#include "InputMapping.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QsLog.h" #include "Paths.h" #include "utils/Utils.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// InputMapping::InputMapping(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_sourceMatcher(false) { m_watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); connect(m_watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, &InputMapping::dirChange); connect(m_watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &InputMapping::dirChange); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void InputMapping::dirChange() { QLOG_INFO() << "Change to user input path, reloading mappings."; loadMappings(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool InputMapping::loadMappings() { m_inputMatcher.clear(); m_sourceMatcher.clear(); // don't watch the path while we potentially copy files to the directory if (m_watcher->directories().size() > 0) m_watcher->removePath(Paths::dataDir("inputmaps")); // first we load the bundled mappings loadMappingDirectory(":/inputmaps", true); // now we load the user ones, if there are any // they will now overload the built-in ones. // loadMappingDirectory(Paths::dataDir("inputmaps"), false); // we want to watch this dir for new files and changed files m_watcher->addPath(Paths::dataDir("inputmaps")); emit mappingChanged(); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QVariantList InputMapping::mapToAction(const QString& source, const QString& keycode) { // if the source is direct we will just use the keycode as the action if (source == "direct") return { QVariant(keycode) }; QVariantList strActions; // first we need to match the source for (auto src : m_sourceMatcher.match(source)) strActions << m_inputMatcher.value(src.toString())->match(keycode); return strActions; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool InputMapping::loadMappingFile(const QString& path, QPair &mappingPair) { QJsonParseError err; auto doc = Utils::OpenJsonDocument(path, &err); if (doc.isNull()) { QLOG_WARN() << "Failed to parse input mapping file:" << path << "," << err.errorString(); return false; } if (doc.isObject()) { auto obj = doc.object(); if (!obj.contains("name")) { QLOG_WARN() << "Missing elements 'name' from mapping file:" << path; return false; } if (!obj.contains("idmatcher")) { QLOG_WARN() << "Missing element 'idmatcher' from mapping file:" << path; return false; } if (!obj.contains("mapping")) { QLOG_WARN() << "Missing element 'mapping' from mapping file:" << path; return false; } mappingPair = qMakePair(obj["name"].toString(), obj.toVariantMap()); return true; } QLOG_WARN() << "Wrong format for file:" << path; return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool InputMapping::loadMappingDirectory(const QString& path, bool copy) { QLOG_INFO() << "Loading inputmaps from:" << path; QDirIterator it(path); while (it.hasNext()) { QFileInfo finfo = QFileInfo(it.next()); if (finfo.isFile() && finfo.isReadable() && finfo.fileName().endsWith(".json")) { // make a copy of the original file to the example directory if (copy) { QDir userdir(Paths::dataDir()); userdir.mkpath("inputmaps/examples/"); QString examplePath(userdir.filePath("inputmaps/examples/" + finfo.fileName())); // make sure we really overwrite the file. copy will not do this. if (QFile(examplePath).exists()) QFile::remove(examplePath); QFile::copy(finfo.absoluteFilePath(), examplePath); QFile(examplePath).setPermissions(QFileDevice::ReadOwner | QFileDevice::ReadGroup | QFileDevice::WriteOwner | QFileDevice::WriteGroup | QFileDevice::ReadOther); } QPair mapping; if (loadMappingFile(finfo.absoluteFilePath(), mapping)) { // add the source regexp to the matcher if (m_sourceMatcher.addMatcher(mapping.second.value("idmatcher").toString(), mapping.first)) { // get the input map and add it to a new CachedMatcher QVariantMap inputMap = mapping.second.value("mapping").toMap(); auto inputMatcher = new CachedRegexMatcher(true, this); for(const QString& pattern : inputMap.keys()) inputMatcher->addMatcher("^" + pattern + "$", inputMap.value(pattern)); m_inputMatcher.insert(mapping.first, inputMatcher); } } } } return true; }