To connect to the API: ```html ``` The API endpoints will be present on ``. To call them, include a function in the call to recieve the callback data. (The calls are async.) To connect to an event, call the `.connect` method on the event and pass a callback. To disconnect the callback, call the `.disconnect` method and pass the same callback. An example call to play a video URL: ```js"your_video_file", {}, {type: "video", headers: {"User-Agent": "TestPlayer"}, startMilliseconds: 0, frameRate: 0, media: {}}, "", "", function(){}); ``` # display display/DisplayComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - void monitorChange() - bool initializeDisplayManager() - bool restorePreviousVideoMode() - void switchCommand(str command) - uses string command to set display modes ## events: - refreshRateChanged(float rate) # input input/InputComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - void executeActions(list[str] actions) ## events: - receivedInput(str source, str keycode, keystate keystate) - hostInput(list[str] actions) ## types: - keystate: enum { KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPressed } # player player/PlayerComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - void setAudioConfiguration() - void updateAudioDeviceList() - void updateSubtitleSettings() - void updateVideoSettings() - bool load(str url, dict options, dict metadata, str audioStream="", str subtitleStream="") - options: dict { int startMilliseconds, bool autoplay } - metadata: dict { bool interlaced, float frameRate, str type } - type can be "video" or "music" - audioStream: "#" + index from mkv, or pass external url - subtitleStream: "#" + index from mkv, or pass external url - void queueMedia(str url, dict options, dict metadata, str audioStream, str subtitleStream) - void clearQueue() - void seekTo(int ms) - void stop() - void streamSwitch() - void pause() - void play() - void setVolume(int volume) - 0-100 - int volume() - void setMuted(bool muted) - bool muted() - list[dict{str name, str description}] getAudioDeviceList() - void setAudioDevice(str name) - void setAudioStream(str audioStream) - void setSubtitleStream(str subtitleStream) - subtitleStream: "#" + index from mkv, or pass external url - void setAudioDelay(int ms) - void setSubtitleDelay(int ms) - void setPlaybackRate(int rate) - 1000 = normal speed - int getPosition() - void setVideoOnlyMode(bool enable) - hides webview - bool checkCodecSupport(str codec) - can check for vc1 and mpeg2video - list[codecdriver] installedCodecDrivers() - list[str] installedDecoderCodecs() - returns names of supported codecs (eg h264) - void userCommand(str command) - void setVideoRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h) - use all -1 to revert to default ## events: - playing() - buffering(float percent) - paused() - finished() - canceled() - error(str msg) - stopped() - deprecated, listen for finished and canceled - stateChanged(state newState, state oldState) - videoPlaybackActive(bool active) - true if the video (or music) is actually playing - windowVisible(bool visible) - updateDuration(int ms) - duration of the file - positionUpdate(int ms) - emitted twice a second - onVideoRecangleChanged() - onMpvEvents() ## types: - codecdriver: see src/player/CodecsComponent.h > struct CodecDriver - state: enum { finished, canceled, error, paused, playing, buffering } # power power/PowerComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - bool checkCap(powercapabilities capability) - bool canPowerOff() - bool canReboot() - bool canSuspend() - bool canRelaunch() - true for OPENELEC only... - int getPowerCapabilities() - always returns 0... - bool PowerOff() - bool Reboot() - bool Suspend() - void setScreensaverEnabled(bool enabled) ## events: - screenSaverEnabled() - screenSaverDisabled() ## types: - powercapabilities - enum { PowerOff = 1, Reboot = 2, Suspend = 4, Relaunch = 8 } # settings settings/SettingsComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - void cycleSettingCommand(str args) - void setSettingCommand(str args) - void setValue(str section, str key, str value) - void setValues(dict options) - any value(str section, str key) - any allValues(str section) - void removeValue(str sectionOrKey) - void resetToDefaultAll() - coid resetToDefault(str sectionId) - list settingDescriptions() - str getWebClientUrl(bool desktop) ## events: - groupUpdate(str section, any description) - Fired when a section's description is updated. - sectionValueUpdate(str section, dict values) - Sends dictionary of updated mpv key:value pairs. # system system/SystemComponent - [header](, [implementation]( ## funcs: - dict systemInformation() - void exit() - void restart() - void info(str text) - void setCursorVisibility(bool visible) - str getUserAgent() - str debugInformation() - list[str] networkAddresses() - int networkPort() - void userInformation(dict userModel) - void openExternalUrl(str url) - Opens in external browser. - void runUserScript(str script) - Starts processes in the datadir + scripts/ - void hello(str version) - called by web client when loading done - str getCapabilitiesString() - void crashApp() - Dereferences a null pointer....... ## events: - capabilitiesChanged(str capabilities) - userInfoChanged() - hostMessage(str message) - settingsMessage(str setting, str value) - scaleChanged(float scale)