[WixBundleName] Setup [WixBundleName] Welcome Setup will install [WixBundleName] on your computer. Click Install to continue, Options to set the install directory or Close to exit. Version [WixBundleTag] Setup will repair or uninstall [WixBundleName] from your computer. Are you sure you want to cancel? Setup Help /install | /repair | /uninstall | /layout [directory] - installs, repairs, uninstalls or creates a complete local copy of the bundle in directory. Install is the default. /passive | /quiet - displays minimal UI with no prompts or displays no UI and no prompts. By default UI and all prompts are displayed. /norestart - suppress any attempts to restart. By default UI will prompt before restart. /log log.txt - logs to a specific file. By default a log file is created in %TEMP%. &Close [WixBundleName] <a href="#">license terms</a>. I &agree to the license terms and conditions &Options &Install &Close Setup Options Install location: &Browse... &OK &Cancel Setup Progress Processing: Initializing... &Cancel Modify Setup &Repair &Uninstall &Close Setup Successful &Launch You must restart your computer before you can use the software. &Restart &Close Setup Failed One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup. For more information see the <a href="#">log file</a>. You must restart your computer to complete the rollback of the software. &Restart &Close Desktop Shortcut