keyboard.json 2.8 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "Keyboard Generic",
  3. "idmatcher": "Keyboard.*",
  4. "mapping":
  5. {
  6. // standard navigation, we allow shift modifiers
  7. "(Shift\\+)?Left": "left",
  8. "(Shift\\+)?Right": "right",
  9. "(Shift\\+)?Up": "up",
  10. "(Shift\\+)?Down": "down",
  11. "(Return|Enter)": "enter",
  12. "(Esc|Backspace)": {
  13. "short": "back",
  14. "long": "exit"
  15. },
  16. // map X and Shift+X to X. This allows normal number input
  17. "(?:Shift\\+)?([0-9])": "%1",
  18. // map X and Shift+X to X for letters, space to space. This allows normal text input
  19. "(?:Shift\\+)?([A-Z])": "%1",
  20. "Space": ["space", "play_pause"],
  21. // map some other normal buttons that might be useful
  22. "(?:Shift\\+)?(\\.|\\:|\\_)": "%1",
  23. // map Shift+Letter to action jump+letter
  24. "Shift\\+([A-Z])": "jump+%1",
  25. "P": "play_pause",
  26. "Ctrl\\+P": "pause",
  27. "X": "stop",
  28. "B": "back",
  29. "H": "home",
  30. "A": "cycle_audio",
  31. "Ctrl\\+A": "cycle_audio_back",
  32. "L": "cycle_subtitles",
  33. "Ctrl\\+L": "cycle_subtitles_back",
  34. "S": "toggle_subtitles",
  35. "Alt\\+A": "increase_audio_delay",
  36. "Alt\\+Shift\\+A": "decrease_audio_delay",
  37. "Alt\\+S": "increase_subtitles_delay",
  38. "Alt\\+Shift\\+S": "decrease_subtitles_delay",
  39. "PgUp": "seek_backward",
  40. "PgDown": "seek_forward",
  41. "Home": "step_backward",
  42. "End": "step_forward",
  43. "Ctrl\\+F": "search",
  44. "Ctrl\\+M": "host:cycle_setting main.webMode",
  45. // application shortcuts
  46. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+F": "host:fullscreen",
  47. "Meta\\+Ctrl\\+F": "host:fullscreen",
  48. "Ctrl\\+Q": "host:close",
  49. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+R": "host:reload",
  50. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+D": "host:toggleDebug",
  51. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+A": "host:cycle_setting main.alwaysOnTop",
  52. // emulate some of of PHT's behaviour
  53. "I": "host:toggleDebug",
  54. "W": "toggle_watched",
  55. "\\\\": "host:fullscreen",
  56. "Z": "host:cycle_setting video.aspect",
  57. "T": "host:cycle_setting main.alwaysOnTop",
  58. // media keys from the FLIRC and on Linux keyboards
  59. "Toggle Media Play\\/Pause": "play_pause",
  60. // Microsoft Windows Media Center SE; Logitech Harmony device
  61. "Media Pause": "pause",
  62. "Media Play": "play_pause",
  63. "Media Stop": "stop",
  64. "Media Rewind": "seek_backward",
  65. "Media Fast Forward": "seek_forward",
  66. "Media Previous": "step_backward",
  67. "Media Next": "step_forward",
  68. "Back": "back",
  69. // Windows Media Center keyboard shortcuts
  70. "Alt\\+(Return|Enter)": "host:fullscreen",
  71. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+P": "play_pause",
  72. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+S": "stop",
  73. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+B": "seek_backward",
  74. "Ctrl\\+Shift\\+G": "seek_forward",
  75. "Ctrl\\+B": "step_backward",
  76. "Ctrl\\+G": "step_forward",
  77. // volume
  78. "=": "increase_volume",
  79. "(Shift\\+)?\\+": "increase_volume",
  80. "\\-": "decrease_volume",
  81. // debug command to crash the host. for testing
  82. "Ctrl\\+Alt\\+Shift\\+F1": "host:crash!"
  83. }
  84. }