@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+The Adobe DNG standard is the only widely supported open way to exchange raw
+camera sensor data between various pieces of software. It uses the TIFF format
+to store the sensor data and has a series of custom TIFF tags to describe the
+method to convert the raw sensor data to regular RGB color data.
+DNG Limitations
+In order to produce valid dng files from sensor data the only valid options are
+a grayscale image produced by a camera with a color filter array (a bayer filter)
+or raw data which has been demosaiced into a multi-channel color image.
+It is not possible to store YUV encoded image data or any of the UVC camera
+supported data formats.
+Bit packing of sensor data
+Most camera sensors that produce raw data connected to a Linux system will be
+connected over the MIPI-CSI bus. The MIPI specifications declare several formats
+for transmitting the pixel data. For modes where the camera returns 8-bit data
+this is exactly what you expect with one byte mapping to one sample. For 16-bit
+data it simply maps to two bytes per sample but a lot of sensor data will be
+either 10 or 12 bits per sample.
+The packing in the MIPI specification is matching to the packed formats in v4l2:
+V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR10P and V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR12P and their other 4 corresponding
+CFA orders. These formats pack the 8 most significant bits of the 4 samples as
+seperate bytes and then 1 or 2 extra bytes that stores all the "leftover" bits.
+.. image:: images/bitpacking.png
+In the diagram above the first samples from a camera in BGGR mode is shown. The
+first line has alternating blue and red color filters here shown in two shades
+of blue and green to differentiate the 4 samples. The semi-transparent bits are
+the least significant bits of each sample.
+The DNG standard specifies a subset of TIFF image data encodings for storing the
+sensor data into the DNG. These formats sadly do not line up with the pixel
+format of MIPI sensor data like most cameras use. The libdng code provides some
+helper code to convert the 10 and 12-bit MIPI pixel formats to the more linear
+format used in the TIFF file format.
+Writing a simple DNG file
+The minimum code for writing a valid DNG file is the following:
+.. code-block:: c
+ #include <libdng.h>
+ // Imagine you have real data
+ uint8_t *data = <from somewhere>;
+ size_t data_length = 1234;
+ // Run once to register custom tags in libtiff
+ libdng_init();
+ // New image
+ libdng_info dng = {0};
+ libdng_new(&dng);
+ // Set the pixel format to 10-bit RGGB in MIPI format
+ if (!libdng_set_mode_from_name(&dng, "SRGGB10P")) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid pixel format supplied\n");
+ }
+ // Call any other libdng_set_* methods here
+ if (!libdng_write(&dng, "out.dng", width, height, data, data_length)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not write DNG\n");
+ }
+ libdng_free(&dng);
+This writes out the raw sensor data from :code:`*data` to the `out.dng` file
+with the right metadata for a RGGB color filter array. It also converts the
+10-bit packed format to the linear format from the TIFF spec.
+Operations that change metadata can be executed in any order between the
+:code:`libdng_new` and :code:`libdng_write` command. The ony required metadata
+is one of the :code:`libdng_set_mode_*` calls to bring all the pixelformat
+metadata in order.
+Setting the mode
+The only required metadata operation is setting the pixelformat. There are
+multiple ways of specifying the format:
+* With :code:`libdng_set_mode_from_name(&dng, "name")`:
+ This is setting the format from one of the named modes. The accepted named
+ modes here are the 4 character fourcc codes defined by V4L2 and also the
+ more intuitively named V4L2 constants without the :code:`V4L2_PIX_FMT_`
+ prefix in front.
+* With :code:`libdng_set_mode_from_pixfmt(&dng, pixfmt)`:
+ This does the same thing but instead of passing the format as string you
+ pass the value of the :code:`V4L2_PIX_FMT_` constants as an integer. This is
+ easier for integrating the DNG writing with existing V4L2 code.
+If the format is one of the packed formats the :code:`libdng_write` method will
+automatically convert the format to fit in a TIFF container.