remoteMode; + (SInt32)OSXVersion; - (HIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevel)aluminiumRemoteSystemSupportLevel; #pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Interface / API -- - (BOOL)startRemoteControl:(HIDRemoteMode)hidRemoteMode; - (void)stopRemoteControl; - (BOOL)isStarted; - (HIDRemoteMode)startedInMode; - (unsigned)activeRemoteControlCount; - (SInt32)lastSeenRemoteControlID; - (void)setLastSeenModel:(HIDRemoteModel)aModel; - (HIDRemoteModel)lastSeenModel; - (void)setDelegate:(NSObject *)newDelegate; - (NSObject *)delegate; - (void)setSimulateHoldEvents:(BOOL)newSimulateHoldEvents; - (BOOL)simulateHoldEvents; - (void)setUnusedButtonCodes:(NSArray *)newArrayWithUnusedButtonCodesAsNSNumbers; - (NSArray *)unusedButtonCodes; #pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Expert APIs -- - (void)setEnableSecureEventInputWorkaround:(BOOL)newEnableSecureEventInputWorkaround; - (BOOL)enableSecureEventInputWorkaround; - (void)setExclusiveLockLendingEnabled:(BOOL)newExclusiveLockLendingEnabled; - (BOOL)exclusiveLockLendingEnabled; - (BOOL)isApplicationTerminating; - (BOOL)isStopping; #pragma mark -- PRIVATE: HID Event handling -- - (void)_handleButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed hidAttribsDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)hidAttribsDict; - (void)_sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed hidAttribsDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)hidAttribsDict; - (void)_hidEventFor:(io_service_t)hidDevice from:(IOHIDQueueInterface **)interface withResult:(IOReturn)result; #pragma mark -- PRIVATE: Service setup and destruction -- - (BOOL)_prematchService:(io_object_t)service; - (HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCodeForUsage:(unsigned int)usage usagePage:(unsigned int)usagePage; - (BOOL)_setupService:(io_object_t)service; - (void)_destructService:(io_object_t)service; #pragma mark -- PRIVATE: Distributed notifiations handling -- - (void)_postStatusWithAction:(NSString *)action; - (void)_handleNotifications:(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)_setSendStatusNotifications:(BOOL)doSend; - (BOOL)_sendStatusNotifications; #pragma mark -- PRIVATE: Application becomes active / inactive handling for kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto -- - (void)_appStatusChanged:(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)_delayedAutoRecovery:(NSTimer *)aTimer; #pragma mark -- PRIVATE: Notification handling -- - (void)_serviceMatching:(io_iterator_t)iterator; - (void)_serviceNotificationFor:(io_service_t)service messageType:(natural_t)messageType messageArgument:(void *)messageArgument; - (void)_updateSessionInformation; - (void)_secureInputNotificationFor:(io_service_t)service messageType:(natural_t)messageType messageArgument:(void *)messageArgument; @end #pragma mark -- Information attribute keys -- extern NSString *kHIDRemoteManufacturer; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteProduct; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteTransport; #pragma mark -- Internal/Expert attribute keys (AKA: don't touch these unless you really, really, REALLY know what you do) -- extern NSString *kHIDRemoteCFPluginInterface; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteHIDDeviceInterface; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteCookieButtonCodeLUT; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteHIDQueueInterface; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteServiceNotification; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteCFRunLoopSource; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteLastButtonPressed; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteService; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteSimulateHoldEventsTimer; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteSimulateHoldEventsOriginButtonCode; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportLevel; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteAluminumRemoteSupportOnDemand; #pragma mark -- Distributed notifications -- extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNHIDRemotePing; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNHIDRemoteRetry; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNHIDRemoteStatus; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNHIDRemoteRetryGlobalObject; #pragma mark -- Distributed notifications userInfo keys and values -- extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusHIDRemoteVersionKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusPIDKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusModeKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusUnusedButtonCodesKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusRemoteControlCountKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusReturnToPIDKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusActionKey; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusActionStart; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusActionStop; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusActionUpdate; extern NSString *kHIDRemoteDNStatusActionNoNeed; #pragma mark -- Driver compatibility flags -- typedef enum { kHIDRemoteCompatibilityFlagsStandardHIDRemoteDevice = 1L, } HIDRemoteCompatibilityFlags;