@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+makedng(1) "makedng"
+makedng - pack raw sensor data into a dng file with metadata
+makedng [OPTIONS] input-file output-file
+OPTIONS := { -w width | -h height | -p pixfmt | -m make,model | -s software | -o orientation }
+Read raw sensor data from a file and generate a DNG 1.4 compliant file with the
+metadata to correctly render the file.
+*-w width*, *-h height*
+ Set the width and height of the source data. This is a required option.
+*-p pixelfmt*
+ Set the pixelformat for the source data. This accepts a V4L2 fourcc code or
+ the V4L constant name like "RGGB" and "SRGGB8". This is a required option.
+*-m make,model*
+ Set the camera Make and Model as a comma seperated string.
+*-s software*
+ Set the name of the camera software used to take the picture.
+*-o orientation*
+ Set the orientation of the image data as a number from 1-8 from the DNG
+ specification.
+The pixel format argument accepts the following values:
+8-bit bayer formatted data, this matches with MIPI RAW8:
+ RGGB, SRGGB8: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+GRBG, SGRBG8: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+GBRG, SGBRG8: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+BGGR, SBGGR8: BG,GR bayer pixel data
+10-bit bayer formatted data. transmitted as 16-bit format in 8 bytes:
+ RG10, SRGGB10: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+BA10, SGRBG10: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+GB10, SGBRG10: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+BG10, SBGGR10: BG,GR bayer pixel data
+10-bit bayer formatted data packed into 5 bytes, this matches with MIPI RAW10:
+ pRAA, SRGGB10P: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+pgAA, SGRBG10P: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+pGAA, SGBRG10P: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+pBAA, SBGGR10P: BG,GR bayer pixel data
+12-bit bayer formatted data, transmitted as 16-bit format in 8 bytes:
+ RG12, SRGGB12: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+BA12, SGRBG12: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+GB12, SGBRG12: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+BG12, SBGGR12: BG,GR bayer pixel data
+12-bit bayer formatted data packed into 6 bytes, this matches with MIPI RAW12:
+ pRCC, SRGGB12P: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+pgCC, SGRBG12P: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+pGCC, SGBRG12P: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+pBCC, SBGGR12P: BG,GR bayer pixel data
+16-bit bayer formatted data:
+ RG16, SRGGB16: RG,GB bayer pixel data++
+GR16, SGRBG16: GR,BG bayer pixel data++
+GB16, SGBRG16: GB,RG bayer pixel data++
+BYR2, SBGGR16: BG,GR bayer pixel data