123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327 |
- #include "PlayerQuickItem.h"
- #include <stdexcept>
- #include <QCoreApplication>
- #include <QOpenGLContext>
- #include <QRunnable>
- #include <QtGui/QOpenGLFramebufferObject>
- #include <QtQuick/QQuickWindow>
- #include <QOpenGLFunctions>
- #include <mpv/render_gl.h>
- #include "QsLog.h"
- #include "utils/Utils.h"
- #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <dwmapi.h>
- #include <avrt.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_X11EXTRAS
- #include <QX11Info>
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static void* get_proc_address(void* ctx, const char* name)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(ctx);
- QOpenGLContext* glctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- if (!glctx)
- return nullptr;
- void *res = (void *)glctx->getProcAddress(QByteArray(name));
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- // wglGetProcAddress(), which is used by Qt, does not always resolve all
- // builtin functions with all drivers (only extensions). Qt compensates this
- // for a degree, but does this only for functions Qt happens to need. So
- // we need our own falback as well.
- if (!res)
- {
- HMODULE handle = (HMODULE)QOpenGLContext::openGLModuleHandle();
- if (handle)
- res = (void *)GetProcAddress(handle, name);
- }
- #endif
- return res;
- }
- namespace {
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class RequestRepaintJob : public QRunnable
- {
- public:
- explicit RequestRepaintJob(QQuickWindow *window) : m_window(window) { }
- void run() override
- {
- // QSGThreadedRenderLoop::update has a special code path that will render
- // without syncing the render and GUI threads unless asked elsewhere to support
- // QQuickAnimator animations. This is currently triggered by the fact that
- // QQuickWindow::update() is called from the render thread.
- // This allows continuing rendering video while the GUI thread is busy.
- //
- m_window->update();
- }
- private:
- QQuickWindow *m_window;
- };
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PlayerRenderer::PlayerRenderer(mpv::qt::Handle mpv, QQuickWindow* window)
- : m_mpv(mpv), m_mpvGL(nullptr), m_window(window), m_size(), m_hAvrtHandle(nullptr), m_videoRectangle(-1, -1, -1, -1), m_fbo(0)
- {
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool PlayerRenderer::init()
- {
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- // Request Multimedia Class Schedule Service.
- DwmEnableMMCSS(TRUE);
- #endif
- mpv_opengl_init_params opengl_params = {
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- get_proc_address,
- #else
- .get_proc_address = get_proc_address,
- .get_proc_address_ctx = NULL,
- #endif
- };
- mpv_render_param params[] = {
- #ifdef USE_X11EXTRAS
- {MPV_RENDER_PARAM_X11_DISPLAY, QX11Info::display()},
- #endif
- };
- int err = mpv_render_context_create(&m_mpvGL, m_mpv, params);
- if (err >= 0) {
- mpv_render_context_set_update_callback(m_mpvGL, on_update, (void *)this);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PlayerRenderer::~PlayerRenderer()
- {
- // Keep in mind that the m_mpv handle must be held until this is done.
- if (m_mpvGL)
- mpv_render_context_free(m_mpvGL);
- m_mpvGL = nullptr;
- delete m_fbo;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerRenderer::render()
- {
- QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- GLint fbo = 0;
- context->functions()->glGetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &fbo);
- bool flip = true;
- flip = !(context->format().orientationFlags() & QSurfaceFormat::MirrorVertically);
- #endif
- bool screenFlip = flip;
- QSize fboSize = m_size;
- QOpenGLFramebufferObject *blitFbo = 0;
- m_window->resetOpenGLState();
- QRect fullWindow(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height());
- if (m_videoRectangle.width() > 0 && m_videoRectangle.height() > 0 && m_videoRectangle != fullWindow && QOpenGLFramebufferObject::hasOpenGLFramebufferBlit() && QOpenGLFramebufferObject::hasOpenGLFramebufferObjects())
- {
- if (!m_fbo || !m_fbo->isValid() || m_fbo->size() != m_videoRectangle.size())
- {
- delete m_fbo;
- m_fbo = new QOpenGLFramebufferObject(m_videoRectangle.size());
- }
- if (m_fbo && m_fbo->isValid())
- {
- blitFbo = m_fbo;
- fboSize = m_fbo->size();
- fbo = m_fbo->handle();
- flip = false;
- // Need to clear the background manually, since nothing else knows it has to be done.
