############################################################################### # CMake module to search for the SDL libraries. # # WARNING: This module is experimental work in progress. # # Based one FindVLC.cmake by: # Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Jansen # Modified by Tobias Hieta # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # ############################################################################### # ### Global Configuration Section # SET(_SDL2_REQUIRED_VARS SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL2_LIBRARY) # ### SDL uses pkgconfig. # if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) pkg_check_modules(PC_SDL QUIET sdl2) endif(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) # ### Look for the include files. # find_path( SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES SDL.h PATH_SUFFIXES SDL2 HINTS ${PC_SDL2_INCLUDEDIR} ${PC_SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS} # Unused for SDL but anyway DOC "SDL2 include directory" ) mark_as_advanced(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR) set(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS ${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR}) # ### Look for the libraries (SDL and SDLsore) # find_library( SDL2_LIBRARY NAMES SDL2 HINTS ${PC_SDL2_LIBDIR} ${PC_SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS} # Unused for SDL but anyway PATH_SUFFIXES lib${LIB_SUFFIX} ) get_filename_component(_SDL2_LIBRARY_DIR "${SDL2_LIBRARY}" PATH) mark_as_advanced(SDL2_LIBRARY) set(SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS _SDL2_LIBRARY_DIR) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS) mark_as_advanced(SDL2_LIBRARY_DIRS) # ### Check if everything was found and if the version is sufficient. # include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args( SDL2 REQUIRED_VARS ${_SDL2_REQUIRED_VARS} VERSION_VAR SDL2_VERSION_STRING )