import QtQuick 2.4 import Konvergo 1.0 import QtWebEngine 1.7 import QtWebChannel 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 KonvergoWindow { id: mainWindow title: "Jellyfin Media Player" objectName: "mainWindow" minimumHeight: windowMinSize.height minimumWidth: windowMinSize.width function runWebAction(action) { if (mainWindow.webDesktopMode) web.triggerWebAction(action) } Action { enabled: mainWindow.webDesktopMode shortcut: { if (components.system.isMacos) return "Ctrl+Meta+F" return "F11" } onTriggered: mainWindow.toggleFullscreen() } Action { shortcut: "Alt+Return" enabled: { if (mainWindow.webDesktopMode && components.system.isWindows) return true; return false; } onTriggered: mainWindow.toggleFullscreen() } Action { enabled: mainWindow.webDesktopMode shortcut: StandardKey.Close onTriggered: mainWindow.close() } Action { enabled: mainWindow.webDesktopMode shortcut: { if (components.system.isMacos) return "Ctrl+M"; return "Meta+Down"; } onTriggered: mainWindow.minimizeWindow() } Action { enabled: mainWindow.webDesktopMode shortcut: StandardKey.Quit onTriggered: mainWindow.close() } Action { shortcut: "Ctrl+Shift+D" enabled: mainWindow.webDesktopMode onTriggered: mainWindow.toggleDebug() } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Copy onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Copy) id: action_copy } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Cut onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Cut) id: action_cut } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Paste onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Paste) id: action_paste } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.SelectAll onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.SelectAll) id: action_selectall } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Undo onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Undo) id: action_undo } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Redo onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Redo) id: action_redo } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Back onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Back) id: action_back } Action { shortcut: StandardKey.Forward onTriggered: runWebAction(WebEngineView.Forward) id: action_forward } MpvVideo { id: video objectName: "video" // It's not a real item. Its renderer draws onto the view's background. width: 0 height: 0 visible: false } WebEngineView { id: web objectName: "web" settings.errorPageEnabled: false settings.localContentCanAccessRemoteUrls: true settings.localContentCanAccessFileUrls: true settings.allowRunningInsecureContent: components.settings.isUsingExternalWebClient() settings.playbackRequiresUserGesture: false profile.httpUserAgent: components.system.getUserAgent() url: mainWindow.webUrl focus: true property string currentHoveredUrl: "" onLinkHovered: web.currentHoveredUrl = hoveredUrl width: mainWindow.width height: mainWindow.height userScripts: [ WebEngineScript { sourceCode: components.system.getNativeShellScript() injectionPoint: WebEngineScript.DocumentCreation worldId: WebEngineScript.MainWorld } ] Component.onCompleted: { forceActiveFocus() mainWindow.reloadWebClient.connect(reload) } onLoadingChanged: { // we use a timer here to switch to the webview since // it take a few moments for the webview to render // after it has loaded. // if (loadRequest.status == WebEngineView.LoadStartedStatus) { console.log("WebEngineLoadRequest starting: " + loadRequest.url); } else if (loadRequest.status == WebEngineView.LoadSucceededStatus) { console.log("WebEngineLoadRequest success: " + loadRequest.url); } else if (loadRequest.status == WebEngineView.LoadFailedStatus) { console.log("WebEngineLoadRequest failure: " + loadRequest.url + " error code: " + loadRequest.errorCode); errorLabel.visible = true errorLabel.text = "Error loading client, this is bad and should not happen
" + "You can try to reload or head to our support page

Actual Error:
" +
                          loadRequest.errorString + " [" + loadRequest.errorCode + "]

" + "Provide the logfile as well." } } onNewViewRequested: { if (request.userInitiated) { console.log("Opening external URL: " + web.currentHoveredUrl) components.system.openExternalUrl(web.currentHoveredUrl) } } onFullScreenRequested: { console.log("Request fullscreen: " + request.toggleOn) mainWindow.setFullScreen(request.toggleOn) request.accept() } onJavaScriptConsoleMessage: { } onCertificateError: { console.log(error.url + " :" + error.description + error.error) if (components.settings.ignoreSSLErrors()) { error.ignoreCertificateError() } } } Text { id: errorLabel z: 5 anchors.centerIn: parent color: "#999999" linkColor: "#a85dc3" text: "Generic error" font.pixelSize: 32 font.bold: true visible: false verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter textFormat: Text.StyledText onLinkActivated: { if (link == "reload") { errorLabel.visible = false web.reload() } else { Qt.openUrlExternally(link) } } } Rectangle { id: debug color: "black" z: 10 anchors.centerIn: parent width: parent.width height: parent.height opacity: 0.7 visible: mainWindow.showDebugLayer Text { id: debugLabel width: (parent.width - 50) / 2 height: parent.height - 25 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 64 anchors.topMargin: 54 anchors.bottomMargin: 54 color: "white" font.pixelSize: Math.round(height / 65) wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere function windowDebug() { var dbg = mainWindow.debugInfo + "Window and web\n"; dbg += " Window size: " + parent.width + "x" + parent.height + " - " + web.width + "x" + web.height + "\n"; dbg += " DevicePixel ratio: " + Screen.devicePixelRatio + "\n"; return dbg; } text: windowDebug() } Text { id: videoLabel width: (parent.width - 50) / 2 height: parent.height - 25 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.left: debugLabel.right anchors.rightMargin: 64 anchors.topMargin: 54 anchors.bottomMargin: 54 color: "white" font.pixelSize: Math.round(height / 65) wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere text: mainWindow.videoInfo } } property QtObject webChannel: web.webChannel }