- context->functions()->glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
- context->functions()->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
- }
- }
- mpv_opengl_fbo mpv_fbo = {
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- fbo,
- fboSize.width(),
- fboSize.height(),
- #else
- .fbo = fbo,
- .w = fboSize.width(),
- .h = fboSize.height(),
- #endif
- };
- int mpv_flip = flip ? -1 : 0;
- mpv_render_param params[] = {
- {MPV_RENDER_PARAM_FLIP_Y, &mpv_flip},
- };
- mpv_render_context_render(m_mpvGL, params);
- m_window->resetOpenGLState();
- if (blitFbo)
- {
- QRect dstRect = m_videoRectangle;
- if (screenFlip)
- dstRect = QRect(dstRect.x(), m_size.height() - dstRect.y(), dstRect.width(), dstRect.top() - dstRect.bottom());
- QOpenGLFramebufferObject::blitFramebuffer(0, dstRect, blitFbo, QRect(QPoint(0, 0), blitFbo->size()));
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerRenderer::swap()
- {
- if (m_mpvGL)
- mpv_render_context_report_swap(m_mpvGL);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerRenderer::onVideoPlaybackActive(bool active)
- {
- #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
- if (active && !m_hAvrtHandle)
- {
- DWORD handle = 0;
- m_hAvrtHandle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(L"Low Latency", &handle);
- }
- else if (!active && m_hAvrtHandle)
- {
- AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(m_hAvrtHandle);
- m_hAvrtHandle = 0;
- }
- #endif
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerRenderer::on_update(void *ctx)
- {
- PlayerRenderer *self = (PlayerRenderer *)ctx;
- // QQuickWindow::scheduleRenderJob is expected to be called from the GUI thread but
- // is thread-safe when using the QSGThreadedRenderLoop. We can detect a non-threaded render
- // loop by checking if QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing was called from the GUI thread
- // (which affects the QObject::thread() of the PlayerRenderer).
- //
- if (self->thread() == self->m_window->thread())
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(self->m_window, "update", Qt::QueuedConnection);
- else
- self->m_window->scheduleRenderJob(new RequestRepaintJob(self->m_window), QQuickWindow::NoStage);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PlayerQuickItem::PlayerQuickItem(QQuickItem* parent)
- : QQuickItem(parent), m_mpvGL(nullptr), m_renderer(nullptr)
- {
- connect(this, &QQuickItem::windowChanged, this, &PlayerQuickItem::onWindowChanged, Qt::DirectConnection);
- connect(this, &PlayerQuickItem::onFatalError, this, &PlayerQuickItem::onHandleFatalError, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- PlayerQuickItem::~PlayerQuickItem()
- {
- if (m_mpvGL)
- mpv_render_context_set_update_callback(m_mpvGL, nullptr, nullptr);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerQuickItem::onWindowChanged(QQuickWindow* win)
- {
- if (win)
- {
- connect(win, &QQuickWindow::beforeSynchronizing, this, &PlayerQuickItem::onSynchronize, Qt::DirectConnection);
- connect(win, &QQuickWindow::sceneGraphInvalidated, this, &PlayerQuickItem::onInvalidate, Qt::DirectConnection);
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerQuickItem::onHandleFatalError(QString message)
- {
- throw FatalException(message);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerQuickItem::onSynchronize()
- {
- if (!m_renderer && m_mpv)
- {
- m_renderer = new PlayerRenderer(m_mpv, window());
- if (!m_renderer->init())
- {
- delete m_renderer;
- m_renderer = nullptr;
- emit onFatalError(tr("Could not initialize OpenGL."));
- return;
- }
- connect(window(), &QQuickWindow::beforeRendering, m_renderer, &PlayerRenderer::render, Qt::DirectConnection);
- connect(window(), &QQuickWindow::frameSwapped, m_renderer, &PlayerRenderer::swap, Qt::DirectConnection);
- connect(&PlayerComponent::Get(), &PlayerComponent::videoPlaybackActive, m_renderer, &PlayerRenderer::onVideoPlaybackActive, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- connect(&PlayerComponent::Get(), &PlayerComponent::onVideoRecangleChanged, window(), &QQuickWindow::update, Qt::QueuedConnection);
- window()->setPersistentOpenGLContext(true);
- window()->setPersistentSceneGraph(true);
- window()->setClearBeforeRendering(false);
- m_debugInfo = "";
- QOpenGLContext* glctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- if (glctx && glctx->isValid())
- {
- m_debugInfo += "\nOpenGL:\n";
- for (auto sym : syms)
- {
- auto s = (char *)glctx->functions()->glGetString(sym);
- if (s)
- m_debugInfo += QString(" ") + QString::fromUtf8(s) + "\n";
- }
- m_debugInfo += "\n";
- }
- }
- if (m_renderer)
- {
- m_renderer->m_size = window()->size() * window()->devicePixelRatio();
- m_renderer->m_videoRectangle = PlayerComponent::Get().videoRectangle();
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerQuickItem::onInvalidate()
- {
- if (m_renderer)
- delete m_renderer;
- m_renderer = nullptr;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void PlayerQuickItem::initMpv(PlayerComponent* player)
- {
- m_mpv = player->getMpvHandle();
- connect(player, &PlayerComponent::windowVisible, this, &QQuickItem::setVisible);
- window()->update();
- }