To connect to the API:
<script src="qrc:///qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js"></script>
new QWebChannel(window.qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) {
// Called when API is ready = channel;
The API endpoints will be present on
. To call them, include a function in the call to recieve the callback data. (The calls are async.)
To connect to an event, call the .connect
method on the event and pass a callback. To disconnect the callback, call the .disconnect
method and pass the same callback.
An example call to play a video URL:"your_video_file", {}, {type: "video", headers: {"User-Agent": "TestPlayer"}, startMilliseconds: 0, frameRate: 0, media: {}}, "", "", function(){});
display/DisplayComponent - header, implementation
void switchCommand(str command) - uses string command to set display modes
refreshRateChanged(float rate)
input/InputComponent - header, implementation
void executeActions(list[str] actions)
receivedInput(str source, str keycode, keystate keystate)
hostInput(list[str] actions)
keystate: enum { KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPressed }
player/PlayerComponent - header, implementation
void setAudioConfiguration()
void updateAudioDeviceList()
void updateSubtitleSettings()
void updateVideoSettings()
bool load(str url, dict options, dict metadata, str audioStream="", str subtitleStream="")
void queueMedia(str url, dict options, dict metadata, str audioStream, str subtitleStream)
void clearQueue()
void seekTo(int ms)
void stop()
void streamSwitch()
void pause()
void play()
void setVolume(int volume) - 0-100
int volume()
void setMuted(bool muted)
bool muted()
list[dict{str name, str description}] getAudioDeviceList()
void setAudioDevice(str name)
void setAudioStream(str audioStream)
void setSubtitleStream(str subtitleStream)
void setAudioDelay(int ms)
void setSubtitleDelay(int ms)
void setVideoOnlyMode(bool enable) - hides webview
bool checkCodecSupport(str codec) - can check for vc1 and mpeg2video
list[codecdriver] installedCodecDrivers()
list[str] installedDecoderCodecs() - returns names of supported codecs (eg h264)
void userCommand(str command)
void setVideoRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h) - use all -1 to revert to default
buffering(float percent)
error(str msg)
stopped() - deprecated, listen for finished and canceled
stateChanged(state newState, state oldState)
videoPlaybackActive(bool active) - true if the video (or music) is actually playing
windowVisible(bool visible)
updateDuration(int ms) - duration of the file
positionUpdate(int ms) - emitted twice a second
codecdriver: see src/player/CodecsComponent.h > struct CodecDriver
state: enum { finished, canceled, error, paused, playing, buffering }
power/PowerComponent - header, implementation
bool checkCap(powercapabilities capability)
bool canPowerOff()
bool canReboot()
bool canSuspend()
bool canRelaunch() - true for OPENELEC only...
int getPowerCapabilities() - always returns 0...
bool PowerOff()
bool Reboot()
bool Suspend()
void setScreensaverEnabled(bool enabled)
powercapabilities - enum { PowerOff = 1, Reboot = 2, Suspend = 4, Relaunch = 8 }
settings/SettingsComponent - header, implementation
void cycleSettingCommand(str args)
void setSettingCommand(str args)
void setValue(str section, str key, str value)
void setValues(dict options)
any value(str section, str key)
any allValues(str section)
void removeValue(str sectionOrKey)
void resetToDefaultAll()
coid resetToDefault(str sectionId)
list settingDescriptions()
str getWebClientUrl(bool desktop)
groupUpdate(str section, any description) - Fired when a section's description is updated.
sectionValueUpdate(str section, dict values) - Sends dictionary of updated mpv key:value pairs.
system/SystemComponent - header, implementation
dict systemInformation()
void exit()
void restart()
void info(str text)
void setCursorVisibility(bool visible)
str getUserAgent()
str debugInformation()
list[str] networkAddresses()
int networkPort()
void userInformation(dict userModel)
void openExternalUrl(str url) - Opens in external browser.
void runUserScript(str script) - Starts processes in the datadir + scripts/
void hello(str version) - called by web client when loading done
str getCapabilitiesString()
void crashApp() - Dereferences a null pointer.......
capabilitiesChanged(str capabilities)
hostMessage(str message)
settingsMessage(str setting, str value)
scaleChanged(float scale)