############################################################# function(get_resources_source_list target var) get_property(RESOURCE_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY _${target}_RESOURCE_LIST) foreach(RF ${RESOURCE_LIST}) string(REPLACE "|" ";" PARTS "${RF}") list(GET PARTS 0 SOURCE_FILE) list(APPEND _SF ${SOURCE_FILE}) endforeach() set(${var} ${_SF} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() ############################################################# function(copy_resources target) if(XCODE) return() endif() get_property(RESOURCE_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY _${target}_RESOURCE_LIST) # we read the LOCATION from the target instead of using a generator # here since add_custom_command doesn't support generator expresessions # in the output field, and this is still cleaner than hardcoding the path # of the output binary. # get_property(_LOC TARGET ${target} PROPERTY LOCATION) if(APPLE) get_filename_component(TARGET_DIR ${_LOC} DIRECTORY) set(TARGET_LOC ${TARGET_DIR}/..) endif() if(RESOURCE_LIST) foreach(RF ${RESOURCE_LIST}) string(REPLACE "|" ";" PARTS "${RF}") list(GET PARTS 0 SOURCE_FILE) list(GET PARTS 1 _TARGET_FILE) set(TARGET_FILE ${TARGET_LOC}/${_TARGET_FILE}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${TARGET_FILE} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${SOURCE_FILE}" "${TARGET_FILE}" DEPENDS ${SOURCE_FILE} COMMENT "CopyResource (${target}): ${TARGET_FILE}") list(APPEND RESOURCES ${TARGET_FILE}) endforeach() add_custom_target(${target}_CopyResources DEPENDS ${RESOURCES}) add_dependencies(${target} ${target}_CopyResources) endif(RESOURCE_LIST) endfunction() ############################################################# function(add_resources) set(args1 TARGET) set(args2 SOURCES DEST EXCLUDE) cmake_parse_arguments(BD "" "${args1}" "${args2}" ${ARGN}) foreach(_BDFILE ${BD_SOURCES}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_BDFILE}) file(GLOB _DIRCONTENTS ${_BDFILE}/*) foreach(_BDDFILE ${_DIRCONTENTS}) get_filename_component(_BDFILE_NAME ${_BDDFILE} NAME) set(PROCESS_FILE 1) foreach(EX_FILE ${BD_EXCLUDE}) string(REGEX MATCH ${EX_FILE} DID_MATCH ${_BDDFILE}) if(NOT "${DID_MATCH}" STREQUAL "") set(PROCESS_FILE 0) endif(NOT "${DID_MATCH}" STREQUAL "") endforeach(EX_FILE ${BD_EXCLUDE}) if(PROCESS_FILE STREQUAL "1") if(IS_DIRECTORY ${_BDDFILE}) set(DEST ${BD_DEST}/${_BDFILE_NAME}) else() set(DEST ${BD_DEST}) endif() add_resources(SOURCES ${_BDDFILE} DEST ${DEST} EXCLUDE ${BD_EXCLUDE} TARGET ${BD_TARGET}) endif() endforeach() else() get_filename_component(_BDFILE_NAME ${_BDFILE} NAME) set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY _${BD_TARGET}_RESOURCE_LIST "${_BDFILE}|${BD_DEST}/${_BDFILE_NAME}") if(XCODE) set_source_files_properties(${_BDFILE} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION ${BD_DEST}) endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() ############################################################# macro(find_all_sources DIRECTORY VARIABLE) aux_source_directory(${DIRECTORY} ${VARIABLE}) file(GLOB headers ${DIRECTORY}/*h) list(APPEND ${VARIABLE} ${headers}) endmacro() ############################################################# # function to collect all the sources from sub-directories # into a single list function(add_sources) get_property(is_defined GLOBAL PROPERTY SRCS_LIST DEFINED) if(NOT is_defined) define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY SRCS_LIST BRIEF_DOCS "List of source files" FULL_DOCS "List of source files to be compiled in one library") endif() # make absolute paths set(SRCS) foreach(s IN LISTS ARGN) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${s}") get_filename_component(s "${s}" ABSOLUTE) endif() list(APPEND SRCS "${s}") endforeach() string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ "" SUBDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) string(TOLOWER ${SUBDIR} SUBDIR) string(REPLACE "/" "\\\\" LIBNAME ${SUBDIR}) source_group(${LIBNAME} FILES ${SRCS}) # add it to the global list. set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY SRCS_LIST ${SRCS}) endfunction(add_sources) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 by the deal.II authors ## ## This file is part of the deal.II library. ## ## The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute ## it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ## Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ## version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at ## the top level of the deal.II distribution. ## ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tests whether the cxx compiler understands a flag. # If so, add it to 'variable'. # # Usage: # ENABLE_IF_SUPPORTED(variable flag) # include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) MACRO(ENABLE_IF_SUPPORTED _variable _flag) # # Clang is too conservative when reporting unsupported compiler flags. # Therefore, we promote all warnings for an unsupported compiler flag to # actual errors with the -Werror switch: # IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") SET(_werror_string "-Werror ") ELSE() SET(_werror_string "") ENDIF() STRING(STRIP "${_flag}" _flag_stripped) SET(_flag_stripped_orig "${_flag_stripped}") # # Gcc does not emit a warning if testing -Wno-... flags which leads to # false positive detection. Unfortunately it later warns that an unknown # warning option is used if another warning is emitted in the same # compilation unit. # Therefore we invert the test for -Wno-... flags: # IF(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") STRING(REPLACE "-Wno-" "-W" _flag_stripped "${_flag_stripped}") ENDIF() IF(NOT "${_flag_stripped}" STREQUAL "") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^-" "" _flag_name "${_flag_stripped}") STRING(REPLACE "," "" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") STRING(REPLACE "-" "_" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") STRING(REPLACE "+" "_" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "${_werror_string}${_flag_stripped}" HAVE_FLAG_${_flag_name} ) IF(HAVE_FLAG_${_flag_name}) SET(${_variable} "${${_variable}} ${_flag_stripped_orig}") STRING(STRIP "${${_variable}}" ${_variable}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # # Tests whether it is possible to compile and link a dummy program with a # given flag. # If so, add it to variable. # # Usage: # ENABLE_IF_LINKS(variable flag) # MACRO(ENABLE_IF_LINKS _variable _flag) STRING(STRIP "${_flag}" _flag_stripped) IF(NOT "${_flag_stripped}" STREQUAL "") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^-" "" _flag_name "${_flag_stripped}") STRING(REPLACE "," "" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") STRING(REPLACE "-" "_" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") STRING(REPLACE "+" "_" _flag_name "${_flag_name}") SET(_backup ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) LIST(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${_flag_stripped}") CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG( "" HAVE_FLAG_${_flag_name} ) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${_backup}) IF(HAVE_FLAG_${_flag_name}) SET(${_variable} "${${_variable}} ${_flag_stripped}") STRING(STRIP "${${_variable}}" ${_variable}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() ############################################################# function(std_target_properties target) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 14 CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) endfunction() ############################################################# function(safe_download URL) set(ARGS FILENAME SHA1) cmake_parse_arguments(SD "SHOW_PROGRESS" "${ARGS}" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT DEFINED SD_FILENAME) get_filename_component(SD_FILENAME ${CU_URL} NAME) endif(NOT DEFINED SD_FILENAME) if(EXISTS "${SD_FILENAME}") file(SHA1 "${SD_FILENAME}" CURRENT_SHA1) endif() if(NOT DEFINED SD_SHA1) set(SD_SHA1 ${CURRENT_SHA1}) endif() if(SD_SHOW_PROGRESS) set(_SHOW_PROGRESS "SHOW_PROGRESS") endif() if(NOT CURRENT_SHA1 STREQUAL SD_SHA1) message(STATUS "Downloading ${URL} to ${SD_FILENAME}...") file( DOWNLOAD ${URL} ${SD_FILENAME} STATUS SD_STATUS ${_SHOW_PROGRESS} ) list(GET SD_STATUS 0 SD_SUCCESS) if(NOT SD_SUCCESS EQUAL 0) list(GET SD_STATUS 1 SD_ERROR) file(REMOVE ${SD_FILENAME}) if("${SD_ERROR}" STREQUAL "\"Unsupported protocol\"") message(FATAL_ERROR "Download failed and your cmake probably don't support SSL! Beware that cmake downloaded from cmake.org doesn't support SSL on all platforms, make sure to build it yourself.") endif() message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to download: ${URL}: ${SD_ERROR}") endif() file(SHA1 "${SD_FILENAME}" NEW_SHA1) if(DEFINED SD_SHA1) if(NOT SD_SHA1 STREQUAL NEW_SHA1) file(REMOVE ${SD_FILENAME}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to verify SHA1 on ${SD_FILENAME}, expected '${SD_SHA1}' got '${NEW_SHA1}'") endif() endif() endif() endfunction()