// // Created by Tobias Hieta on 27/08/15. // #ifndef KONVERGO_UNIQUEAPPLICATION_H #define KONVERGO_UNIQUEAPPLICATION_H #include #include "Paths.h" #include "LocalJsonServer.h" #include "LocalJsonClient.h" #include "utils/Utils.h" #define SOCKET_NAME "pmpUniqueApplication" class UniqueApplication : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: UniqueApplication(QObject* parent = nullptr, const QString& socketname = SOCKET_NAME) : QObject(parent) { m_socketName = socketname; } void listen() { m_server = new LocalJsonServer(m_socketName, this); connect(m_server, &LocalJsonServer::messageReceived, [=](const QVariant& message) { QVariantMap map = message.toMap(); if (map.contains("command") && map.value("command").toString() == "appStart") emit otherApplicationStarted(); }); if (!m_server->listen()) throw FatalException("Failed to listen to uniqueApp socket: " + m_server->errorString()); } bool ensureUnique() { auto socket = new LocalJsonClient(m_socketName, this); socket->connectToServer(); // we will just assume that the app isn't running if we get a error here if (!socket->waitForConnected(1000)) { if (socket->error() != QLocalSocket::SocketTimeoutError) { // since we are unique we will start to listen and claim this socket. listen(); return true; } } QVariantMap m; m.insert("command", "appStart"); socket->sendMessage(m); socket->waitForBytesWritten(2000); socket->close(); socket->deleteLater(); return false; } Q_SIGNAL void otherApplicationStarted(); private: LocalJsonServer* m_server; QString m_socketName; }; #endif //KONVERGO_UNIQUEAPPLICATION_H