A modern, open-source, collaborative music app
最終更新 2 日 前
Fork of https://gitlab.com/megapixels-org/Megapixels
最終更新 4 週間 前
Fork of libdng
Fork of https://gitlab.com/megapixels-org/postprocessd
最終更新 2 ヶ月 前
Fork of https://gitlab.com/megapixels-org/libmegapixels
最終更新 4 ヶ月 前
最終更新 8 ヶ月 前
jellyfin-media-player fork
最終更新 1 年間 前
An ActivityWatch watcher for MPD.
最終更新 2 年 前
Simple pomodoro clock created for a FreeCodeCamp zipline challenge
Simple tic tac toe game created for a FreeCodeCamp zipline challenge
Simple calculator created for a FreeCodeCamp zipline challenge
A tool to keep track of all of your accounts
最終更新 3 年 前
A project to backup Netflix history with more detail than their csv history download.