@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+ :depth: 3
+The library mostly works on the libdng_info objects. There's only a single
+initialisation function
+int libdng_init()
+This function should be called exactly once before using any of the other
+functionality of the library. The purpose of this call is to register new
+tags into libtiff which is required before any other interaction.
+DNG objects
+All the state for writing is stored in the :code:`libdng_info` struct. These
+functions work by manipulating this instance.
+void libdng_new(libdng_info \*dng)
+Initialize the value of a libdng_info struct for further operation. This needs
+to be cleaned up with libdng_free.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+void libdng_free(libdng_info \*dng)
+Clean up the allocations of :code:`libdng_new`
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ // Do important stuff here
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+.. _set_mode_from_name:
+int libdng_set_mode_from_name(libdng_info \*dng, const char \*name)
+Set the pixel format for the raw data that will be written into the DNG. This
+configures the CFA pattern, bit depth and whitelevel metadata. The valid names
+are the V4L2 fourcc codes and the constant names.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_mode_from_name(&dng, "SRGGB10P");
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+Supported values:
+| fourcc | constant name | Depth |
+| RGGB | SRGGB8 | 8 |
+| GRBG | SGRBG8 | 8 |
+| GBRG | SGBRG8 | 8 |
+| BGGR | SBGGR8 | 8 |
+| RG10 | SRGGB10 | 10 |
+| BA10 | SGRBG10 | 10 |
+| GB10 | SGBRG10 | 10 |
+| BG10 | SBGGR10 | 10 |
+| pRAA | SRGGB10P | 10 |
+| pgAA | SGRBG10P | 10 |
+| pGAA | SGBRG10P | 10 |
+| pBAA | SBGGR10P | 10 |
+| RG12 | SRGGB12 | 12 |
+| BA12 | SGRBG12 | 12 |
+| GB12 | SGBRG12 | 12 |
+| BG12 | SBGGR12 | 12 |
+| pRCC | SRGGB12P | 12 |
+| pgCC | SGRBG12P | 12 |
+| pGCC | SGBRG12P | 12 |
+| pBCC | SBGGR12P | 12 |
+| RG16 | SRGGB16 | 16 |
+| GR16 | SGRBG16 | 16 |
+| GB16 | SGBRG16 | 16 |
+| BYR2 | SBGGR16 | 16 |
+int libdng_set_mode_from_pixfmt(libdng_info \*dng, uint32_t pixfmt)
+This function performs the same tasks as :ref:`libdng_set_mode_from_name <set_mode_from_name>` but
+uses the numeric fourcc value instead of a string. This is for passing through
+the format from the V4L2 subsystem directly.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_mode_from_pixfmt(&dng, V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGBRG12P);
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+int libdng_set_make_model(libdng_info \*dng, const char \*make, const char \*model)
+Set the make and model name for the camera or other digitizing equipment that
+produced the raw data. The make and model are also concatinated together to
+produce the "unique camera model" field that is usually shown to end-users as
+the camera model.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_make_model(&dng, "Nikon", "D3300");
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+int libdng_set_software(libdng_info \*dng, const char \*software)
+Set the name and version number of the software used to produce the image. On
+phones this value is usually set to the camera application.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_software(&dng, "Megapixels 2.0");
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+.. _set_datetime:
+int libdng_set_datetime(libdng_info \*dng, struct tm time)
+Set the date and time the picture was taken or digitized. This is stored as both
+TIFF and EXIF metadata. Instead of specifying a :code:`tm` struct the
+:ref:`libdng_set_datetime_now <set_datetime_now>` function can be used to
+directly use the current time.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ time_t rawtime;
+ time(&rawtime);
+ struct tm now = *(localtime(&rawtime));
+ libdng_set_datetime(&dng, now);
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+.. _set_datetime_now:
+int libdng_set_datetime_now(libdng_info \*dng)
+Set the date and time the picture was taken or digitized to the current date and
+time. This is a shortcut method for :ref:`libdng_set_datetime <set_datetime>`.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_datetime_now(&dng);
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags:
+.. _set_orientation:
+int libdng_set_orientation(libdng_info \*dng, uint16_t orientation)
+Set the date and time the picture was taken or digitized to the current date and
+time. This is a shortcut method for :ref:`libdng_set_datetime <set_datetime>`.
+.. code-block:: c
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ libdng_set_datetime_now(&dng);
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+Affected tags: