com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player.appdata.xml 2.3 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <component type="desktop-application">
  3. <id>com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player</id>
  4. <name>Jellyfin Media Player</name>
  5. <summary>Desktop client for Jellyfin media server</summary>
  6. <developer_name>Ian Walton</developer_name>
  7. <project_license>GPL-2.0</project_license>
  8. <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
  9. <url type="homepage"></url>
  10. <url type="help"></url>
  11. <url type="bugtracker"></url>
  12. <provides>
  13. <binary>jellyfinmediaplayer</binary>
  14. </provides>
  15. <screenshots>
  16. <screenshot type="default">
  17. <caption>The desktop client</caption>
  18. <image type="source" width="1080" height="632"></image>
  19. </screenshot>
  20. <screenshot>
  21. <caption>The application playing Big Buck Bunny</caption>
  22. <image type="source" width="1080" height="632"></image>
  23. </screenshot>
  24. <screenshot>
  25. <caption>The server dashboard</caption>
  26. <image type="source" width="1080" height="632"></image>
  27. </screenshot>
  28. </screenshots>
  29. <description>
  30. <p>Jellyfin Desktop Client based on Plex Media Player. Play your Jellyfin media in the jellyfin-web application with significantly improved media support. The client also supports SyncPlay.</p>
  31. </description>
  32. <categories>
  33. <category>AudioVideo</category>
  34. <category>Video</category>
  35. <category>Player</category>
  36. <category>TV</category>
  37. </categories>
  38. <releases>
  39. <release version="1.1.0" date="2020-04-05">
  40. <p>Changes:</p>
  41. <ul>
  42. <li>Added support for setting playback rate.</li>
  43. <li>Added SyncPlay support. (Note there are still some glitches.)</li>
  44. <li>Fixed issue where exiting video would go back a page.</li>
  45. <li>Fixed issue where video reloads every time you seek.</li>
  46. <li>Fixed some play/pause event issues.</li>
  47. </ul>
  48. </release>
  49. </releases>
  50. <content_rating type="oars-1.0"/>
  51. </component>